Standing Dumbbell Legs

As soon as this movement is not called. Standing wiring, dumbbell abduction standing sideways, standing forearm dilution, forearm abduction, standing arms with dumbbells. For simplicity, we will designate it as “the spread of arms standing on the middle delta, ” but it is anatomically correct to call it lateral abduction. The number of techniques performed by athletes is even more diverse. Some argue that you need to contrive in such a way as to raise your shoulders and take the dumbbells in an arc. Others - in no case do not bring the dumbbell above the elbow. Still others admit cheating; fourths are strictly against it. Fifths generally believe that movement causes pinching of the nerves by the shoulder joint, and therefore should not be practiced. The mass of options, in fact, in fitness we need to master the simplest, and not try to include the "extra" muscles like trapeziums in the process.


  • 1 Why shoulders are often injured
  • 2 Shoulder Training Rules
  • 3 Dilution Technique
  • 4 Mahi with one dumbbell
    • 4.1 Features of the movement
  • 5 Technical errors

Why shoulders are often injured

In fact, breeding with dumbbells is rarely the cause of injuries, with the exception of very terrifying equipment. Individual athletes can throw weights to the head, raise their arms too high, sway aggressively, and rotate their arms in the shoulder joint back while moving. They seriously risk, but not by tearing the muscles, as is commonly believed, but by sprains and subsequent inflammatory processes.

The problem with the shoulders is that they are loaded not only in sports, but also in everyday life. We sit a lot, raising our shoulders and overstressing the trapezoid, we carry bags for one shoulder for a long time, stretching one half of the body and involuntarily reducing the second, and often do sharp arms up without warming up. This leads to overload of the joints.

Suppose a person has never trained. He comes into the hall and begins to perform a bench press, a bench press in the simulator, sitting, standing, a couple more bench presses, but already with dumbbells. In all of them, the deltoid work and the joint is involved. It is enough to overwork and make an awkward movement and you can get a strain or stretch. Ironically, the injury occurs at the last exercise most often, and this is not some kind of heavy press, but an isolating swing with dumbbells standing or pulling your arms sideways with the cable. The reason here is not the movement itself, but the overload of the joint.

Beginners are not recommended for more than 2-3 bench press exercises in one training session. If there are too many exercises, it is better to leave leads or swings for an easy session, and not to do when the body has already received sufficient load. Ideally, the training should include 1 heavy, 1 auxiliary bench press, and one abduction of the arms while lying or standing. Only then will the volume be adequate.

Of great importance are the anatomical features. With excessive development of the trapezoid, the athlete will not be able to perform the movement only at the expense of the shoulders. This should be taken into account when choosing weights of weights and start literally with 2-3 kg.

Injuries are often accompanied by inflammations that are not localized, but spread throughout the muscle bundle. Often they affect the nerves, it intensifies the pain. A doctor should be involved in diagnosing shoulder injuries. Guessed home treatment will not lead to anything good.

Shoulder Training Rules

Some of them have already been mentioned. The shoulders “suffer” usually due to the exorbitant physical form of the athlete’s zeal. Simply put, everyone wants to pump them faster, because they give the figure an athletic look and therefore turn the training of any part of the body into “shoulders”. This is not rational and leads to injury. A novice athlete should not swing his shoulders on the same day as his chest and back.

There are two basic rules for creating a split for beginners:

  • If the bench press is performed while standing or sitting on the day of shoulder training, it does not need to be attached to the chest or back. Make shoulders with legs like old school athletes and stay healthy;
  • If there is no bench in training, but there are only leads and a lift-broach, then do shoulder training on the day of the light bench press while working with triceps

Training shoulders with your back makes sense only if there really is nowhere else to put them, all the presses in the workout are heavy, the legs are also heavy, and the back is performed on the basis of the “injury injection” principle. But in fitness this is not typical. Rather, it is a powerlifter approach.

Important: if the beginner does not split yet, the abductions of the hands can replace him with a bench press in some cases. For example, when training was carried out on training the classical bench press with a barbell, and the front deltas are already overloaded.

