Body Drying Products

There comes a time when the athlete decides to have not just mass, but relief muscles without subcutaneous fat. To achieve this goal, sometimes you have to resort to the help of various drugs. This is usually due to the need to prepare for a responsible competition. Many men and women who are far from professional sports who just want to look good also use such means, which is not particularly welcome if a person does not train at all.


  • 1 What drugs are used during the drying period?> 1.1 Clenbuterol
  • 1.2 Yohimbine
  • 1.3 ephedrine
  • 1.4 Carbohydrate Blockers
  • 1.5 L-carnitine
  • 1.6 Metformin

What drugs are used during the drying period?

It is possible to get rid of the fat layer without taking special tools, but only time and effort will be required much more, and the process itself will have to be constantly monitored, which is quite difficult, especially for beginners. The course program for burning fat should be developed by a professional, and not just an acquaintance or friend, with whom they go to the same gym together. Athletes who decide to use fat-burning drugs, have to choose for themselves one that will achieve their goal. There are many tools used by athletes during drying, but the most popular are presented below.


Most athletes during the drying period use this drug, which is prescribed for people with bronchial asthma for medical purposes. Athletes often take together with him Thyroxine, Ketotifen and other drugs that enhance the effect of fat burning. The drug is not an anabolic steroid, is available on prescription. It demonstrates anti-catabolic and mild anabolic effects, helps to increase strength indicators and reduce appetite. These actions of Clenbuterol are fully manifested only when the dosage and the time of admission are observed, that is, the athlete clearly follows the course plan drawn up.


It is an aphrodisiac that enhances male libido, but has a high lipolytic effect. The latter made the drug popular among manufacturers of sports nutrition. The daily dosage that can be used on drying is from 10 to 20 milligrams. Yohimbine should not be taken with food.


Another effective drug that helps to get rid of body fat and excess weight. It perfectly suppresses appetite and demonstrates a stimulating effect. In clinical medicine, it is prescribed for the treatment of bronchial asthma and a number of other diseases. The most common complex is ECA, that is, ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin. For some time, sports food manufacturers have used ECA as an ingredient for various supplements. However, then such fat burners were banned.

Carbohydrate blockers

This is a type of sports nutrition used as an effective means to eliminate body fat. It blocks the production of enzymes that break down carbohydrates, which allows the body to receive much less calories than it did with food.


Most athletes mistakenly believe that this supplement has no effect on the process of burning fat. This is due to the fact that the result is lower than that of other fat burners. This type of sports meal also eliminates subcutaneous fat. Its action is based on the transport and breakdown of fat, accompanied by the release of energy.


This drug, intended for the treatment of diabetes, has a fat burning effect. Its main advantage is the absence of any side effects. The latter is true only subject to the rules of application and reception.