Frank Medrano

Frank Medrano is a phenomenon, he does not reveal his age, nor height-weight - and prefers not to use stamps.

Many Bodybuilders find it difficult to believe that such muscles can be developed without pumping iron, and without eating meat. Yes, yes - Frank Medrano is a strict vegan, that is, he uses only plant-based foods. Of course, he was not like that from birth - like most people, he used to eat meat products and food until he was 30 years old. But for almost a decade now, since he had seriously engaged in sports, he has been following a purely plant-based diet.

It is interesting that friends with bodybuilders introduced him to vegetarianism. Frank decided to abandon meat, following their example, and soon he felt all the advantages of such a diet - first of all, according to him, a tremendous increase in energy and a reduction in recovery time, not to mention general recovery. Medrano was so imbued with the new nutrition system that after only 3 months of vegetarianism, together with friends, he created the Vegan Calisthen-X team.

He began to play sports just a month and a half before. Frank recalls that time: I decided to put myself in order after year after year I saw my terrible state. I was ashamed to even just take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, was slow, weak, and my diet did not improve the situation. At some point, something clicked in my head. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become brave, fast and strong . ”

As a sport for the development of these qualities, he chose calisthenics - a kind of gymnastics with the active use of his own body weight. “All the muscles of the body work in it, it can be practiced anywhere and anytime - both indoors and outdoors, both day and night. No matter where you are, you can always train effectively, ”says Frank.


  • 1 Interview
    • 1.1 How and when did you start training "> 1.2 What are the benefits of gymnastics over other training methods?
    • 1.3 How do you manage to motivate yourself and maintain consistency?
    • 1.4 How much time do you usually spend on training?
  • 2 Training program
    • 2.1 Monday
    • 2.2 Tuesday
    • 2.3 Wednesday
    • 2.4 Thursday
    • 2.5 Friday
    • 2.6 Saturday
  • 3 Rules in the sport of Frank Medrano
  • 4 Frank Medrano “My Body - My Gym” - Video
  • 5 Diet
  • 6 Interview continued
    • 6.1 Why did you become a vegan?
    • 6.2 Was it hard for you? If so, what was the most difficult and did it become easier over time?
    • 6.3 What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming a vegan?
    • 6.4 What is the hardest exercise for you?


How and when did you start training?

I started training about five years ago. I decided to put myself in order after year after year I saw my terrible state. I was ashamed to even just take off my shirt. I was constantly tired, was slow, weak, and my diet did not improve the situation. And at some point, something clicked in my head. I was tired of being constantly tired, passive and weak, and I wanted to become brave, fast and strong.

What are the benefits of gymnastics over other training methods?

In my opinion, there are many advantages of gymnastics over other types of training.

Gymnastics, aimed at increasing mass, uses only the weight of your own body as resistance to develop the ability to squat, stretch, bend, lunge, jump, lower, push up and move up and down, which allows you to easily accept the challenges of sports, work and life. You can also do gymnastics anywhere - both indoors and outdoors. No matter where you are, you can always train effectively!
You can do gymnastics at any time - day or night. The bottom line is that you can work efficiently anytime you want it — your body is always ready! For many exercises of gymnastics aimed at increasing in mass, the resistance of the mass of your own body is sufficient for fitness, improving health and physique. In some cases, elementary gymnastic equipment, for example, a wall, a chair, a box, a horizontal bar, etc., will be required to perform the exercises. However, in most cases, if you have everything in order with the body, this is already enough! Despite the fact that I usually do mainly gymnastic exercises, I also use free weights.

How do you manage to motivate yourself and maintain constancy "> motivates me.

How much time do you usually spend on training?

I usually do six days a week for about two hours a day.

To achieve the same form as his, you need to train often and regularly, that's what his regular workouts look like.

Training program


  • 30 power outputs
  • 100 regular push ups
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell bench press lying on a bench - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • 5 sets of 20 reps of push-ups on the uneven bars
  • 200 regular push ups
  • 50 push ups when arms are higher than legs
  • 50 push-ups
  • 50 push ups when legs above arms
  • 15 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • 15 twists - 15 lateral twists
  • 15 leg lifts - 3 sets


  • 30 power outputs
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of dumbbell deadlift
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of pullovers
  • 50 pull-ups from below
  • 50 pull-ups
  • 10 power outputs
  • 15 minutes HIIT
  • 15 twists - 15 lateral twists
  • 15 leg lifts - 3 sets


  • 100 push ups
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of a standing dumbbell bench press
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of lifting the dumbbells to the side while standing
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of lifting the dumbbells to the sides in a slope
  • 100 twists
  • 50 crossovers
  • 50 intense twists
  • 2 minutes of scissors (3 sets)
  • 60 seconds of twisting
  • 15 twists - 15 lateral twists
  • 15 leg lifts - 3 sets
  • Handstand training until you drop
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 30 power outputs
  • 50 pull-ups from below
  • Lifting the bar for biceps on the bench - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Hammer dumbbell lifting - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Hammer lifting dumbbells with a hammer - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • 100 dips
  • 100 push ups
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of extension from behind the head
  • 4 sets of 10 repetitions of triceps extensions on the block down with a reverse grip
  • 20 slow pull-ups
  • 20 slow push-ups on uneven bars
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 4 sets of dumbbell squats
  • 4 sets of 20 yards lunges
  • 100 squats
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of pistols
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of deadlift on straight legs
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of standing on toes
  • 4 sets of 10 reps of sitting on toes
  • 100 toe lifts while standing
  • 15 minutes HIIT


  • 100 twists
  • 8 100-meter sprints
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 100 push ups
  • 100 dips
  • 30 power outputs
  • 50 crossovers
  • 50 intense twists
  • 2 minutes of scissors lying (3 sets)
  • 60 seconds twisting hold (3 sets)

Sunday - rest

Frank Medrano Sport Rules

1. Constancy. The more persistent you are, the more and faster you will develop towards your own goals.

2. Diet and nutrition. No matter how hard you train, you won’t be in perfect shape if you don’t follow a healthy and healthy diet. Frank is also convinced that the best food is vegan .

3. HIIT. High-intensity interval training helps train the heart, accelerate metabolism and burn fat.

Frank Medrano “My Body - My Gym” - Video


Frank Medrano plays a very important role in nutrition and prefers to eat homemade food, as only in this case he can control and understand what exactly he eats.

The basis of his diet are:

  • almond milk
  • peanut butter
  • oatmeal, whole grain bread
  • pasta
  • nuts
  • lentils, quinoa, beans, mushrooms, spinach,
  • olive and coconut oil.
  • brown rice
  • vegetables and fruits

Interview continued

Why did you become a vegan?

I was engaged in fitness for some time, but I could not even imagine what incredible levels a vegan plant diet can lead me to in terms of physical capabilities and condition. I practiced extreme gymnastics (training on building body weight) for about a year and a half, when two of my friends who did the same as me, told me about the vegan lifestyle. Both of my friends have incredible strength and physical condition, so when I found out that they are vegans, it attracted my attention and I began to collect information. What struck me most about veganism was the fact that I felt that I needed to take my health to a whole new level. They explained the health benefits of veganism to me and helped with healthy vegan food when I first started. After a few weeks, my energy increased significantly, muscle endurance and recovery speed rose to incredible levels. I became stronger, faster and stopped feeling the fatigue and heaviness that were after eating dairy and meat products.

Initially, vegan health benefits convinced me to switch to veganism; and the effect that veganism had on the appearance and functioning of my body only strengthened my beliefs. Then I accepted other reasons for switching to veganism - for example, animal abuse inherent in industrial agriculture. This opened my eyes to the truth about the unjust killing of animals for food. It made me look back and think; all these years, I did not understand that animals deserve life - we should not consume them in order to be healthy or strong. Then I realized that I want to be a vegan.

Was it hard for you?> What would you say to a person who is thinking about becoming a vegan?

I would advise, first of all, to make the transition gradually and to realize that such a thing can happen that you will fall off at some point. Examine the information and find the food you will eat, figure out what you can cook, and look at vegan recipes to get you started. But always remember that ahead of you there will be a reward in relation to health and a sense of awareness that you are helping the planet, and not contributing to the cruelty and killing of animals. There will be people, even among friends, who wish you failure along the way; they will make fun of you so that you feel unhealthy or wrong in making the decision to switch to vegan. But the facts do not lie; people who benefit from the transition to a vegan diet.

What is the hardest exercise for you?

If you know any interesting facts about Frank, write in the comments.