Dumbbell Bench Press

To strengthen the pectoral muscles and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, there is no better exercise than a bench press, lying - barbell or dumbbell, in a horizontal or inclined position. This excellent exercise not only helps build muscle mass and strengthen muscle tissue, but also clearly draws relief, dividing the sternum. This is most clearly seen when the dumbbells are touching at the highest point of the amplitude. The video course on this page will teach you how to properly perform the dumbbell bench press while lying on a horizontal sports bench.


  • 1 Technique of the exercise:
  • 2 Tips
  • 3 Application
  • 4 Video “Dumbbell Bench Press”

Technique of the exercise:

• Exercise is performed only with a straight back and a flat body.
• Dumbbells rise vertically above the body.
• Arms extended, but not twisted at elbows. The wrists are straight.
• Dumbbells gently lower almost completely horizontally. Hands bend a little. Experienced athletes can increase the angle by more than 180 degrees.
• The starting position is accepted.


  1. In this exercise, take dumbbells whose weight is slightly less than the weight of the bar with which you are doing the bench press, since balancing the dumbbells will require some effort. Dumbbells must be raised and lowered equidistant along the same path.
  2. Breathing plays a very important role if you exercise with heavy dumbbells. With light weight, the dumbbell just breathe evenly, calmly.
  3. Inhale and hold your breath. This will help to regulate the chest and your torso, making them stable, and helps prepare for muscle load.
  4. During inspiration, the so-called stabilizer muscles relax and the skeleton of the chest, on which the muscles work, ceases to be so stiff.
  5. For this reason, we advise you to exhale when you have already completed the most difficult part of the exercise.
  6. The big mistake is that some, when doing the exercise, bend their backs in the lower back and raise their hips and pelvis. So, it seems that you are simplifying your task of lifting a lot of weight, but in fact this error only threatens with a lower back injury. The load during this execution passes from the top and middle of the chest to its bottom.
  7. You can also do the bench press dumbbells lying in a different way (to keep them neutral grip). Thus, the load on the muscles of the triceps, deltas and upper chest muscles is better distributed.
  8. In the starting position, with straight arms, inhale and hold your breath. Lower the dumbbells and exhale slowly, considering approaching the lower point.
  9. Feel the tension of the muscles and do not relax them, linger in this position for several seconds. After taking a deep breath, press the dumbbell up.
  10. You can exhale after completing the most difficult part of the exercise (climb). Having reached the top point, pause again.


Intended: The exercise is suitable for athletes of all categories.

When: We recommend that you complete this exercise at the beginning of your workout. It is possible instead of or after bench presses (bench presses on a horizontal bench). After doing bench presses with dumbbells (barbell) while lying down, make breeding with dumbbells lying on a bench. At the end of the workout, work out an exercise isolating the muscles of the chest (information and breeding in simulators).

How much: 2 - 4 sets of 10 - 12 repetitions.

Sports briefing: With the help of the bench press dumbbells, you can achieve a noticeable relief of the pectoral muscles. Exercise not only tightens the muscles of the chest, but also helps to build mass and strength, clearly outlines the right and left halves of the chest.

When performing this exercise , the following muscle groups are involved : pectoralis major and minor, deltoid, triceps, and forearm muscles.

Video “Bench Press Dumbbell”