Lifting Dumbbell Biceps

The easiest thing anyone can do for biceps is lifting dumbbells. Exercise is included in the arsenal of training a beginner, helps to work out both biceps and forearm muscles, and can be performed in different ways - with a direct grip, a “hammer”, alternately, simultaneously, while standing, sitting, on Larry Scott’s bench, in a simple style with support on the wall . This one movement was enough for millions of Soviet guys to get decent biceps. In modern bodybuilding, it helps to achieve impressive results - large, symmetrically developed arms - this is the main goal of the one who does the lifts.


  • 1 working muscles
  • 2 Technique
  • 3 exercise options
    • 3.1 With thigh focus - concentrated lift
    • 3.2 Lying on an incline bench
  • 4 Inclusion in the program

Working muscles

  • The main working muscle is the biceps muscle of the shoulder. He’s the biceps, it’s what we want to develop when we do many lifts and strive to perform more repetitions with impressive weight;
  • Brachialis and brachiradialis, the brachial and brachioradial muscles, help the movement. The first is responsible for the size of the forearms in the aesthetics of the body, the second - as it were, “raises” the biceps if it is qualitatively hypertrophied;
  • Front deltoids act as stabilizers. They help to balance weight during movement, and they are tensed statically. Partially included as stabilizers triceps, if the dumbbells fall slowly enough

This exercise is effective for athletes of all skill levels. It can be performed in two variations of the palm setting:

Supination is the turning of the brush outward.
  • With the direction of the palm to the stomach;
  • Supine lift, i.e. palm up

There are also several variations of the initial position:

  • Simple standing up;
  • Movement with the forearm in the hip sitting (concentrated lift);
  • Rise sitting on a bench;
  • Rise sitting on an inclined bench;
  • Hammer Dumbbell Lifting

Execution technique

This exercise is best mastered while standing or sitting. The first option is more simple and classic. You need to start with relatively light dumbbells in order to first gain movement, and then - perform it correctly and in the right amount.

The movement is as follows:

  • Starting position - stand, feet wider than shoulders, dumbbells along the body in straight outstretched arms;
  • The forearms are pressed to the sides. The elbows do not need to rest against the sides or stomach, but it is also impossible to move them from side to side;
  • The movement is carried out with flat blades and a tense press;
  • With an exhalation, the dumbbells are raised to the level of the elbow, then the arms are turned with the palms up, and the dumbbells are brought almost to the shoulders;
  • You need to stop a few centimeters from the shoulder at the point where the biceps are contracted to the greatest extent;
  • Then the hands should be slowly bent at the elbows and lowered to the starting position.

Important nuances:

  • During lifting, you should carefully bring your hands to your shoulders, without performing any unnecessary movements of the body;
  • It is not necessary to turn the dumbbells lower than the position “the dumbbell is projected into the bend of the elbow”, otherwise you can get injuries of the ligaments of the elbow joint with too much weight;
  • The movement should be smooth, exhale on effort

Exercise options

All variations, one way or another, involve biceps and brachialis. The question is in "proportions." The option with the emphasis on the thigh isolates the biceps more, supination distributes the load equally, and the “hammers” and reverse grip focus on brachialis.

Focused on the thigh - concentrated lift

It is believed that concentrated lifting should be done with a lot of weight, but this is not so. It is enough to perform it cleanly and with less burden in order to obtain a significant effect. This movement is also suitable for pumping peak biceps.

The technique is as follows:

  • A bench of adequate height is selected so that the hips are parallel to the floor;
  • First, an exercise with a weaker hand is performed;
  • The elbow rests on the thigh of a leg standing steadily on the floor, the toe is deployed as in a squat, the knee is bent;
  • The body leans slightly towards the working hand, but does not fit on the hip;
  • A hand with a dumbbell rises smoothly as you exhale;
  • The shell goes to the shoulder;
  • The reversal rules are the same as in the classic lift, the rotation in the middle of the amplitude;
  • In this technique, there is a tendency to roll back in the direction of the working arm and hump. You need to control yourself and prevent changes in body position.

Lying on an incline bench

Climbing the biceps on an incline is an exercise from the stretched position of the biceps. It is performed both with supination and with a hammer, and is intended for concentrated study of the biceps.

The technique is as follows:

  • The bench is set at an angle of forty-five degrees or slightly lower. It is necessary to choose a position in which there will be no pain in the shoulder joints;
  • It is necessary to press the back to the bench tight enough, while pulling the shoulder blades to the spine;
  • Dumbbells are raised to the middle of the amplitude with a “hammer”, then the arms are turned with the palms up;
  • At the upper point of the wrists, they look towards the forearm, the biceps are shortened, but you do not need to specially bring the arm to the shoulder;
  • You need to stop at the point of amplitude where the muscle is contracted as much as possible;
  • Lowering occurs as if in the reverse order, but slowly

Work on a bench with a straight back is used by those athletes who would like to get rid of cheating with their backs, and cannot perform the exercise, clinging to the wall, as there is simply no such opportunity in the hall.

Back support against the wall has one technical nuance - the back should be fully pressed, the forearm to the sides, but it makes sense to push the feet forward so that the body position is stable in the stance.

Program Inclusion

Putting this exercise into the program can be quite challenging. There is an opinion that everything that is done with dumbbells should be performed only after exercises with a barbell. This is true if, in principle, an athlete can do exercises with a barbell. When it comes to newcomers or girls, it makes sense to leave only this movement in the program and improve the technique.

Lifting with support in the thigh, as well as on an inclined bench, is performed with a lighter weight, and in extended amplitude. This means that it makes sense to include them in the program closer to its end, that is, when the main climb to the biceps is already done. You can combine a simple or pronounced biceps lift with exercise with dumbbells.

Biceps are usually trained on the day when thrust to the body is performed on the back, this is rational in terms of getting the maximum load on the target muscle group. If you do biceps on your back day, just a couple of exercises for it are enough.

Those who want to train it on a separate day should perform 3-4 exercises to fully work out the muscle. In both cases, 3-4 working approaches are performed.

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