Bench Press

Svenda bench is designed for detailed study of the muscles of the chest. Exercise is used in bodybuilding. The goal is to make a clearer separation of the center of the chest, and pump muscles at an unusual angle. This is not a power exercise, but a “formative” one. For its implementation, neuromuscular communication, a sense of a working muscle group are extremely important. A feature of the movement is the combination of isometric and dynamic muscle loads.


  • 1 Technique
    • 1.1 Starting position
    • 1.2 Movement
  • 2 Recommendations
  • 3 Options
  • 4 Analysis of exercises
    • 4.1 What muscles work
    • 4.2 Benefits
    • 4.3 Disadvantages
    • 4.4 Correct execution
    • 4.5 Errors
    • 4.6 Performance Tips
  • 5 Inclusion in the program
  • 6 Interesting fact
  • 7 How to replace

Execution technique

Starting position

  1. Exercise is performed with pancakes from the bar. It is necessary to take discs of small weight and clamp them between the palms;
  2. It is convenient to hold the discs with your fingers so that they do not slip;
  3. Movement is carried out from a direct rack;
  4. Hands pressed by palms to one another are brought to the level of the middle of the chest;
  5. The elbows should be parted so that the forearms are in the plane of the floor;
  6. Discs need to be squeezed by palms, having pressed one to another. Isometric tension of the muscles of the chest is performed at the start of the movement


  1. On exhalation, you need to shake the pancakes forward, tensing the muscles of the chest;
  2. The movement occurs before extension in the elbow joint, but it is not necessary to fully insert the elbows;
  3. Pancakes tend forward along a path that lies in the plane of the floor;
  4. Then the pancakes are brought to the chest;
  5. The exercise is performed for the planned number of repetitions, while the path does not change


  • Fixing discs by placing your fingers in the neck hole is not optimal, this relieves the load from the muscles of the chest. The point here is not to take the heaviest pancakes that you can hold, but to keep them at the expense of compression;
  • The elbows should be approximately on the line of the center of the chest, lowering them down shifts the load on the biceps;
  • The exercise should not be performed with pauses for rest on the chest, and cannot be considered performed correctly if the athlete displays the discs initially up to the eyes, partially performing movement due to the anterior deltoid;
  • The movement is not performed with the maximum weights, even if the athlete is very strong in the bench press and other movements “on the chest”. The meaning of the exercise is a combination of isometric and dynamic work, otherwise the movement will already resemble an ordinary bench press, moreover, performed in an unsuccessful one for working out the chest paths


  • Holding the shoulder parallel to the floor along with the forearm allows you to accentuate to shift the load on the chest. The more the athlete brings his elbows down, the more the load shifts to non-target muscles - the front deltas and biceps;
  • A bench press upward is permissible, but it includes shoulders in the work to a large extent and is not recommended for those whose goal is accented work. If you add a little shoulder - not a problem, you can work like that;
  • It is not recommended to “earn extra money” with your back, due to stretching and reducing the widest any press movement will be simpler;
  • The movement should not be performed with pauses on the chest;
  • If your hands slip, it makes sense to wear gloves;
  • The weight of the projectile should be reduced if you can’t keep the trajectory. Beginners start with one pancake.

Execution Options

Svend's press can be performed lying on a straight or inclined bench to remove part of the load from the front deltas and stabilizer muscles. This allows beginners to do the exercise too.

On the bench, you also need to concentrate on compressing the discs with your hands and pushing them forward, and not just on moving your hands exclusively. The exercise will be less complicated than the standing version, but may be useful to beginners. It will give little benefit to the followers, unless it is performed as a “finisher” at the end of a training session or as part of any superset.

Parsing exercise

What muscles work

The main muscles . The pectoralis major works as the primary.

Auxiliary are small pectoralis, triceps, deltas, and abdominals. The latissimus dorsi muscles are partly included.


  • In this movement, it is difficult to injure yourself due to the weight of the shells. An athlete cannot get a chest tear, tear, or sprain, because he simply does not use the weight of weights that could provoke a problem;
  • Exercise can be included in the work in any room, even there is no glider crossover, block simulator or a simulator to bring your hands in front of your chest ("butterflies");
  • The movement is suitable for men and women, beginners and continuing;
  • It does not require a lot of space and equipment, therefore it is suitable for evening training in a busy gym after work;
  • It can be used as an auxiliary exercise for the bench press.


Apparent simplicity is deceiving. Exercise exposes all muscle imbalances and disorders of posture, a person with a weak back will stoop and will not be able to make the movement correctly. Anyone with weak front deltas will experience muscular “failure” in them, but will be able to continue

Correct execution

  • The press is allowed either diagonally upwards or in the floor plane;
  • The movement combines the simultaneous compression of the palms of one hand to another and the press movement;
  • Bench is performed strictly on expiration;
  • The trajectory of all repetitions should be the same;
  • The weight of the shells used is small.


  1. Excessive weight;
  2. Changing the trajectory, lowering the elbows;
  3. Fulfillment at half amplitude;
  4. Holding pancakes, not squeezing them in front of the breast

Performance Tips

  • It is optimal to perform movement with pancakes, and not with a medball or a dumbbell. To complicate the exercise, you can use more than 2 pieces of pancakes;
  • The movement will be more effective if the emphasis is not on the bench itself, but more on compression;
  • Exercise should not be performed in different planes, starting to press up, and ending in parallel to the floor. Movements should more or less repeat each other
  • For the best pumping, you need to work at a good pace and do not fully insert your elbows

Program Inclusion

Exercise may not be the only movement to the chest. Since it is of a formative and pump-shaped character, it is added either as part of supersets to the chest, or at the end of a workout. After the Svend press, wiring with dumbbells or in a crossover is not required, moreover, it is strictly not recommended, because there is a high risk of injury to the middle of the chest.

Svend's bench press is done in a relatively large number of repetitions, for 8-15 repetitions, sometimes for more repetitions, if the athlete normally tolerates the static work in this exercise.

Interesting fact

The exercise was invented by the Scandinavian strongman Svend Odegor Karlsson. He is known for having successfully performed in all three “iron” disciplines - powerlifting, strongman and bodybuilding. The movement was invented to shape and separate the muscles of the chest, and Svend succeeded. The athlete simply did not have a large number of simulators at hand, so he experimented with the available equipment.

How to replace

Exercise is not so demanding on inventory that it is usually not necessary to replace it. Almost everyone can find a pair of disks in their room, and perform a bench press with them. But if you need a replacement, it reminds this movement of information with a pause in the crossover, to the cables of which rubber shock absorbers are attached. It is this variation, especially with a pause in the middle of the amplitude, on the chest, that leads to the most complete “live” of the chest muscles.

You can also replace the exercise with isometric flattening of the palms in front of the chest. But this replacement is more likely to be related to women's training, and not to bodybuilding.

Supersets with Svenda's bench press should be built in such a way that the stretching exercise is done first, and then the bench press. For example, it makes sense to perform the first reduction in front of the chest in a crossover, and then Svenda. Similarly, with the information of dumbbells.

Beginners can try to do wiring on the bench with a superset with this movement in order to strengthen muscles, but not overload the stabilizers and not provoke a violation of technology. A well-known superset is also a push-up push-up and bench press.

Exercise can be performed with a medball or shock absorber, then part of the emphasis will shift to triceps. Svend’s bench press has few contraindications. Despite the fact that this is not a strength exercise, it is not recommended to perform it as rehabilitation for those people who have injuries to the muscles of the chest, tears of the cuffs of the rotators of the shoulders, and other injuries of the shoulder joints. In this case, you need to wait for a full recovery, and only then include the static load in the plan.