Pharmacy preparations for bodybuilding, at a low price in any pharmacy

The vast majority of athletes prefer to train in a natural way, namely, without the use of steroids, and in order to improve the quality and speed of recovery after training, they use only some relatively harmless drugs that are not related to doping, including creatine, protein, amino acids, gainers, freely sold in specialized sports nutrition stores. For the same purpose, athletes widely use a number of medicines that are available in ordinary pharmacies and are dispensed without a prescription.

But, nevertheless, despite the relative harmlessness and availability of such pharmaceutical preparations, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions attached to them and it is advisable to consult a doctor about their use before taking. This article reviews the essential drugs used in bodybuilding, discusses their importance and effects on the athlete’s body, contraindications and possible side effects.


  • 1 Asparkam
  • 2 Riboxin
  • 3 Potassium Orotate
  • 4 Mildronate
  • 5 Agapurin
  • 6 Leuzea (maral root)
  • 7 Aralia Manchurian
  • 8 Vitamin Complexes
  • 9 Diabeton MV
  • 10 Tamoxifen
  • 11 Saltos
  • 12 Calcium Glycerophosphate
  • 13 Trimetazidine
  • 14 Vinpocetine
  • 15 Metformin
  • 16 Rhodiola rosea
  • 17 What you can buy in a PHARMACY - Video


Aspartame contains potassium and magnesium in the form of aspartate that is easily absorbed by the human body. Potassium and magnesium contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in muscle cells, maintaining normal osmotic pressure in them. This is realized through potassium - a sodium pump (the predominant location of potassium inside the cell, and sodium outside the cell space). However, the potassium-sodium pump operation will be provided only if sufficient energy is supplied to the cells, for which magnesium is responsible.

Aspartate facilitates the transport of potassium and magnesium to cells, which has a beneficial effect on the athlete's body. The drug improves performance, which contributes to the speed of muscle building. Magnesium, which is involved in protein metabolism and supplies energy in this process, allows an athlete to effectively build muscle during strength training.

Asparkam is also used by athletes in order to quickly lose weight, when necessary in case of weight gain due to the fat component or excess fluid. Excess fat is removed by “drying”, combining enhanced protein nutrition with active training, and to prevent possible intoxication, they use a lot of fluids, along with which the body removes potassium and magnesium, so aspark is needed here, since it restores the balance of potassium and magnesium. With a delay in the body fluid and edema, diuretics are used simultaneously with asparkam, which helps prevent the body from losing the necessary minerals and related complications.

The drug helps fight cramps, and also significantly increases the stamina of an athlete who trains in high ambient temperatures. Aspark is produced in the form of tablets. Dosage and method of use are indicated in the attached instructions, as a rule, this is the administration of one or two tablets three times a day. The drug should be taken in the morning and in the afternoon, since in the evening, magnesium and potassium are absorbed by the body worse. The length of the course of taking asparkam by a bodybuilder is individual and is determined by a sports doctor. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, preferably in the morning and afternoon.


Riboxin, as a stimulant of biochemical processes, is able to have a beneficial effect on the athlete's cardiovascular system. The drug increases the strength of heart contractions, increasing stroke volume and coronary blood supply, has anabolic and antiarrhythmic effects. Riboxin improves blood supply to muscle tissues, normalizes energy metabolism, activates metabolic processes in the myocardium, as well as a number of enzymes. In addition to a positive effect on the heart, riboxin improves the regeneration of muscle tissue. But for effective recovery after heavy loads, one riboxin is not enough, therefore, it is recommended to be taken in combination with potassium orotate.

Riboxin can replace ATP. The drug is effective in combination with potassium orotate. It is taken for 1-3 months according to the scheme of 0.2 g 3-4 times a day.

Potassium orotate

The drug is a stimulant of endogenous biochemical processes, refers to the metabolism. It is produced mainly in tablet form, dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription. The average dosage for an athlete is 1.5-2 g per day. In fact, potassium orotate is a common mineral salt found in the tissues of any living organism. The drug helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and has an anabolic effect, allowing the athlete to recover faster after training. The drug enhances diuresis and improves appetite. For noticeable progress by a bodybuilder, the drug is not particularly effective, but, nevertheless, in general, it is useful for the body, well tolerated by the athlete and has no side effects.

