Agapurin in bodybuilding

Agapurin is a medication that athletes use in bodybuilding for pumping. This product belongs to vasoactive substances and has the effect of vasodilatation. Because of this, overall blood circulation improves, as well as microcirculation in muscle tissues, blood viscosity decreases, which accelerates the flow of beneficial substances to muscle tissues. The use of this drug allows you to build muscle, since agapurin activates the capillary network of muscle tissue, which helps to build muscle volumes due to the active influx of necessary components.

How to take agapurin in bodybuilding

During periods of active training, it is recommended to take the drug as follows: 3 times a day, 2 tablets after a meal. On training-free days, 1 tablet 3 times a day and also after meals. Agapurin is taken for 3 weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month. During this period, you should continue training to start taking agapurin already at a new level, with new weights. The use of these tablets involves the use of a large amount of liquid for drinking. In the case when this drug is injected into the body with a dropper, then the dosage and timing of admission are selected individually. The reception of this means for pumping is better agreed with the doctor in order to protect yourself from possible side effects.

Agapurin in pharmacies is sold under names such as trental and pentoxifylline. They are available in the form of tablets and differ in very affordable prices. The shelf life of the drug is 24 months, and the substance costs about 260 rubles for 60 tablets of 100 mg. There are also packings with tablets of 400 and 600 mg.

Composition and contraindications

Pentoxifylline is the active substance of this drug and is characterized by uniform and rapid absorption into the body. After a couple of hours, you can identify the maximum concentration of the active substance after administration. The substance is excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys and intestines.

Agapurin is used in medicine in the treatment of such ailments as varicose veins, frostbite, circulatory disorders, etc. In bodybuilding it is used quite rarely, because the necessary information is missing, but experienced athletes still decide to take this drug. At the same time, the drug has several contraindications, especially for those categories of citizens who have survived myocardial infarction, suffer from cerebral hemorrhages or bleeding. Taking this drug can lead to the appearance of a fever, itching, hives, dizziness, but if you strictly follow the instructions, then such effects are unlikely to occur.


Reviews of athletes after taking this remedy, as a rule, are positive. Side effects, although manifested, are quite rare. Since this is mainly done by experienced athletes, they are quite serious about such things and strictly follow instructions. If side effects did occur, it was solely the fault of the athletes. If you use it correctly and smartly, you can only benefit: firstly, the drug works, and secondly, it costs much less than analogues produced by well-known companies practicing sports supplements.