Daily Values: Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates

People seeking to lose weight or, conversely, gain muscle mass, need to pay increased attention to how much protein, fat, carbohydrate is present in the daily diet.


  • 1 Energy value of nutrition
  • 2 Protein: daily intake
  • 3 Fats: daily intake
  • 4 Carbohydrates: daily allowance
  • 5 Daily Calorie Need
    • 5.1 Calories in losing weight and gaining muscle mass
  • 6 Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
  • 7 Conclusion

Energy value of nutrition

There is a huge amount of information about how much protein, fat and carbohydrate should be present in the daily diet, but they are quite contradictory. Calorie calculators offered by many sites without any explanation of the calculations do not help either.

This entails many errors in fitness nutrition, the most common of which is the inclusion of a large amount of protein food and meat in the diet. A person begins to consume about four to five grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Such nutrition, as recent studies have shown, not only does not make sense, but also negatively affects health.

Protein: daily intake

For a long time, protein food was considered the basis of muscle-building nutrition. Recent evidence suggests otherwise. The menu should be high-calorie, rich in proper carbohydrates, and protein should account for 1.5-2.5 grams per 1 kilogram of dry body weight .

Increasing protein intake for weight loss is less important than vegetable oils and good fats, which should make up half the carbohydrate-free diet. Protein is enough to consume from 2 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Fats: daily rate

The body is able to do for several weeks without sources of carbohydrate and protein, but not without the most important nutrient, which is fat. Half of the brain is fat mass. The synthesis of testosterone and many other hormones occurs with the participation of saturated fats.

To maintain a stable weight, not to harm your health, from 35 to 50% of the total number of calories consumed should be healthy fats . It is rich in omega-3 fish, olive and coconut oil. Trans fats are completely excluded.

Carbohydrates: daily rate

A carbohydrate-free diet allows you to quickly and effectively lose weight, but only for a certain time. The negative consequences of such nutrition will be felt in the future. Returning pounds is the least problem.

It is much more important to separate the “ bad” and the “good” carbohydrates . The use of foods with a high glycemic index - white flour and sugar - leads to weight gain. In contrast, cereals and vegetables do not harm the figure, can make up to half the total number of calories.

Daily calorie requirement

It is necessary to calculate the number of calories and energy consumption in order to eat right, but you can not rely on calculations by formulas. Calculations, regardless of the method used, will never give an accurate result. Metabolic processes can slow down or, conversely, accelerate. It all depends on external factors under which the body adjusts.

On some days, a person needs one number of calories, on others another. This is due to the error of mathematical calculations, which can vary from 300 to 500 kilocalories. You should not torture yourself with constant calculations in search of the ideal calculation formula, it is enough to multiply your own weight by 35-40. If the activity is high, the number is taken more and vice versa.

Calories in losing weight and gaining muscle mass

A person begins to lose weight while reducing his usual diet by 15-20 percent and gain when increasing by a similar amount of calories. It is impossible to go beyond this framework. A too abrupt change in the daily norm will lead to metabolic disorders when the body begins to function in the mode of starvation or the accumulation of body fat.

Calories are calculated by the ingredients in the dish, weighed before cooking, or according to information from the product packaging. Calorie tables do not reflect reality. Home-cooked dishes or ordered in a restaurant most often differ strikingly from these indicators.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

The same amount of fat and carbohydrates will be obtained from a donut, washed with cola, and from a steak of salmon with brown rice and broccoli to garnish. Vegetables with cereals incorporate fiber, which is considered a carbohydrate, calculated as four kcal per gram. But the body does not absorb these calories.

It is necessary not only to consider proteins, carbohydrates, fats, but also to monitor in what form they are consumed. Diet with the same calorie are both useful and harmful. Therefore, it is very important to consider what is hidden behind the numbers.


A healthy diet involves consuming from 2 to 2.5 grams of protein, about 40-50% of proper fats and at least 150 grams of pure carbohydrates with a low glycemic index per kilogram of a person’s weight.