
One of the most powerful synthetic steroids produced by the sports pharmaceutical industry today is Anapolon 50. The active substance of the drug is oxymetholone, discovered in the 60s of the XX century, used as a therapeutic agent. He was prescribed for anemia, osteoporosis, in order to stimulate muscle growth in weakened patients. When new drugs appeared that could cope with these diseases, the steroid's popularity declined, but not for sporting purposes.

Produced by SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Anapolon 50 shows anabolic activity from testosterone equal to 320%, and androgenic - only 45%. A steroid has an estrogenic effect, but not conversion to estrogens is not characteristic of it. It is considered the most powerful of oral steroids. This led to the fact that the drug has not only a positive effect, but also toxic to the liver.


  • 1 Effects of Anapolon Steroid
  • 2 Anapolon 50 administration schedule
  • 3 Possible side effects
  • 4 Anapolon 50 Steroid Reviews

Effects of Using Anapolon Steroid

Taking a steroid has the following effects:

  • Increases athletic performance.
  • Stimulates muscle growth. The steroid is considered the most effective among existing ones. For a solo course, about 12-15 kilograms of muscle is gained. Even taking into account the rollback hairdryer, due to which the third part leaves after the cancellation of reception, the result remains quite impressive.
  • Relieves pain and restores joint mobility. It increases the production of synovial fluid, provokes water retention in the body.
  • Reduces sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). The combined use of Anapolon 50 with other anabolic steroids enhances this effect.

Oxymetholone is a modified version of dihydrotestosterone. This substance activates the work of androgen receptors, which becomes the cause of the manifestation of small estrogenic activity. This steroid also has progestational activity.

Directions for taking Anapolon 50

The steroid course is intended for men over 18 years old who want to increase muscle mass in the shortest possible time. Duration of use for beginners is not more than a month, and experienced - should not exceed six weeks. Take Anapolon for more than a month and a half does not make sense. The maximum effect of the steroid is achieved the first 20 days. In addition, a longer intake has a negative effect on the liver.

The optimal daily dosage is a maximum of 100 milligrams. Increasing the dose is impractical. This will not have any positive effect on the result. For lovers and beginners, 50 milligrams per day is enough. It is not recommended to build a course "slide". From start to finish, you need to use a stable dosage.

Not only the rules for taking the steroid Anapolon 50 are important, but also the knowledge of how the correct post-cycle therapy (PCT) is carried out after drug withdrawal. To restore the production of their own testosterone, take boosters, as well as other hormone synthesis stimulating drugs, which include Tribulus.

To enhance the action of Anapolon during the course of admission, observe sports nutrition for mass gain, adhere to a diet. Along with the solo course, the steroid is taken in combination with such drugs as Primobolan, Testosterone, Boldenone, Trenbolone. It is not recommended to combine Anapolon and 17-alpha-alkylated steroids. This will lead to a double load on the liver.

Feasible side effects

Negative manifestations from Anapolon often occur, but in those cases when the dosage recommended in the instructions was exceeded. The main side effect of the steroid is liver toxicity. Blood pressure can increase, gynecomastia develop, excess fluid accumulates. Some athletes have an upset stomach, a sharp deterioration in appetite, and nausea.

Reviews about the steroid Anapolon 50

The drug is classified as medium toxic for the liver, which refute the reviews about Anapolon. Athletes who observe the drinking regimen, adhere to proper nutrition, sleep enough time, with rare exceptions they feel pain in the region of the right hypochondrium.

The reviews left by women about Anapolon indicate that reducing the dosage and duration of the course allows this athlete to take this steroid. A correctly designed and compiled course allows you to get rid of the effect of virilization.