Best trapezius exercises

Professional bodybuilder Joni Jackson deliberately did not develop his trapezius muscles. As a teenager, he simply performed extra shrugs at the end of each workout. As a result, he received an outstanding trapeze, for which he gained his popularity. After all, these muscles really help to achieve an impressive appearance. Next, we will consider how to pump up the trapezoid and list the most effective exercises for the development of the trapezius muscles.


  • 1 Shrug with a barbell from behind
  • 2 Shrugs with a barbell in front of you standing
  • 3 Shrugs on the simulator
  • 4 Shrugs on Smith's Simulator
  • 5 Shrugs on the calf muscle trainer
  • 6 High deadlift weights from a sumo stand
  • 7 Dilution on the Pec Deck Reverse Grip Simulator
  • 8 Pull-ups
  • 9 Cravings
  • 10 Power lift dumbbells over the head
  • 11 Shrugs with a barbell over your head

Shrugs with a barbell from behind

Bend your knees slightly and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift the barbell and hold it behind the hips.

Raise your shoulders to your ears to the maximum height while keeping your arms straight. Hold the muscles in tension for a second, and then lower the bar to its original position. Do 3 sets of at least 12 reps.

Shrugs with a barbell in front of you standing

One of the most famous exercises in bodybuilding. Put your feet shoulder-width apart to stand firmly on the floor. Grasp the barbell with both hands with a direct grip, lift it and hold it in front of you (palms turned to the hips; hands should be wrapped with boxing bandages).

This is the starting position. As you exhale, raise your shoulders as far as you can and hold the position for a second. As you inhale, slowly return to your starting position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Shrugs on the simulator

Choose the appropriate weight and stand with your back to the simulator right between the handles. Grasp the handles with a comfortable grip. Breathe in and lower your hips. To take a starting position, rest against the floor with your heels, stretch your hips and knees and rise.

When doing the exercise, your arms should remain straight. Lift weight by shrugging toward your ears. Move your shoulders clearly up and down. Make small stops at the top position and then return to the starting position. Perform 4 sets of at least 10 repetitions.

Shrugs on Smith Trainer

This exercise, in addition to the trapezoid, is aimed at the middle part of the back and shoulders. First of all, set the height of the bar on the simulator approximately in the middle of your hips. Pick the right weight. Then grab the bar with a straight grip and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Your back should remain straight. Extend your arms fully and raise the bar to its original position.

As you exhale, shrug your shoulders until they get close to your ears. Then, while inhaling, hold this position for a while before returning to the starting position.

You can also do this exercise using the squat rack and barbell. But in this case, you will not have support as on Smith's simulator. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing a weight in order to maintain the correct position. Too much weight can cause personal injury. Specifically, in this exercise your back may suffer. Do 3 sets of at least 12 reps.

Shrugs on the calf muscle trainer

While holding the pads above your shoulders, stand on the treadmill. Now take the starting position: the body is straight, arms are extended along the body.

As you exhale, lift your shoulders up to your ears and hold for several seconds. As you inhale, slowly return to starting position. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

High deadlift from a sumo stand

Choose the right weight for your weight that you can hold during the exercise. Place it in the center between the legs. Use both hands to grab the weight. Legs should be shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and take your hips.

This is the starting position. Now bend your knees, while pulling the weight to your shoulders, raising your elbows. Then do the same in reverse order to return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Dilution on the Pec Deck Seated Reverse Grip Simulator

The most important thing in this exercise is the correct position. It targets the middle and lower sections of the trapezius muscles. Exercise should be performed, fully controlling all movements.

Set the simulator seat to the lowest position. With a back grip, grab the handles just above shoulder level.

Now take the handles back to the end, tighten the trapezius muscles, linger in this position for a second and slowly return the arms back. To get the result, perform at least 10 repetitions.

Paddle pull-ups

This exercise is aimed at the middle and lower sections of the trapezius muscle. Select the crossbar and hang on it with a direct grip. Lift the body a few centimeters without using hand force. Hold in this position and then very slowly lower back. To get the result, follow 4 sets of at least 12 repetitions.


This is one of the best exercises for working out the posterior deltoid muscle and lower trapezium. But be careful when doing it. For this exercise, attach the rope to the block trainer. Make sure that the rope does not slip out of your hands and that your legs are firmly pressed to the floor.

Keep your arms parallel to the ground while moving and your elbows above your wrists. Then slowly pull the rope to its original position. Do 4 sets of at least 12 reps.

Dumbbell overhead lift

One of the most effective exercises for the trapezius muscles. Here you can use large weights (taking into account endurance). During the exercise, the upper and middle trapezius muscles will contract isometrically. In addition, they will work to support the arms above the head during a power lift. First place the dumbbell between your legs, then squat down to grab it.

Now, with a sharp thrust of your hips, get up and lift weight above your head as quickly as possible. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Shrug with a barbell over your head

This exercise, in addition to working with the trapezoid, also increases the strength of the upper part of the body. This is a very important and useful exercise for athletes who actively use shoulders and upper back in competitions. When performing the exercise, the shoulder joint should be protected from injury, as upward rotations with greater weight will be performed.

Hold the barbell over your head, as if you had completed the bench press. Raise your shoulders, squeeze the trapezius muscles and at the same time keep the body in tension. Holding this state for 3 seconds, slowly relax the muscles. To complete this exercise, first get in shape. And then add weight a little. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.