The drug is taken according to the scheme: an hour before meals, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 21-24 days.


Mildronate is referred to as cardioprotective. The drug is designed to increase the athlete’s performance by compensating for the manifestations of mental and physical fatigue syndrome. Mildronate normalizes metabolic processes and regulates cellular immunity. As a rule, Mildronate is prescribed at a rate of 15-20 mg per kilogram of weight. The drug is taken as prescribed by the doctor, so it is recommended to consult before you start taking it.

The daily dosage of the drug is determined at the rate of 15-20 mg / kg of weight, which is on average 1-2 g, taken in 4 doses. The duration of the course is 14 days with a repeat in 2-3 weeks.


Agapurin is available in tablet form and is relatively inexpensive. Preparations based on a similar active substance are trental and pentoxifylline. Agapurin is taken separately from other drugs. It increases vascular tone, reduces blood viscosity and increases blood flow velocity, which is important for an athlete who feels the maximum pumping of working muscles. The drug is used, mainly by experienced bodybuilders - agapurin should be taken carefully, following the instructions, in order to avoid side effects of the drug.

In bodybuilding, Agapurin is taken according to the scheme:

  • on training days 3 times, 2 tablets;
  • on rest days 3 times, 1 tablet.

The duration of the course with Agapurin is 20 days. After a 4-week break, the course is repeated. Tablets are washed down with a large volume of water. In order to avoid side effects, it is forbidden to take the drug without the consent of the doctor.

Leuzea (maral root)

The plant grows in the western and eastern parts of Siberia, in the highlands of Altai and in Central Asia. It contains phytoexidones - substances identical to steroid compounds with a pronounced anabolic effect. Leuzea activates protein synthesis and its accumulation in the tissues of muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. The drug improves physical stamina and intellectual performance. Long-term use of leuzea strengthens the vascular bed and thereby improves overall blood circulation. The drug reduces heart rate. Leuzea is part of a nutritional supplement called Leuzea-P. One tablet of the supplement contains about 0.85 mg of the active substance - ecdisten, the cost of supplements in sports stores varies from 700-1800 rubles.

Aralia Manchurian

The drug can cause hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar) and is superior in effectiveness to individual RA adaptogens. Since the release of growth hormone is observed due to hypoglycemia, taking Manchurian aralia contributes to the achievement of a high anabolic effect - the athlete's appetite improves and body weight increases. The drug belongs to the stimulants of anabolism. Aralia tincture is sold in every pharmacy. Take it in a dose of 20-30 drops in the morning on an empty stomach and an hour before training.

Vitamin Complexes

Among complex preparations, Complivit is recommended, which is taken three times a day with a tablet after meals.

As for the vitamins taken separately:

Thiamine (B1) is involved in the activities of the basic systems of the body: cardiovascular, nervous and digestion. It affects growth and energy balance. A lack of vitamin B1 causes irritability, lack of appetite, increased fatigue and related health problems.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) increases protein synthesis and its accumulation in tissues, is an effective anabolic agent.

Pyridoxine (B6 ) plays an important role in the metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system.

Ascorbic acid (C) is an antioxidant and reducing agent that is involved in metabolic processes.

B vitamins are available in injectable form, as a rule, in an ampoule contains 1 ml of a substance of 5% concentration. It is unacceptable to introduce all the vitamins at the same time on the same day - each vitamin is administered sequentially on a separate day, adhering to cyclicity. Injections are done intramuscularly, the introduction of B1 and B6 can be somewhat painful.

Diabeton MV

Diabeton MV is a pharmacy drug sold freely. One of the strongest anabolics. As a medicine, it is used as a pancreatic stimulant in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus. Bodybuilders use this drug to maintain a high level of anabolism in the offseason. In terms of effectiveness, it is close to insulin injections, and in terms of general effect, to methandrostenolone. The drug allows the athlete to quickly gain weight.

Available in tablet form of 30 mg. They begin with a dose of 30 mg per day, which, if necessary, in the next course (the course lasts one and a half to two months) can be brought to 60 mg. Diabeton MV should not be taken with other drugs. Take it during breakfast once a day. The anabolic effect of diabetes is to stimulate the production of one of the anabolic hormones - insulin. For the effective action of the drug, at least six meals a day with a small amount of fat and an increased amount of protein are recommended. During the intake of diabetes, low-calorie diets are prohibited in order to avoid the development of side effects of the drug, in particular hypoglycemia.


