A healthy breakfast is the basis of good nutrition

Not all people treat breakfast with due attention. Some do not have time to have breakfast because of their employment and are limited to a cup of tea or coffee. Others suffer from a lack of appetite in the morning and force themselves to eat through force or do not eat breakfast at all. Without morning meals, the body does not receive the necessary energy for full activity during the day. You can’t completely refuse breakfast, but you need to choose healthy and nutritious foods for it.


  • 1 Why is breakfast good for the body?> 2 Why don't you feel like having breakfast in the morning?
  • 3 What are the consequences of refusing breakfast?
  • 4 What foods are not recommended for breakfast?
  • 5 Healthy Breakfast Basics
  • 6 Carbohydrate and protein breakfast
  • 7 Breakfast for athletes

What is breakfast good for?

Morning hours are the best time to get energy for the whole day. Its deficiency can be filled with later meals, but they will not be able to normalize the metabolism. Refusing breakfast for weight loss or weight maintenance is pointless. This will lead to the opposite effect. Carbohydrate-rich and high-energy foods are absorbed better in the morning, helping to reduce appetite and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Morning meals have a beneficial effect on well-being and health:

  • accelerate the metabolic process by an average of 5%;
  • normalize cholesterol;
  • prevent platelet aggregation (gluing);
  • reduce the risks of strokes and heart attacks.

People who do not skip breakfast are much less likely to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and stones in the gall bladder.

Meals in the morning give a boost of energy and vitality, relieve drowsiness and apathy, and cheer up. Breakfast stimulates a person’s intellectual abilities, increases mindfulness and concentration.

Why don't you feel like having breakfast in the morning?

Lack of appetite in the morning is often accompanied by a feeling that the stomach is full. Well-being also leaves much to be desired. Apathy, drowsiness and fatigue are the result of lowering blood sugar levels in the morning. All this is caused not by the individual characteristics of the body, but by the lack of a proper diet and proper rest.

Eating food at bedtime does not allow the digestive tract to rest. To digest the food eaten, the stomach does not stop working at night. This entails a feeling of morning fullness. Such a eating habit is a violation of the basics of the correct regime and entails negative consequences for health.

Overeating at night is largely due to the existing misconception that the energy accumulated during dinner is stored and consumed the next morning, and breakfast contributes to weight gain. Everything happens the other way around. Food eaten at bedtime turns into fat deposits, and breakfast is perfectly absorbed by the body and gives the necessary boost of vigor. And in order to regain appetite in the morning, you need to reconsider eating habits.

What is the risk of refusing breakfast?

The cause of global obesity, according to scientists, is the neglect of food in the morning. People who do not eat breakfast get better by 3-5 kg ​​annually. This is not so noticeable at an early age and youth, but over the years it makes itself felt. From the age of 35 to the age of 50, the habit of not having breakfast in the morning leads to obesity and its characteristic health problems.

Refusing breakfast may cause the following consequences:

  1. The risk of heart attack and death from coronary disease in men increases by 25%;
  2. By 40 years, the degree of excess of weight in women can be from 5 to 20 kg;
  3. The risk of developing gallstone disease and type II diabetes for both sexes is increasing;
  4. Both men and women have a decrease in labor activity, the ability to logical thinking.

What foods are not recommended for breakfast?

Not every breakfast is healthy. The choice of products for the morning menu must be approached thoroughly. Sandwiches with coffee and tea are not the best replacement for fruit salads and cereals. They and other traditional breakfast foods are of little use.

There are a number of products whose use is not recommended for breakfast by nutritionists. These include:

  1. Sausage, sausages, bacon.

The composition of these meat products contains a large amount of nitrates, salt and other chemicals. Experts advise replacing them with chicken or turkey meat.

  1. Breakfast cereals.

Ready breakfasts contain not only plant fiber, but also abound in “fast” carbohydrates - sugar. Satiety after breakfast is quickly replaced by hunger. To avoid this, you should eat high-grade cereals, for example, muesli drenched in kefir with nuts and fruits.

  1. Donuts and fritters.

Fast carbohydrates contained in these products contribute to the formation of fat deposits from excess sugar, do not benefit the figure. When they are used, heaviness appears in the stomach.

  1. Yogurts from the store.

Preservatives, sweeteners, flavors are present on the shelves of yoghurt supermarkets. It is recommended to prepare fermented milk products for a morning meal on your own. If this is not possible, the yogurt should be replaced with kefir.

  1. Cottage cheese.

A healthy and protein-rich product is not suitable for breakfast. It is recommended to eat not in the morning, but in the afternoon.

