Lack of sleep provokes weakness and obesity

Lack of sleep is the reason for the low inefficiency of training.

Almost every regular visitor to gyms knows that after a bad sleep, training will not bring the expected positive result. Recent studies in this area have shown that obesity and a mental state play a significant role in relation to lack of sleep and chronic diseases.

Doctors have known for a long time that sleep deprivation provokes the development of chronic diseases. But the results of new research have established a direct link between mental health, obesity and the development of various diseases.

The "Center for Disease Control and Prevention" conducted a study of survey data from more than fifty thousand people. It has been found that people sleeping for less than seven hours or more than nine hours are more prone to diabetes, stroke, or coronary heart disease.

SLEEP magazine published the results of a study of survey data. It has been proven that the causes of poor sleep are greatly affected by frequent anxiety and obesity.

In this case, the situation is clearly described by the words of the president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM): "Short sleep or too long sleep is associated with chronic diseases, and this can partially be explained by obesity and mental suffering, which are a new variable of this equation."

The real reasons for the occurrence of poor sleep in a certain situation is difficult to judge even by specialists. Sometimes lack of sleep can lead to the development of obesity. In turn, overweight can cause shortness of breath during sleep, and poor breathing significantly reduces the quality of sleep. Since a healthy sleep helps the body to regenerate itself, accordingly, with a bad dream, the body weakens.

Dr. Badr also speaks about the benefits of healthy sleep: “But in fact, we should especially emphasize that short sleep is not healthy. People should get between seven and eight hours of sleep per day. ”

According to Dr. Badr, young people should also think about healthy sleep. Despite the fact that people aged forty-five years and older took part in the survey, lack of sleep can negatively affect young organisms. Early formation of abnormal sleep habits can cause long-term negative consequences that will not affect health in the most positive way.

That is why you should start the formation of a healthy sleep, starting from a young age. A healthy and sound sleep helps the body to relax and recover fully. The state of health in adulthood and old age depends on the habits laid down in youth. Even people of mature age can try to establish the quality of their sleep by following healthy habits.

Some useful suggestions will help to establish a healthy sleep:

- Do not spend time in front of the computer shortly before bedtime and immediately before bedtime;

- avoid watching bedtime shows that cause strong emotions;

- It is recommended to read soothing literature at night;

- before going to bed, you can listen to relaxing relaxing music;

- with a long sleep, you must go to bed early and try to relax.

If you follow these recommendations for a long period, you can develop a healthy sleep habit. It takes at least twenty-one days to form any habit. If all these recommendations are powerless in the fight against sleep deprivation, perhaps medical treatment or the help of a psychotherapist is necessary.