Dilution Technique

This movement has only a few technical features. They are aimed at ensuring that the load does not shift to the front and rear bundles of the deltoid muscles. The front bundles raise their hands, the rear - back. It's simple - you do not have to swing the swing with a clear emphasis on bringing the shoulder blades and swing forward with the swing of the dumbbells in front of the chest. Bodybuilding options are loved by bodybuilding professionals for just one reason. These people have been training for years, sometimes for decades. Their muscles are difficult to "break through" something, and surprise. Therefore, they use such strange methods for the layman.

Important: This exercise is rarely performed first in training the shoulder girdle, but almost always requires joint warm-up. If you already did bench presses while standing and lying down, you just need to perform several rotations in the shoulder joint, bringing the arm back. Those who did not need a full workout, with light bench presses with a body bar, leads with rubber or without weights.

How to carry out the movement:

  1. Stand right in front of the mirror to see your movements;
  2. In your hands, take dumbbells of minimum weight, but such that it is felt;
  3. Take the forearm to the side, along an arcuate trajectory, raising the elbow to the side, but not above the shoulder;
  4. The elbows are slightly bent;
  5. Dumbbells in hands unfold in the direction of movement;
  6. When we put our hands to the sides, the little finger is at the top, the thumb is at the bottom, and this causes the dumbbell to turn around;
  7. Raising and lowering are performed smoothly and slowly, without cheating by the body and additional unnecessary movements

In normal mode, movement is performed for 10-12 repetitions. But there are special cases. For example, a person has very responsive, slow muscle fibers and requires multiple repetition or statics, that is, holding the dumbbells at the top point. Or a variant with a relatively low repetition mode is possible, if the opposite is true. It is important to observe yourself and do what the body responds to.

Important: the exercise should not be performed due to inertia in any of the options. If you need to push with your feet, bounce or make body movements, too much weight has been taken, and it is necessary to reduce it.

Mahi with one dumbbell

Abduction of one arm is an option for those who struggle with muscle imbalances or suffer from cheating. It is necessary to grasp the vertical support with your free hand, and stand up, transferring the weight to the center of the arch of both feet. Then the arm is taken to the side, completely repeating the technique of the main exercise.

Despite the fact that the goal is to defeat imbalances, the movement is made on both sides by the same number of repetitions.

It is necessary to avoid excessive side inclination in order to avoid pinching of the nerve and not to provoke an inflammatory process.

Features of the movement

The following are the features of the exercise:

  1. This is an insulating muscle movement, you do not need to take huge dumbbells, and try to push them upwards as it turns out;
  2. Weight is selected individually, strictly so that it is possible to lift it by reducing the middle deltoid bundle, and not including the trapezoid and muscles of the body and legs;
  3. If cheating cannot be removed at all, you need to make a movement in the "sitting on the bench" position with your back pressed to the back;
  4. There is no way to develop the technique "> Technical errors

    The list of mistakes of beginners and professionals is almost the same:

    1. The desire to pump muscles as quickly as possible, and the choice of too heavy dumbbells, which will certainly interfere with the exercise correctly;
    2. Exit to the socks, rolls in the foot, change of foot position;
    3. Execution of movement due to the inclination of the housing;
    4. Starting position with the back tilted back;
    5. Changing the trajectory of movement, throwing dumbbells to the head;
    6. Uneven rise right and left. If your spine is curved, follow one arm;
    7. Flexion in the hip joint with an inclination forward;
    8. Change in angle in the hip joint as fatigue occurs;
    9. The inclusion of excess muscle as fatigue

    Shoulder flings are often performed with a drop set to trigger extensive pumping. This is permissible only if the athlete is experienced and can maintain a starting position throughout the exercise.

    Those who work with cheating can recommend smooth leads on the bottom block of the crossover. This will help get rid of unnecessary shocks and other movements and will allow you to instantly improve the technique. The exercise must be performed regularly, then with its development there will be no big problems.