Is it true that sports energy is harmful to the heart?

The desire to be alert, strong, hardy and tireless has been inculcated in a reasonable person from the time of his appearance. This desire was dictated by the harsh laws of survival. To enhance their physical abilities, people used herbal remedies. Some plants used only roots, while others only leaves or pollen. We found such herbs in which everything was used. From history, we know that Greek and Roman warriors used parsley, thyme and others, richly fortified and rich in trace elements, gifts of nature before battles.

In modern conditions, when the need for the development and accumulation of physical strength for the majority of the planet’s population for the fight and survival has disappeared, you can become awake and frisky in a matter of minutes. To achieve the desired state, it is enough to drink a miracle drink or take a pill. The possibilities of organic chemistry saved people from searching in the forests and meadows for stimulants of moods, sources of vivacity, and generators of strength.

Young people, because of their self-confidence, do not really think about what will happen tomorrow, after using energy tonics. The attractive taste of "soda" with components that activate the internal forces of the body, often causes serious health problems. Of course, from one jar a day or less often, for a consumer with normal functioning of the body, there will be no deviations in health.

Often the question arises about the influence of power engineers, including sports, on the work of the heart and in the whole cardiovascular system. There are many stories, with examples from life, about their action and consequences, in which facts and thought-out stories are mixed. Opinions that add drugs, for example, cola, or stimulants that enhance the power of the heart muscle are very popular.

According to the information printed on the container with the drink, it can be enhanced with a concentration of caffeine or its composition is enriched with carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids. All of these substances are constantly used by residents and are not hazardous to health. Being in natural forms, they are necessary and useful to every person. But, created artificially and combined in a beautiful package, the above components are not always and not for every person involved in sports, can give the expected effect.

And since the heart is most prone to “spurring” on the part of various tonic agents, and this may be the composition formed by amino acids and carbohydrates, blood pressure will necessarily increase and a heart rhythm failure may occur. This conclusion was made by cardiologists in 2013 at a meeting in New Orleans. There was also a warning about compliance with measures in the application of power engineers. Unambiguously, they should be excluded from sports nutrition for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cardiac abnormalities or already have signs of disturbances in cardiac activity.

Before using the energy “backup”, cardiologists advise:
- monitor the amount of drink you drink,
- analyze the manifestation of effects from various "tonics",
- pay attention to the occurrence of side signals,
- Be sure to consult a doctor.

The following warnings may serve as the need for refusal, from giving oneself strength in the future due to the “sports power engineer”:
- arrhythmia of the heart muscle,
- a high degree of heart palpitations in a relaxed state,
- the occurrence of anxiety, anxiety and nervousness,
- feeling dizzy and nauseous.
And completely unacceptable for athletes are drinks of the second group containing caffeine. Firstly, an excess of its dose will be recognized by the adoption of doping, and secondly, caffeine quickly loses its effect and apathy and muscle weakness occur instead of excitement.

Like all energy-charging agents, the action of sports drinks is aimed at achieving noticeable physical results. But not due to the energy of the contents in the jars, but due to the reserves of the body. It is known that excessive “scooping out” of forces from him, ultimately, “does not bring to good.” Only moderation and caution in their use will allow the athlete to avoid negative consequences.