Which sugar is the most healthy?

On the Internet, you can find a lot of debate about which sugar is healthier: cane or white. Should I use sweetener ">


  • 1 Calorie Sugar
  • 2 What is the glycemic index of sugar?
  • 3 What is the most healthy sugar?
  • 4 What is refined sugar?
  • 5 What harm does glucose syrup do?
  • 6 Can sugar be discarded?
  • 7 Are sweeteners harmful?

Calorie Sugar

One gram of white and brown sugar contains 4 kilocalories. If a teaspoon is filled “with a slide”, it contains 7 grams of sugar (28 kilocalories). If a teaspoon is without a slide, it contains about 20 kilocalories. A similar amount of calories is contained in a cube of refined sugar.

It is important that sugar does not cause the main harm by its high calorie content. It was established that sugar and its substitutes contribute to the fact that a person overeats, that is, the body loses its ability to control hunger due to excessive glucose consumption. In addition, there are types of sugar that can "break" the natural mechanisms of metabolism, which leads to excessive deposition of adipose tissue.

What is the glycemic index of sugar?

The glycemic index of sugar is approaching 80 units. That is, the body does not have to spend energy on the assimilation of glucose and its breakdown. All kilocalories are transformed into energy (or body fat) without the slightest loss.

To fully absorb one can of soda, which contains about 35 grams of sugar, the body will need about half an hour. For comparison, one portion of a meat dish with a side dish, which contains a similar number of kilocalories, is digested within 4-5 hours.

Which sugar is the most healthy?

Despite the common misconception, the differences between different types of sugar are minimal. The shade of sugar and the plant from which it is extracted (cane or beet) do not affect the number of kilocalories in a gram of sugar and the glycemic index. There is only one difference: a light aftertaste that has brown sugar.

Many believe that sugar is more beneficial to replace with honey. However, it is not. 80-85% honey consists of sugar, while brown sugar consists of 98% glucose. Naturally, neither one nor the other product with excessive consumption can bring any health benefits.

What is refined sugar?

Refined sugar is a sugar that has undergone maximum purification from any impurities. At the same time, impurities also mean minerals and vitamins. The whiteness of the refined white is achieved thanks to whitening: natural sugar has a slightly yellowish color.

Refined sugar is obtained from inexpensive sugar beets or cane, which for one reason or another is not suitable for the extraction of brown sugar. However, more often, even more budgetary raw materials, glucose syrup, are used to produce refined sugar.

What harm does glucose syrup do "> Can sugar be abandoned?

The popular belief that nerve tissue needs glucose to function properly is a fallacy. Complex carbohydrates that come with cereals and plant foods are a much better option for all body tissues.

For millennia, people did without a lot of sugar in the diet: mass production of this product began only in the century before last. Well, in the last half century, sugar consumption has increased several dozen times. Perhaps this explains why a catastrophic increase in the number of people suffering from excess weight.

Are sweeteners harmful?

Sugar is addictive at the psychological level: gradually it becomes difficult for a person to do without sweet foods. However, along with sweets, simple carbohydrates enter the body, which are the cause of overweight.

Sweeteners are low in calories, but they do not give up on cravings for sweets. In addition, aspartame, which is part of most sweeteners, directly enters the nerve tissue, and its effect on the body is still not fully understood. Therefore, it is advisable not to introduce sugar substitutes in the diet, but rather try to abandon the habit of daily eating foods that have a sweet taste in order to get rid of psychological dependence.

Sugar is a product that can disrupt the natural mechanisms of controlling the feeling of the city. The result of this is overeating: you want more and more sweet foods. Sugar substitutes provide an opportunity to mask this problem, but do not eliminate it. Therefore, the only way out is to refuse sweets when replacing them with vegetables and fruits or to limit sugar-containing products in the diet.