Drostanolone (Masteron)

The steroid Drostanolone with androgenic and anabolic effects is available in the form of propionate (dipropianate) and enanthate - esters that determine the characteristics of the drug. It is known to a wide mass of consumers under the trade names Masteron, Permastril, Metormon, Drolban. Both esters affect the body invariably, but are absorbed into the blood at different speeds. The duration of action of the enanthate is about 15 days, and the effect of propionate occurs already on the second or fourth day after injection.

Drostanolone has a moderate anabolic, but high androgenic effect, is an aromatase inhibitor with no effect of the conversion of testosterone to estrogens. The steroid is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, has a similar effect, has the chemical formula of 2-alpha-dihydrotestosterone propionate. Both enanthate and drostanolone were initially used exclusively as a treatment for breast cancer, but were discontinued due to the high risk of virilization. Used for sports purposes, it is produced, as a rule, in ampoules with a volume of 50 and 100 mg / ml.


  • 1 How Drostanolone acts "> 2 Masteron solo course
  • 3 Combination courses with drostanol
  • 4 side effects
  • 5 reviews

How does drostanolone work?

The effect of the steroid drug is manifested:

  • moderate diuretic effect;
  • suppression of catabolic processes;
  • strength indicators;
  • pronounced fat burning effect, proven scientifically, when in the course of research, “experimental” lost up to 5-7 percent of fat mass after passing the course;
  • preservation of muscle volume gained while taking the steroid, gaining muscle relief, hardness and density.

Athletes most often take the drug during drying, as well as in preparation for the competition.

Masteron Solo Course

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of enanthate and propionate, bodybuilders take from 400 to 500 milligrams of a steroid per week. An increase in dosage does not lead to a noticeable increase in physiological parameters, but can cause the rapid and rapid development of negative side effects.

The solo course involves the introduction of propionate three times a week or every other day, and enanthate - only once every seven days. Apply a steroid should begin after visiting a sports doctor, undergoing a diagnosis of the condition of the whole organism. During the entire course, it is necessary to take the appropriate tests, making adjustments to the program.

Combination courses with drostanol

Negative moments of solo use of the drug are easily eliminated by the joint use of a steroid with other similar drugs. In its action, Masteron is most similar to androgen receptors.

Most often they use either Winstrol or Oxandrolone. The first is most effective, since its interaction with androgen receptors is minimal. It reduces the concentration of globulin that binds sex hormones, that is, it exhibits a synergistic effect.

To gain muscle mass, Masteron is combined with testosterone propionate. In such a combined course, it is recommended to use gonadotropin. This allows you to compensate for the level of endogenous testosterone. The best compatibility of Drostanolone is manifested in conjunction with drugs such as Trenbolone and Boldenone.

Side effects

The pronounced fat-burning property, due to the low anabolic index, has a negative side. It manifests itself in an increased risk of androgenic reaction.

The following side effects may accompany Masteron's intake:

  • increased hair loss;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • high level of aggression;
  • acne
  • virilization.

The steroid has a minimal toxic effect on the liver, does not retain fluid in the body, and does not cause an increase in blood pressure.


An excellent characteristic of the drug is the prevalence of androgenic over anabolic activity. Bodybuilders, as a rule, especially value the fat burning effect of a steroid. The action enhances the intake of drugs that compensate for the androgenic effect. Thus, it turns out that the greatest loss in mass is brought by the combined technique. Solo courses, if you exceed the recommended dosage, are most likely to have negative side effects. Women are not recommended to take the drug, since the risks of virilization are high. A steroid helps men to make muscles more prominent, firmer and more pronounced.