  1. Citrus.

Tangerines and oranges used on an empty stomach can provoke allergies and lead to the development of gastritis.

  1. Bananas

If in the morning there are bananas containing an excess of magnesium, this is fraught with a violation of the internal balance of the body. Bananas should not be consumed for breakfast, but in the afternoon.

  1. Canned products, smoked meats.
  2. Sweet and tea with sugar.

The calorie content and nutritional value of a morning meal are selected individually. Rich in carbohydrates and light breakfasts are necessary for people with intellectual labor, protein and high-calorie foods are recommended for those who are engaged in physical labor.

Healthy breakfast basics

The recipe for a healthy and healthy breakfast is simple. Its menu should include easily digestible foods high in trace elements and vitamins. The calorie content of the morning meal should be 40% of the daily diet, that is, from 360 to 500 kcal. It is necessary not only to calculate the calorie content of products, but also to correlate food with the individual needs of the body.

Useful for breakfast are:

  • Eggs containing proteins and other nutrients
  • hearty, protein-rich, practically devoid of carbohydrates, chicken meat harmless to the figure;
  • bran and rye bread, whole grain flour products;
  • rich in natural antiseptics, nutrients, carbohydrates, fatigue and stress relieving honey;
  • cereal cereals providing a long feeling of fullness;
  • kefir and green tea.

Invigorating coffee lovers do not have to give it up completely, but you should limit your drink consumption. For breakfast, it is recommended that you drink no more than one cup of coffee. This is approximately 50-70 g, but no more.

Recommendations and advice of nutritionists:

  1. In order for breakfast not to be a burden and bring pleasure, it is necessary to postpone the time of dinner and not to overeat at night. This will allow you to experience a slight feeling of hunger in the morning.
  2. It does not take much time to prepare a light and wholesome breakfast. It is enough to get up in the morning about 15 minutes earlier than usual.
  3. Coffee should be drunk after eating. On an empty stomach, this drink irritates the mucous membranes and can cause gastritis.
  4. Breakfast should be turned into a full meal.

If a person has never had breakfast before, it is impossible to rebuild the body in one day. Accustom yourself to a new habit is necessary gradually. It is better to start with a light snack, and then gradually increase the calorie content of breakfasts.

Carbohydrate and Protein Breakfasts

Carbohydrate-rich breakfast foods are recommended for mental workers. An ideal carbohydrate breakfast is cereals or granola cereals prepared on water. To diversify the menu allows the addition of granola nuts, fruits and natural juices. Butter products and sweets are also rich in carbohydrates, but harm the figure. Cereals, on the contrary, contribute to the stabilization and maintenance of weight. You need to select foods with carbohydrates so that the feeling of fullness is not accompanied by a desire to take a nap.

Proteins for breakfast are necessary for athletes who are actively moving during the day or who are engaged in heavy physical activity. A great source of protein is the classic English breakfast. It is not necessary to be limited to a traditional omelet. It can be varied with ready-made vegetables and chicken. Refuse completely from carbohydrates is not necessary. A small piece of grain bread and a slice of cheese will give the carbohydrates required for full physical activity.

Breakfast for athletes

People involved in sports need not only high-calorie breakfasts, but also the amino acids that contribute to the increase in muscle mass, which are necessary for the full function of all systems of vitamins. A properly designed diet for athletes and bodybuilders is one of the most important tasks.

With high physical and energy costs, skipping breakfast is not allowed for athletes. Starvation in the morning entails overeating at dinner. This completely violates the basics of proper nutrition, does not allow you to adhere to a clear regime and maintain athletic form.

The bodybuilder's breakfast menu is selected with a hearty, dense, protein, rich in cereals. This is cottage cheese, chicken and cereal. The use of food additives must be clearly regulated according to the energy expended. During stubborn and hard training take whey proteins (protein shakes) or gainers. If there is no hard training, the athlete rests, it is better to refrain from additives.

According to experienced athletes, the ratio of carbohydrate and protein consumed for breakfast depends on the physique. Ectomorphs are recommended to use an equal amount of both proteins and carbohydrates. Mesomorphs should consume 65% of proteins and 35% carbohydrates, and endomorphs should reduce the number of carbohydrate foods to 25% and there are more proteins.

Proper nutrition is the key to well-being, physical and mental health. A well-composed and useful diet prevents metabolic disorders, is the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular disease. Following and observing the basics of proper nutrition allows you to maintain a good tone, good mood and have enough energy to carry out both intellectual and physical activities.