What to drink after training?

To fix the result achieved after the training, to get rid of fatigue and pain, to increase the general tone, athletes take special drugs. This must be done no later than an hour after the completion of the lesson. Thanks to the use of the right supplement, training becomes much more effective, as the achievements obtained are consolidated, and recovery is many times faster.


  • 1 Supplements affecting muscle growth
  • 2 Weight Loss Supplements
  • 3 Supplements for muscle recovery
  • 4 What to choose - gainer or protein "> 5 What supplements to drink to relieve pain?
  • 6 Summary

Muscle Growth Supplements

Serious power loads lead to the destruction of muscle tissue. Compensation for this adverse effect from intensive training is carried out at the expense of high energy expenditures during classes. In order for muscles to grow, it takes a certain amount of time and nourishment of the body with components that give impetus to an increase in the volume of muscle fibers. The substances entering the body from food are not always enough to achieve this effect. They inhibit the destruction processes and stimulate muscle mass to increase protein and carbohydrates. They are indispensable for athletes.

These components are intensively spent on training and require replenishment. There is a special time period called the protein and carbohydrate window. It is best suited for the use of these substances and falls on the first 15-30 minutes after completion of the workout. Well-digestible foods are ideal. It can be gainers or protein shakes.

Minerals, vitamin complexes and other supplements do not directly affect muscle gain. They are catalysts that help stimulate the process of transformation of digestible proteins in the body into muscle fibers. In training, not only protein is spent, but also glycogen, which is a special type of carbohydrate that takes a direct effect on energy production. In other words, this compound allows you to have the strength to carry out the training. Its disadvantage, on the contrary, causes lethargy and the inability to exercise and swing normally.

And if you train hard, you need to restore the spent reserves of proteins and carbohydrates. The best time to take carbohydrates and proteins is the first 15-30 minutes after the completion of the lesson. The cocktail must be balanced. Proteins should account for about 35-40, and carbohydrates - 60-65%. Along with these components, the composition of the drink should contain amino acids, as well as substances with chloride, potassium, sodium.

In training, not only carbohydrates and proteins are expended, but also life-giving moisture, which comes out in the form of sweat. Finishing a workout, it is imperative to drink plain water. Boiled is suitable, but if there is such an opportunity, it is better to give preference to either structured or melt. Some athletes who have been training for many years add lemon juice, salt, crushed glucose to the liquid.

Protein shakes are not the only supplement you can take after an intense session. There is also such a variety of sports drinks as isotonics. They contain a mineral-vitamin complex that promotes muscle growth, and are also rich in carbohydrates. For athletes who draw iron, chocolate milk is best. It contains a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, its composition is rich in minerals and vitamins.

This is not true for all chocolate milk. The store does not always satisfy the desired quality, therefore, to prepare such a drink, if there is no confidence in the quality of the product, it is best at home. The main advantage of chocolate milk is that after intensive training, it can reduce the destruction of muscle fibers.

Natural juices have a good effect. Not to be confused with nectarines and factory-made with additives. It is only about natural juices. Cherry is considered the best. It not only helps restore muscle tissue, but also helps relieve swelling, inflammation, and also suppresses pain.

You should not focus solely on drinks that must be drunk after completing your workout. Of great importance is food. A full meal should be after closing the protein window, that is, replenishing protein reserves. Eating should be no later than one to two hours after training. A protein shake is recommended during this period.

This drink should be drunk before going to bed, because it is deep relaxation after a day's work - this is the time when the muscles begin to recover. Casein shakes also work well. Before going to bed, it is recommended to avoid carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that in the evening they provoke the accumulation of excess weight in the body.

Sports supplements for weight loss

In order to lose weight while actively training, you need to abandon foods high in fat. Regarding the inclusion of proteins, it all depends on the ultimate goal. Leaving the protein in the post-workout diet is recommended for those who want to not only get rid of extra pounds, but also to tone their muscles. Not all proteins are suitable, but only non-fat. Otherwise, instead of benefit, they will only bring harm.

And before the workout, and after the completion of the lesson, you need to drink enough fluid. If you want to achieve quick results, then a full meal after class should be replaced with half a liter of kefir. It should be fat-free, that is, with a fat fraction of not more than one percent.

There are special supplements that are recommended for those who want to lose weight. These substances include L-carcinin. It helps to get rid of excess fat during training. Thanks to this supplement, fat burning is accelerated. The substance does not directly affect the learning process. The effect of L-picture is indirect. If you want to take more powerful supplements, you should choose Animal Cuts, Lipo-6x or Tight Hardcore, which have a direct effect on the utilization of fat.

