Lee Priest

Lee Priest was born July 6, 1972 in Newcastle, Australia. His full name is: Andrew Lee Priest McCutchon. Lee grew up in a middle class family. In school days in Platsburg was fond of playing sports, among which was American football. Also attended karate classes. A little later, his grandfather, who was an army fighter, sent his grandson to the gym, which was located in the police station. Lee liked the initiative of his beloved grandfather, and he began to regularly visit the gym and work with weights. At that time he was only 13 years old.


  • 1 Anthropometry of Lee Priest
  • 2 Performance History
  • 3 Lee Priest Workouts
  • 4 Lee Priest - Video
  • 5 Workout biceps and triceps by Lee Priest

Anthropometry Lee Priest

Height: 163 cm
Competitive weight: 97 kg
Off-season weight: 118 kg
Bicep Circumference: 55cm

Performance history

Lee Priest was short, but had excellent genetics, which allowed him to gain muscle mass even at such an early age. Already at the age of 14, he entered the podium of competitions among juniors and won them, despite the fact that among the contestants there were guys 3-4 years older than him.

Lee Priest Training

Young Lee was read by sports literature, especially Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines. He adored Arnold, he liked Tom Platz and Eddie Robinson. In itself, Lee has always been an extraordinary person, able to amaze with his shocking actions. Evidence of this is that he dyed his hair white to look like Tom Plaz. The athlete also loved comic books about Superman, which he imitated, even as an adult.

His mother was engaged in bodybuilding too, and when the guy was 15 years old, invited him to perform on stage together. They did it and they became the first. In such a pair, they performed more than once.

The first major bodybuilding competition was the Sydney Bodybuilding Classic, which took place in 1986 . In this tournament he won and taught his professional card according to IFBB. The victories that brought him popularity were Mr. Australia from 1989 to 1991 (3 consecutive years).

On the professional stage, Lee Priest had many ups and downs. He repeatedly performs at the main bodybuilding tournament "Mr. Olympia", but the result does not rise above the 6th. The athlete himself believes that everything is to blame for his low growth. Pretty early, Lee leaves bodybuilding, not just disappointed in him, but simply because she realizes that this is not his way of life. At this time, he was already actively involved in motor sports and set several speed records. Lee gradually lured the race. The last tournament in Lee’s career was a performance at the Grand Prix of Australia in 2006, where the champion took second place.

For some time, Lee Pris was married to professional bodybuilder Catti LeeFrancos. It seemed they were made for each other. They were comfortable, and they trained constantly together. But for unknown reasons, the couple broke up.

There were scandals and quarrels with the IFBB federation in the athlete's career. He tried to speak in another federation, but it didn’t lead to anything good. Not so long ago, the champion surprised everyone by making a huge tattoo on his entire body including his face. But we already spoke about the extraordinary nature of this athlete. Nevertheless, in ordinary life he is an excellent man who actively participates in charity and sends not small amounts twice a year to distribute dinners for homeless people.

Whatever it was, Lee will be remembered forever in the history of bodybuilding. He is a very colorful athlete, whose physique does not have, not a single athlete to this day. With a growth of 160 centimeters, he jammed the scales at around 130 kilograms and was passionately physically strong.

Lee Priest - Video

Biceps and Triceps Workout by Lee Priest

Lee stands out with his huge hands, he is also called the triceps monster. To understand how he achieved such results, let's see his hand training: