Tilt barbell to the belt

In halls where there were no fashionable hummers, and various block machines for all occasions, strong guys all the same met with a wide triangular back. How did they do it ">


  • 1 What muscles work
  • 2 Importance of stretching
  • 3 exercise options
  • 4 Technique
    • 4.1 Pull rod
    • 4.2 Errors
    • 4.3 Reverse Grip
    • 4.4 Thrust to the chest
    • 4.5 T-bar pull

What muscles work

That's for sure, this is not a publicity stunt. When we say that everything is, indeed, the way it is:

  1. The latissimus dorsi . These are our “wings”, large paired muscles, the development of which forms the width of the back and its appearance. The widest start in motion, and lead the barbell to the lower abdomen due to contraction. Some trainers are sure that the draft of the bar in the slope is an exercise exclusively on the widest, and only then on the rest of the back array;
  2. Diamond shaped . The small muscles in the area of ​​the shoulder blades work as a tool for scapular scapula. They add weight, but also help to start movement when bringing the shoulder blades to the spine;
  3. Trapezoidal . In this movement, they must stabilize the shoulder. But individual athletes “pull out” the bar due to a specific movement that resembles a barbell with a barbell, it turns out that they work more with a trapeze than with the widest;
  4. Round . Muscles connecting the back and chest. They work when we inflate and, as it were, push our chest forward;
  5. "Pillars" or extensors of the spine . Allow us to stay in a tilt in a statics.

The importance of stretching

Exercise has specific form requirements. Know why most men can't lean forward normally "> Exercise Options

In this article we will not talk about pulls lying face down, as they are slightly different in biomechanics, and relieve the load from the rectus muscle of the back.

Thrust to the belt in the slope is in the following options:

  • Classical thrust to a belt in an inclination;
  • Thrust towards the chest;
  • T-thrust
  • Back Grip Pull

Usually this pull is delineated from pulls with dumbbells and a bar lying face down. These cravings are performed to relieve stress on the long muscles of the back and lower back. They are suitable for the study of "scapula scapula".

Execution technique

Belt pull

  1. Typically, bodybuilders use stances in this exercise, collect weight on them, take a bar with a direct grip wider than shoulders, straighten, remove from racks
  2. perform an inclination forward due to flexion in the hip (mainly) and knee (optional) joint.
  3. Bending should be symmetrical to the right and left.
  4. Then, due to the reduction of the shoulder blades, and the reduction of the broadest, the rod is raised to the stomach and its lowering smoothly.

Many people prefer to take the first repetition of this exercise from the floor using the deadlift technique. This makes sense, as it helps to better incorporate the long back muscles and immediately put the shoulders in a neutral position. But other athletes believe that this way an athlete only loses strength in an inappropriate movement. In practice, it is worth using both options, and choosing the one that seems more convenient and affordable.

Important: this movement is technically difficult, especially for those who have never before shaken their backs. It is better to take a smaller barbell and master the reduction of the widest ones on it than to hang “serious weight”, and lift it with biceps and due to cheating.


Technical errors in this version of the movement apply to all types of tilt rods. People tend to “accelerate” weight too much with non-target muscles, and perform many unnecessary movements that do not help to build up their backs:

  • Shallow slope . This leads to the fact that the bottom of the muscle running along the spine is overloaded, and a significant part of the weight falls on the lower back. If there is a curvature, and the athlete will work with cheating, rocking his body, it turns out that he is constantly trying to move the vertebrae in the lumbar. Usually this ends with a pinched nerve and pain;
  • Disruption and short biceps . The athlete leans over, and everything seems to be in order, the bar rises to the stomach or chest, but in fact, the athlete performs a hybrid of flexion to the biceps and “lifting” the back. It is clear that in this way the load leaves the target muscle group and is shifted to the hands. Usually, all this also leads to elongation of the ligaments of the elbow, since the athlete, as it were, “drops” the barbell from above;
  • Rounded lumbar spine . Some trainers mistakenly believe that the main "evil" is the round chest section. If the athlete has a curvature of the spine, he will remain a little rounded, this is inevitable. But in fact, the situation is more traumatic when the "hump" in the lumbar does not allow to perform the traction correctly. The reason for this may be a banal lack of concentration on the training movement, and lack of flexibility of the hip biceps. Trends in recent years - to do hip biceps workouts on a foam roller. And they are not so useless when it comes to eliminating the "humps" in the rods;
  • Flexion of the hands . Here the athlete performs additional work on the forearm, which only causes him discomfort, and distracts from the target traction. Your wrists should be straight. If the grip in the exercises is the athlete’s weak point, he should use the straps;
  • Inadequate physical weight . The huge bar only looks cool, but in reality the beginner will not be able to perform the movement with it technically. It is necessary to choose a weight at which the scapula of the shoulder blades to the spine and contraction of the latissimus dorsi are technically possible;
  • Pressing the elbows against the body and stomach . So they will interfere with making the movement purely anatomically;
  • Acceleration of weight by the lower back . It is about movement, when the athlete straightens slightly, and then, as it were, drops the bar down. This helps push the weight through inertia to mid amplitude. And above the athlete perfectly reaches for his biceps. It is clear that such exercises do not correspond to the purpose of the workout, and jerking with the lower back should not be performed;
  • Breath holding . This is a typical novice mistake. They usually do not breathe in strength exercises at all, occasionally making ragged breaths and exhalations. This leads to problems with movement and recovery after training;
  • Cravings for the belt in Smith's simulator . This talented interpretation of movement does not allow the shoulders to work out in natural amplitude. As a result, a person can injure them. Although the stars of bodybuilding regularly show exactly this option, and praise it as a version for "variety and muscle surprise";
  • Too narrow grip . It anatomically does not allow you to turn on the latissimus muscles and load the back. With too wide a grip, the athlete pumps the back bundles of the deltoid muscles, and with a narrow grip - biceps

Reverse Grip

This movement increases the path of the rod, that is, makes the amplitude deeper. It contributes to a greater study of the back, but only for those athletes who include it at the start. The technique differs only in that the bar is taken with a reverse grip (as for biceps) a little wider than the shoulders. By tightening the back, the athlete begins to move and performs traction.

Chest pull

This variation is intended for more experienced athletes. It allows you to use both the widest and the "pillars." It features a deeper slope, the spine parallel to the floor. Traction is carried out to the chest and due to the back. It allows you to additionally load the trapezoid and rear deltas. But this version of the exercise is contraindicated if there is an injury to the lower back, the athlete experiences discomfort in the muscles of the hips when bending, or is physically unable to reach the projectile to the chest due to the weak opening of the shoulder joint.

T-bar pull

This exercise can be performed both in a special simulator where the bar is fixed and can be conveniently located in a rack, or with a regular barbell. Vulture is loaded into a corner, and pulled to the chest in a slope. Usually this version is considered the best for diamond-shaped, and for changing the load vector.

All versions of traction in the slope while standing at the warm-up are done 15 times, and in working approaches - for 8-12 repetitions. When working on force, you can use low-repetitive modes too.

The option of traction with a barbell in the slope depends on the anatomical features and the athlete's convenience. Beginners start with a normal tilt and a straight grip, and then use reverse grip and deeper tilts. In any case, pumping will seriously depend on the progression of power indicators. If you are not going to gain weight on the bar, do not expect special results in the gym.

In training, this exercise is sometimes replaced with dumbbell traction. This is true for problems with the shoulder joints, and the need to add variety to the plan.