Tamoxifen is classified as an antiestrogen. The drug is used by bodybuilders to increase the body's level of testosterone, which blocks estrogen. Tamoxifen is used in combination with other drugs for the most effective exposure to long courses for at least 6-8 weeks. Tamoxifen becomes especially popular with bodybuilders during drying, as it accelerates and enhances fat burning processes. In those cases when the athlete has a tendency to water retention during the use of anabolic steroids, tamoxifen administration becomes mandatory. The drug in bodybuilding is also valuable in that it allows the bodybuilder to effectively increase muscle density. As with any highly effective drug, tamoxifen has a lot of side effects and contraindications, so it should be taken strictly as prescribed by a sports doctor.


It is an analogue of clenbuterol and belongs to the category of fat burners effective action. It is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription. The drug provides an increase of one degree in body temperature, which allows you to mobilize fat from the depot and convert it to energy. When taking side effects are possible - nervousness and trembling hands. On average, 3-5 tablets are taken per day in three divided doses (based on a tablet per 25 kg of athlete's weight). A course lasting 6 weeks is repeated after 1.5 months.

Calcium Glycerophosphate

Indications for taking glycerophosphate as a medicine are overwork, dystrophy, rickets. For a bodybuilder, the drug is valuable in that it accelerates the absorption of protein and improves metabolism. Calcium glycerophosphate also increases appetite. While taking the drug in the diet, it is necessary to limit fats, replacing them with proteins. It is recommended to take the drug in courses. Analogues of calcium glycerophosphate do not exist. The approximate daily dose of the drug is calculated based on a ratio of 100 mg for every 8 kilograms of weight. The daily dosage of calcium glycerophosphate is 1000 mg with a weight of 80 kg. It is divided into 5 doses, one tablet (200 mg). Duration of the drug: morning 2 hours before training. The course on weight lasts 1.5-2 months.


The action of trimetazidine is close to the known mildronate, but much cheaper than the latter. The drug promotes greater oxygen delivery to the cells, preserves the intracellular potential, counteracts the formation of free radicals, and increases the athlete’s endurance. Taking the drug can significantly increase the load and intensity of training. Trimetazidine can be replaced with a similar product containing creatine, which, however, will not be equivalent in effectiveness to the replacement. Perhaps a combination of the drug with other agents.


Vinpocetine is a medication that corrects cerebrovascular accident. The active substance of the drug is apovincaminate. Vinpocetine has a direct effect on metabolic processes in brain tissue. It has a vasodilating effect and improves blood supply to brain tissue. Vinpocetine increases tissue resistance to hypoxia, activates the utilization of glucose and metabolism of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain tissue. The drug prevents platelet aggregation, thereby reducing blood viscosity. Vinpocetine positively affects not only the brain, but also muscle tissue, contributing to their better supply of oxygen and nutrients. The drug is usually taken in a dose of 5 to 30 mg in 30 minutes - an hour before training. Vinpocetine does not have the side effects of the classic "energy" in the form of insomnia or trembling hands.


The mechanism of action of metformin is based on its ability to suppress gluconeogenesis in the liver, inhibiting the absorption of glucose in the intestine and its better utilization in muscle tissues. Accelerates the process of transition of glucose to glycogen. It reduces appetite, due to which weight is reduced or stabilized. It does not have a hypoglycemic effect. Before use, the athlete should consult a doctor, since the drug has many contraindications and may have side effects.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is also called the Golden Root. Places of its growth are Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Altai, and Sayans. The pharmacological properties of the golden root are due to the active substances present in it - rhodioliside and rhodosin. In pharmacies you can meet them in their pure form. The main feature of Rhodiola rosea is the effect exerted on muscle tissue, manifested in the improvement of energy metabolism in them. Taking the drug improves stamina and increases muscle strength. At the same time, the activity of contractile proteins, myosin and actin, increases at the cellular level and increases in the size of mitochondria. Rhodiola rosea tincture is taken 2-3 times before meals in an amount of 20-25 drops.

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