Rice: calories, benefits and harms

Rice cultivation is developed in many countries. This oldest cereal is unpretentious to the soil and can grow in almost any climate. Sown rice areas occupy the second place, and this crop is the leader in the collection of gross domestic product. Like any other product, popular among the population, it causes genuine interest of scientists who study its properties and make every effort to preserve culture.

Rice is not only unpretentious, but also affordable. It has high nutritional properties, that is, it copes with hunger, and also goes well with many products. Grain is perfect for cooking spicy, sweet, salty and sour dishes. However, given the increasing interest in healthy and dietary foods, many are interested in its calorie content, beneficial properties and possible harm.

Calorie Boiled Rice

Per 100 g of boiled rice porridge accounts for about 116 kcal. The carbohydrate content reaches 24.9 g. Proteins with fats are practically absent. In cereal there is a certain amount of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins.

Dry cereal has a different calorie content. The energy value of dry rice is about 360 kcal. Three times calorie reduction occurs due to the absorption of moisture during cooking. This is the reason that rice is classified as low-calorie foods.

There are many rice diets aimed at losing weight. They can be tough when, in addition to this product, only drinking is allowed, or sparing when the permitted menu involves the inclusion of other foods. However, the diet of both those and others is based on rice.

The maximum duration of the diet should be no more than fourteen days. Eat rice, following the recommendations of experts, it is better unpeeled. This is due to the fact that in this form it contains a maximum of B vitamins. A person who adheres to such a diet in order to lose weight needs to take calcium-containing vitamins.

Boiled rice is often used for a fasting day. It is enough to boil 200 g of cereal in water and eat in small portions.

What are the beneficial properties of rice ">

This oldest cereal began to be eaten in Asia four thousand years ago. For many peoples of the world, rice has become the personification of fertility, a gift from God himself, which must be protected.

A large concentration of carbohydrates is found in cereal crops, but there is no gluten, which often causes allergic reactions. About 8% of the total rice composition falls on vitamins PP, B1, B2, B3, B6. These organic compounds provide energy that is beneficial to the body.

The conversion and assimilation of the nutrients contained in rice brings invaluable benefits to humans. The condition of the nail plate, hair, skin integument improves, and the nervous system becomes much more stable. The lecithin present in cereal stimulates brain activity, and the oligosaccharide normalizes intestinal function.

There are substances in the cereal that envelop the gastric walls. Brown brown rice is considered the most effective for those who want to lose weight through a diet. Its benefit lies not only in the fat-burning effect, but also in alleviating the symptoms of gastric ulcer, gastritis, as well as reducing the risk of developing cancer.

Qualitative and nutritious composition of the cereal allows you to get rid of slagging and toxins. Rice is considered the best product that cleanses the body of harmful substances. There is a very interesting way to remove toxic accumulations. The number of spoons of rice is taken equal to how many years have lived, pour cool boiled water and put in the refrigerator, and then each morning eat one spoon with a slide.

The main thing is to carry out a water change in such a rice mass daily. It is best to eat the supplement in the morning until seven o’clock or two hours before a meal. Such a cleansing course is carried out until all the rice has been completely eaten. Accordingly, the more people are years old, the longer the supplement is used.

There are over 23 varieties of this cereal crop. Along with plain white, rice is black, brown, red and purple. Grains differ not only in appearance, but also in taste, as well as in the method and the required time for cooking. The nutritional value of rice also varies.

The beneficial qualities of cereal have found application not only in cooking and dietetic nutrition, but also in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. A lot of rice-based products are on sale.

The benefits and harms of rice

This cereal crop contains a large amount of nutrients. It is scientifically proven that it improves the function of the nervous system, supports the beauty and health of hair, skin. Along with dietary qualities, rice allows a person to regain their lost appetite. Rice broth helps bring down fever.

Rice has no negative qualities, but the cereal is harmless only by itself. Buying cereals in the store, you can not always be sure of the quality of the grain. Manufacturers often use talcum powder, which is a fairly powerful carcinogen, when packaging a product.