Stretch marks on the skin: treatment of stretch marks, causes

Stretch marks on the skin are familiar to many bodybuilders, especially those who gained a lot of weight. Note that, not only bodybuilders have stretch marks. Unpleasant streaks on the body are often manifested in adolescents, pregnant women and other people who are undergoing hormonal changes, or suffering from problems with the endocrine system. Outwardly, these stripes, as a rule, have a reddish or purple hue, eventually changing to white. Which, in turn, is already such, since the stretch marks do not contain pigments, and therefore are not able to sunbathe.


  • 1 Reasons for Stretch Marks
  • 2 Stretch marks treatment and prevention
  • 3 Preparations for the treatment of skin stretch marks
    • 3.1 Aekol
    • 3.2 Contractubex
    • 3.3 Strataderm
    • 3.4 Aevit
  • 4 Help from professionals
    • 4.1 Laser resurfacing
    • 4.2 Chemical peeling
  • 5 Streamers and methods of dealing with them - Video

Causes of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are stretching the skin, as well as tearing the dermis. Theoretically, they can occur on every part of the body, but in most cases, stripes are formed in those places where a person has the highest concentration of subcutaneous fat - chest, abdomen, hips and buttocks. For athletes, this list is also supplemented by places such as the inner side of the arms and deltas, since during intensive training these areas are significantly increased in volume. Initially, stretch marks have a pinkish tint, the skin on them becomes thinner compared to the rest of the body. In addition, they can itch. Over time, the stripes fade, at this stage it becomes much more difficult to eliminate them. White streamers are called "outdated", and they acquire such a shade for about a year and a half from the moment of manifestation.

In essence, skin stretch marks are nothing more than microtraumas. The skin is not able to stretch due to rapid changes in body volume, and therefore is injured from the inside. The body, trying to "sew up" the wound, fills the area with connective tissue, which in its properties, specifically the external one, differs from the skin. In addition, the cause of stretch marks can be specific hormonal drugs, this applies in particular to corticosteroids, used mainly to eliminate certain inflammations.

Manifestations of skin stretch marks indicate that the body disrupted the production of elastin and collagen - components that are directly responsible for the condition of the skin. As such, they do not pose a danger to the health of the body, however, if the root cause of stretch marks is associated with certain hormonal disorders, it certainly needs to be eliminated. In the case of stretch marks, their aesthetic effect is much more negative, unlike battle scars, these strips do not adorn the body of even the most brutal man. Not to mention the fair sex.

Thinning of the skin and a decrease in its elasticity in places of stretch marks is explained by the hormonal changes already mentioned above. These, as you know, occur in adolescents during puberty, in women during pregnancy, as well as in some athletes who are fundamentally reviewing their diet or who use anabolic steroids. Actually, not even the diet or the use of any drug plays a role, but what follows is a sharp change in weight, both in one direction and the other. That is why the problem of stretch marks is so relevant for bodybuilders, the training process of which involves a set of muscle mass, or on the contrary, emphasis on the so-called “drying”. If these processes are accompanied by the use of pharmacological support, the risk of skin stretch marks increases at times. By the way, not least to avoid the risk of stretch marks, nutritionists advise when trying to lose weight, try to lose weight by no more than 2-3% per month . As for training - excessive loads after a long break, or on the contrary - a sharp cessation of classes, can also lead to stretch marks.

Stretch Mark Treatment and Prevention

Given the complexity of the fight against skin stretch marks, a much more appropriate solution would be timely prevention of their manifestations. However, some of its points can also be successfully applied to get rid of the existing bands, and therefore we will consider them simultaneously in both cases. So, for the prevention and disposal of stretch marks, it is recommended:

  • smear problem areas of the skin with special creams and oils;
  • maintain optimal water balance in the body by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • try to eat as little food as possible with salt and preservatives;
  • pay attention to the necessary concentration of vitamins and minerals in your diet.

It is, in particular, about such components as zinc, copper, vitamins C, B5 and E, since it is these substances that increase the production of collagen. Products where they are contained in the largest volume are: avocado, liver, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, whole grains. Also, protein, which is already the main component in the bodybuilder's diet, helps to restore tissue and prevent their rupture;

  • essential oils or plant extracts - substances that stimulate the circulation of blood in the body.

