The rationality of using protein for weight loss

Most athletes perceive the need to use protein for weight loss as a mandatory rule. However, how appropriate is the increased intake of proteins to increase muscle growth in the face of a deficiency in the diet of fats and carbohydrates ">

The use of protein for weight loss allows you to achieve several goals:

  • provides preservation of muscle mass with a simultaneous loss of body fat;
  • stimulates the process of losing weight;
  • helps strengthen immunity;
  • increases the overall tone, despite the limited calorie diet.


  • 1 Proteins keep muscle mass
  • 2 Protein activates fat burning
  • 3 Proteins increase immunity and overall tone
  • 4 What is the best protein for weight loss?

Proteins keep muscle mass

It is estimated that when losing weight, the proportion of protein (including protein of natural products) in the diet should be 25-30% of the total calorie content. The main reason for a significant increase in the dosage of protein consumed is the effect of preventing catabolic processes and preserving existing muscle mass.

Increasing catabolism with a lack of protein in the diet has several goals:

  • If the flow of amino acids into the body from the outside stops, catabolic processes in the muscle tissue begin to develop: contractile proteins are destroyed and muscle mass is lost in order to meet the need for amino acids, which are important not only as a building material, but also for the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, receptors hemoglobin, etc.
  • Under conditions of nutrient deficiency, processes aimed at conserving energy, including the destruction of muscle tissue, which is an active consumer of energy, occur in the body. In this case, the least active adipose tissue is saved.
  • In addition, the process of fat oxidation as the main source of energy under fasting conditions requires a large number of enzymes, which are inherently polypeptides consisting of tens and hundreds of amino acids. In other words, burning fat is impossible without the participation of proteins.

Protein activates fat burning

In conditions of increased intake of proteins, the body begins to actively expend adipose tissue in order to compensate for its needs.

It has been proven that proteins act on body fat in several ways:

  • stimulate the burning of body fat due to increased energy demand during the process of protein digestion (30% more energy is required for the absorption of proteins than for the absorption of fats or carbohydrates);
  • reduce the rate of carbohydrate absorption, aligning the glycemic index and, ultimately, lengthen the process of carbohydrate absorption, maintain the necessary level of sugar in the blood, allowing you to cope with hunger;
  • reduce insulin, which inhibits the breakdown of fats and causes their accumulation (especially glutamine).

Proteins increase immunity and overall tone

The main mechanisms for increasing immunity when taking proteins can be reduced to three main:

  • The stimulating effect of BCAA amino acids (there are especially many of them in whey protein) leads to complete recovery after training.
  • Amino acids are a structural element of enzymes that promote the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Glutamine plays a major role in stimulating the immune system.

What is the best protein for weight loss?

Based on numerous studies, it has been proved that it is most advisable to use whey protein isolate and casein (which can be used instead of dinner) for weight loss without carbohydrates and fats. The use of whey protein allows you to better maintain muscle mass, and the use of casein causes better fat burning. The use of these proteins also causes an increase in the strength indicators of the shoulders, pectoral muscles and legs.