There is a whole separate category of sports food, collectively called BCAA. It is an amino acid complex. This supplement, like the listed fat burners, inhibits the feeling of hunger, accelerates the processing of fat, and also protects the muscles from destruction.

Muscle Recovery Supplements

Muscle damage is a negative effect of training. To restore fiber, athletes must take special substances, the most valuable of which is creatine. The component is incredibly useful, but requires compliance with certain nuances:

  1. Drinking a cocktail containing creatine is necessary only in fresh form. If it stands, useful properties will simply be lost.
  2. Adhere to the recommended daily dosage from 5 to 10 grams. One half should be drunk before the start of training, and the other after completion of the lesson.
  3. Add a small amount of sugar to the creatine cocktail, which increases the absorption of this substance, which is exclusively beneficial.

Another important substance for the restoration of muscle tissue is beta-alanine. It increases endurance, relieves pain and prevents the accumulation of lactic acid. It is recommended to take the substance in an amount of two to three grams after the completion of the training.

After completing your workout, it is best to take whey protein, which contains a large number of compounds that are necessary for an athlete to satisfy hunger, improve metabolism and assimilation of substances. The optimal dosage is about 40 grams. Do not forget about branched amino acids. This is especially true of isoleucine, valine and leucine, which can improve endurance. Enough 5 grams after class.

Another important substance is glutamine, which helps to restore the protective functions of the body, increase hormones, which are responsible for increasing muscle mass and (indirectly) affect fat burning. This component contains nitrogen, the optimal dosage of which is 5 g.

What to choose - gainer or protein?

Protein is a substance that strengthens the protective functions of the body, normalizes the nitrogen balance in the body. It contains enough amino acids to meet the needs of the body. Protein supplements are fast and slow. The first are suitable for those who want to build muscle faster. The second are intended for athletes who are in the drying phase.

Weight gainers, unlike protein, are composed of a mixture of various components, including proteins and carbohydrates. Both components are important for the training athlete. Protein helps to build, and carbohydrate - the restoration of muscle tissue. In other words, one without the other does not have a complex effect and does not allow to increase volumes. Therefore, bodybuilders should not be limited to taking protein. They also need carbohydrates.

Weight gainers, as a rule, contain more carbohydrates than protein. There are expensive products in which the percentage of protein is increased. An alternative and more affordable solution is to purchase a high-carbon gainer, which is mixed with a protein shake.

The main advantage of the gainer is that it allows you to quickly restore the glycogen spent during training, as well as increase efficiency and improve recovery processes. The minus of the supplement is that it provokes an increase in body fat and is not suitable for people who have a tendency to be overweight.

Abuse of gainers is not good for the athlete. If you drink the supplement in unlimited quantities, this can lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat. In other words, gainers are suitable for people with a thin physique by nature or a high metabolism. The rest either need to purchase an expensive high protein supplement, or mix protein shakes and weight gainers together.

The gainer must contain complex carbohydrates. It is best taken one hour before training and 20 minutes after the completion of the lesson. Novice athletes who quickly gain weight in the initial stages of training should be limited to protein. Beginners with a lack of mass are advised to give preference to gainers.

What supplements to drink to relieve pain?

Aching and aggravation during movements of pain is a common occurrence after training. They are the result of the release of lactic acid under intense stress. In order for acid to be excreted faster from the body, it is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids after exercise. It can be either ordinary drinking water or green tea, which has good antiseptic properties.

Drugs with creatine and glutamine relieve pain. The latter also restores the protective functions of the body. A good helper will be a cup of coffee. Substances such as vitamins, taurine, antioxidants, betaine, L-arginine also relieve pain symptoms. Valine, leucine and isolation are worthy of special attention. They prevent the breakdown of protein when it is absorbed in the body, which positively affects the well-being of a person during training.

Sometimes the pain begins to appear right in the workout. This is not normal and may be a sign of injury. If this happens, exercise immediately stop and consult a doctor. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe rehabilitation. To recover in this case, you must follow the doctor’s prescription.

If the pain that occurs after training does not rest, you can take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, which include Ketorol and Diclofenac. It is recommended to take such a step only after consulting a specialist, since they have side effects and require strict adherence to dosages. These drugs perfectly eliminate pain, but can negatively affect the metabolism of articular cartilage and the gastrointestinal system.


The main impetus for finding drugs and supplements taken after a workout is the desire to accelerate weight loss or gain muscle mass. Another common cause is pain that occurs after exercise. In order not to have to resort to painkillers, beginners should avoid heavy loads and work out the whole body, and not focus on one or more muscle groups. Experienced athletes should consult with their trainer, review the training program, as constant pain for an athlete engaged in a long time may be associated with excessive strain.