Best of all - add them directly to the water when swimming. Or rub into the skin while swimming. You can use either one oil or a combination of several. In the second case, it is worth choosing one of the oils as the main one, it is best if it is an oil rich in vitamin E, for example, almond or olive. For one tablespoon of such oil, dissolve a few drops of essential oil (geranium, lemon, orange, mint, rosewood, etc.). The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin with massage movements. You can also use a combination of pure essential oils, mixing them in a proportion of 2 drops each.

  • do pinch massage.

The last two tips are most often used by girls, but this does not mean that harsh male bodybuilders should neglect them. These recommendations are effective and universal.

For the prevention and already direct treatment of stretch marks, you can also use all kinds of exfoliating scrubs. Moreover, their recipes are quite simple, so you can prepare a scrub as follows:

1 cup of salt + 1 cup of sugar + 0.5 cup of butter (ideally palm). During water procedures, thoroughly wipe the problem areas with the resulting composition, and after taking a shower or bath, lubricate these areas with cream.

Also, for water procedures - to prevent stretch marks, a contrast shower is very useful, strengthening both the skin itself and the smooth muscles underneath.

Skin Stretch Marks

In the case when the stripes have already appeared, and you do not want them to remain for life, you need to deal with their immediate elimination. If we talk about the specific names of drugs to combat stretch marks, among those worth mentioning are the following drugs:


The solution, containing a mixture of vitamins A and E, stimulates skin regeneration. It is applied externally.


Special gel against stretch marks and scars.


Silicone gel. Optimizes collagen production on problem areas of the skin.


Capsules for internal use. Contain vitamins A and E.

Professional help

Modern cosmetic and medical clinics offer a number of ways by which you can remove stretch marks from the skin. A few words about each of them.

Laser resurfacing

The process is the impact of a laser beam on the manifestation of stretch marks. At the same time, the beam is able to reach even the deepest layers of the skin, destroying the inner fibers of stretch marks themselves. After the procedure, the skin acquires a bright red tint, as if after a burn. The complete restoration of its cover sometimes takes up to several months.

Chemical peeling

This procedure involves applying special acids to the skin that burn everything, including the inner layers of the epidermis. The process is very painful, carried out under general anesthesia. As well as the previous method, this kind of exposure is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

As an alternative to the two methods described above, expectant and real mothers often use algal wrapping. You can buy "raw materials" for the mixture in each pharmacy. Dry kelp is bred in warm water, after which the composition is applied to areas with stretch marks and covered with a thermal film. One session of wrapping lasts 40-45 minutes. Instead of spirulina, clay, cocoa, and healing mud can also be used.

There are contraindications to the method, called "mesotherapy." Its essence is the implementation of microinjections under the skin. These injections include vitamins and plant elements, allowing you to make scars almost invisible visually. However, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate stretch marks, in addition, it must be borne in mind that this procedure is forbidden to be performed for diseases of the bladder and a number of other ailments. Therefore, before doing mesotherapy, be sure to consult a doctor.

Microdermabrasion of the skin is also one of the procedures offered by cosmetic clinics. However, it is not suitable for large areas of the skin, accompanied by pain and at the same time gives the necessary effect by a maximum of 50%. Therefore, it is used in rare cases.

Among the more sparing medical methods, ELOS rejuvenation can also be mentioned, during which the skin is simultaneously treated with a laser, light flux and radio frequency radiation, which allows stimulating collagen production, as well as ozone therapy, according to which a healing mixture, most of which is introduced under the skin, from oxygen and ozone. To completely eliminate stretch marks is possible only with the help of plastic surgery. Surgical intervention in this case involves the removal of stretched skin with abdominoplasty.

However, even the surgical method does not always guarantee complete elimination of stretch marks, especially when it comes to old scars. It is necessary to do all the necessary procedures, including medical ones, in a timely manner, at the early stage of the appearance of stretch marks, only in this way you will “help” them disappear without a trace. And be sure to use an integrated approach, combining different ways of dealing with stretch marks, carry out the procedures regularly, eventually dwelling on those that have the most positive effect on your skin.

Stretch marks and methods of dealing with them - Video