Testosterone enanthate

In Testosterone Enanthate, testosterone is enclosed in an esterified form, a characteristic feature of which is the presence of an ester bond. This allows the hormone, including from the fat depot, to be released and consumed gradually, that is, to saturate the blood for a long time.

Reception of testosterone enanthate has a pronounced anabolic effect, stimulates the process of protein production - forms a nitrogen positive balance. These are just two of the many actions that are exerted on the body of an athlete.

For the production of testosterone in the male body, unlike the female, not only the adrenal cortex, but also the Leydig cells are responsible. The hormone exhibits minimal activity. Its interaction with androgen receptors is extremely small. This is due to the nature of the formation of the substance, which is the result of peripheral metabolism.

Being a prohormone, it cannot act on androgen receptors until it is modified - it is processed by a special enzyme. The role of the latter is performed by 5-alpha reductose. The result of this process is the formation of dihydrotestosterone, which turns the inactive form of the hormone into an active one.


  • 1 Steroid Profile and Action
  • 2 Effect of the steroid Testosterone enanthate 250
  • 3 Course Testosterone Enanthate Solo
  • 4 Combination Course
  • 5 Possible side effects
  • 6 drug reviews

Steroid Profile and Action

Testosterone enanthate, produced exclusively in the form of injections, shows the following indicators of the steroid profile:

  • 100% anabolic and androgenic effects;
  • high conversion to estrogen;
  • significant suppression of the hypogalamic-pituitary-gonadal system (hypothalamus-pituitary-testes (GGH));
  • lack of toxic effects on the liver;
  • active action up to two weeks;
  • detection by test results up to three months.

The duration of the hormone in the blood is provided by the enanthate. The exposure period of this ether varies from 14 to 21, and the half-life takes from 6 to 7 days. The specific time of action is variable and is due to the individual characteristics of the athlete's body.

Steroid Effect Testosterone Enanthate 250

The drug acts in several directions:

  • It leads to an increase in muscle mass. The reason for the sharp increase in volume is the accumulation of liquids. It is caused by sodium retention and estrogenic activity of the hormone. After the end of the injection course, a rollback occurs. Muscle contraction may be less or more pronounced.
  • Increases the level of power indicators.
  • Develops male genital organs. The hormone is directly involved in the formation of such secondary sexual characteristics as the emphasis on male facial features, the acquisition of a low voice, covering the body with hair.
  • Provides spermatogenesis, which affects sexual desire.
  • Improves phosphorus and nitrogen metabolism.
  • Eliminates crunch in the shoulders, various problems with intervertebral discs, joint pain.
  • Stimulates regenerative processes.
  • Increases tone and motivation for classes.
  • Prevents the onset of overtraining.
  • Increases the concentration of red blood cells.

Testosterone Enanthate Solo Course

Enanthate is recommended for people over the age of majority after a full medical examination. Injections are given a maximum of twice every seven days. The optimal dosage is selected individually, depending on many related factors. A safe norm is considered an amount in the range of 250-500 milligrams. It is permissible to increase the volumes of the administered drug as the body weight increases.

The average duration of an injection course is from two to two and a half months. Post-course therapy (PCT) begins only in the third or fourth week after the completion of steroid use. Beginners who have not previously used such steroids should start with a minimum dose of 250 ml, which is not only safe, but also allows you to track how the body reacts to this hormone.

Avoidance of side estrogenic effects allows the use of Proviron. It should be started to be drunk in the second or third week of the course, and ended 7 days after the steroid is canceled. If possible, it is best to constantly monitor the concentration of estradiol. This will most successfully allow you to avoid any side effects. The use of cortisol blockers allows minimizing the loss of weight gain.

Combined course

To enhance the effect of the drug, it can be used in conjunction with methandrostenolone, trenbolone, nandrolone or anapolone. The dosage of drugs is reduced to the minimum, which is recommended during a solo course.

Feasible side effects

The most pronounced disadvantage of the drug is a high conversion to estrogens, which causes side effects: gynecomastia, edema, fat deposits. They, as a rule, are manifested with non-compliance with the duration of administration and dosages.

The use of antiestrogens to address these shortcomings refers to the old method, which is inferior in effectiveness to taking aromatase inhibitors. The use of antiestrogens must begin after the abolition of enanthate in order to restore normal hormone production.

Along with the listed side effects, blood pressure may increase, hair loss, aggression may increase, acne (acne) may appear.

Reviews about the drug

A large number of athletes are satisfied with gaining muscle mass. However, more than fifty percent note a strong pullback phenomenon, which is a significant minus. It is impossible to completely maintain the volume increase after the steroid is canceled. A third, and sometimes even more, of the mass goes away.

This fact, of course, is considered a significant drawback, but does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug as a whole. This steroid is very popular. It is produced by both foreign and domestic pharmacological concerns. This allows you to easily find reviews about the steroid of any brand.