Never diet again

Diet and a balanced diet are two different concepts that you should learn to distinguish before starting to reduce your diet in an attempt to maintain optimal weight. In general, a proper balanced diet will help achieve the same results as a diet, however, unlike a diet, it is easy to follow a fairly long period of time.

Short-term diets for several days give a quick result, which is also quickly lost. Long-term diets pose a potential danger to their fans, they can damage physical and mental health and are unlikely to bring the desired result in the long run. Reducing the volume of different parts of the body while observing express diets occurs only due to loss of fluid, muscle mass and bowel cleansing. The body cannot quickly begin to lose body fat, therefore, in conditions of lack of food, light carbohydrates and muscle mass begin to break down, releasing the necessary energy and nutrients for one's own needs. Those who want to lose weight without harm to their own health will help a few tips that do not force you to exhaust yourself with diets.


  • 1 Carbohydrates should be consumed with protein
  • 2 Do not eat carbohydrates after eating the main meal
  • 3 Water should be ingested in sufficient quantities.
  • 4 You need to choose the right fats
  • 5 Breakfast should be saturated enough
  • 6 Supplements Must Be Present In The Diet
  • 7 You need to exercise more often

Carbohydrates should be consumed with protein.

With appropriate physical exertion and the absence of overeating, the amount of carbohydrates consumed can not be controlled. However, carbohydrates, which are consumed in large quantities without protein, are converted into glucose in the body. An increase in glucose, in turn, causes an increase in insulin production, which slows down fat burning and stimulates appetite. According to studies, it is protein that significantly slows down the processing of carbohydrates into glucose, so dishes with a high protein content must be present in any diet.

Do not eat carbohydrates after eating a basic meal

There are times when hunger is still present after a large and satisfying dinner. Not the best way out of this situation is to consume another portion of carbohydrates, especially at night. At night, as a rule, during sleep, the body burns much less calories than during the day, so an excessive portion of carbohydrates at bedtime will cause an increase in fat reserves. If you have a feeling of hunger, then before going to bed, it is better to eat several small servings of protein food, for example, low-fat cottage cheese. Carbohydrates that are consumed before bedtime, even after three hours, can interfere with the production of growth hormone. It is this growth hormone that is involved in the burning of fats and muscle building, so in its absence fats will also accumulate.

Water must be ingested in sufficient quantities.

The human body is 70% water, therefore, water occupies a key place in all the functional processes of the body and in the metabolism. Studies show a decrease in metabolic rate in the body with insufficient fluid. Such a violation in the long term will necessarily affect the general condition, causing excessive thinness or swelling. In 2003, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology published a study that proves that only half a liter of fluid can speed up metabolism by about 30%. In addition to affecting the metabolism, water also gives some feeling of satiety. Quite often, hunger can be confused with thirst, which leads to the consumption of excessive amounts of food. Nutritionists recommend drinking a couple of glasses of water throughout the day between main meals.

You need to choose the right fats

Although the importance of fats for the body is difficult to overestimate, they themselves are quite high in calories and contain almost 2 times more calories per gram, compared with carbohydrates and proteins. In the process of maintaining the body in a dry state without fat accumulation, it is necessary to some extent limit the intake of saturated fats, which are found in large quantities in beef and dairy products. Saturated fats are responsible for maintaining testosterone levels, however, they are mainly stored as fat. Instead of beef, you can eat more fish products or poultry as compensation. Monounsaturated fats of nuts and olive oil and polyunsaturated fish fats are almost completely processed by the body and are not stored as fat deposits. Total daily fat intake should be no more than 20% of the total calorie intake per day.

Breakfast should be saturated enough

Food that is consumed during breakfast is almost never stored in fats. Breakfast determines the entire daily metabolic rate, maintains the desired metabolic rate and provides all possible assistance in the process of controlling appetite throughout the day. According to studies published in an American college nutrition magazine journal, people who eat protein and complex carbohydrates in their breakfast consume fewer calories over the next day.

Supplements must be present in the diet.

Even if creatine, glutamine, BCAA inducers and other mixtures are already morally fed up, you do not need to completely eliminate them. Supplements provide all possible assistance in muscle growth. In the process of muscle building, metabolism is accelerated, which makes fat deposits impossible, however, the same metabolism may not allow reaching the desired muscle mass. Supplements should be taken in food, in addition, it is better to use drugs with them, the main effect of which is to burn fat. Some supplements, such as nitric oxide, themselves affect the process of reducing body fat. BCAA inducers help maintain metabolism at a high enough level, creatine affects the process of burning fat, and also increases muscle strength.

To dry the body, it is better to use several additives in the complex. This complex should include:

  • arginine - about 3-5 grams in the morning before breakfast, half an hour or an hour before training and before bedtime;
  • BCAA - about 3-5 grams in the morning before meals, the same amount immediately before and immediately after training, as well as in the evening;
  • creatine - about 3-5 grams before and immediately after training.

You need to train more often

In the process of muscle building, the number of workouts and the recovery process after them are of key importance, and the main thing is recovery. It is proved that in order to achieve greater efficiency of the training cycle, it should be divided into about six to seven sessions at a lower intensity of the loads themselves. This mode of exercise optimizes metabolism, because the metabolism is activated not only during intensive sports, but also for some time after exercise. Usually training takes place three times a week, during each lesson an intensive load is given directly to only certain parts of the body. Studies have shown that in the case of muscle building more effective have a short duration of training at least 6 times a week. With this training regimen, the metabolic rate rises to a higher level compared to the regimen of three times a week. Moreover, short physical activity helps to avoid excessive training and the accompanying overfatigue of muscles and the body as a whole.

Another important advantage of short and frequent physical activities is glucose metabolism. Under such a regime, when the body receives a load daily, excess glucose is processed into glycogen. In the usual mode of rest, glucose is stored in fat. To achieve the best result in the process of muscle building and strengthening the body, experts recommend developing the correct load regime for different parts of the body. The optimal schedule of exercise can be described as follows:

  • 1 day - the load is given to the muscles of the chest and press;
  • 2 day - the back should be maximally involved in the training;
  • 3 day - time to pump leg muscles, calves and again abs muscles;
  • Day 4 - exercises for the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the back;
  • 5 day - the press shakes again, and triceps are also involved;
  • 6 day - the main emphasis is on training the biceps and muscles of the forearm;
  • 7 day - a day of rest and rest for the whole body.