Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Among the exercises that allow you to work with your own weight, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are considered the most common and affordable. They can be performed both in the gym and on the street. You can install the crossbar at home, which will make this exercise even more accessible. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar work fine muscles and allow you to stretch the spine well. This positive effect of the exercise is important not only for those who are engaged to maintain good shape, but also for professional athletes.

You can pull up anywhere. The main thing is that there is a crossbar. Such a horizontal bar is on almost every yard sports ground. Gyms also have crossbars. It is often done right in a house or apartment. It does not take up much space, but allows you to pull up absolutely any time. This exercise does not allow you to pump up powerful muscles, but even those who want to become really big should not refuse it, since it helps to improve the relief of both the back and arms.

In addition, pulling up, you can significantly increase strength indicators, that is, to develop the back and arms. There are various options for pull-ups, which are determined by the type of grip. Depending on the specific choice, the muscle group to be worked out is determined.


  • 1 Average grip on top
  • 2 Average bottom grip
  • 3 Wide grip to the chest
  • 4 Wide grip on the head
  • 5 Narrow grip on top
  • 6 Narrow grip from the bottom
  • 7 Neutral grip along the crossbar
  • 8 Partial lower grip pull-ups
  • 9 Training program on the horizontal bar
    • 9.1 Category one - one or two pull-ups
    • 9.2 Category two - from two to four attempts
    • 9.3 Third category - from 5 to 7 pull-ups
    • 9.4 Fourth category - from 8 to 12 times
  • 10 Summary

Medium grip on top

It is a classic version. This kind of pull-ups is performed both in physical education lessons and in American special forces. The main emphasis is on the biceps and muscles of the back.

To perform this sipping, you must perform the following steps:

  • to grasp the horizontal bar with arms spread shoulder-width apart;
  • hang and bend a little in the back;
  • cross legs so that the body does not loosen;
  • pull up, bringing the shoulder blades together.

When the body is at the extreme point, it is necessary to touch the crossbar with the upper part of the chest. Muscles are best stretched when the arms are fully extended. Otherwise, full stretching will not work.

Medium grip bottom

It is a simpler and easier to perform variation compared to the top. This is due to the fact that the main part of the load is the biceps. They, unlike the back, are initially more adapted to pulling up. This type of exercise is ideal for beginners who find it difficult to give an upper grip.

The distance between the hands should be the same as when pulling up with a wide upper grip. The difference lies in the fact that the palms do not turn away from themselves, but, on the contrary, towards themselves. Performing this exercise does not differ in principle from the previous one, but the shoulders, when they begin to move up, are taken back, and then down. The forearms should remain perpendicular to the floor surface all the time.

Wide grip to chest

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar have the most diverse effect on the muscles. This variety is considered the most useful. This powerful and useful exercise, of course, requires a certain level of physical fitness and effort. Such a pull-up scares beginners, since it is not just difficult to make, but very difficult. Among those who regularly visits the gym, it is rarely possible to meet people who know how to do it correctly. Exercise allows you to pump several spinal muscle groups at once - the broadest, round paired, as well as trapezoid.

To do this pull-up, the horizontal bar is taken from above. The grip should be such that the hands are at the same distance as when pressing the bar in a prone position. An important nuance is that the thumb is not from below, but from above. This also applies to the remaining fingers. In other words, the bar is kept on top. Due to this position, the muscles of the back are stretched as well and qualitatively as possible. When pulling up, the biceps muscles should be relaxed.

The upward movement is carried out by mixing the blades. It is necessary to stretch up until the moment when the chest touches the crossbar. The achievement of this position should be preceded by bending in the back and looking up. When they reach the extreme point, they are delayed in the adopted position for several seconds.

Wide grip on the head

Another common and fairly popular version of this exercise. The main nuance that should be remembered when performing this pull-up option is that it is rather traumatic. The risk is due to improper execution. If the shoulder joints remain motionless, then a very serious injury can occur. The load falls on the same muscle groups as when pulling with a wide grip to the chest, but the latissimus dorsi are most developed.

The grip in width is similar to that with the bench press. When doing this exercise, then the back should never be bent. The body and legs should form an even, uniform line. Elbows should be kept directed only downward all the time. They should not look back. At the highest point, the neck should not be in contact with the surface of the bar.

Until the moment when the full range of motion is made, you need to spend a certain amount of time training. This allows you to master the correct execution technique. If you try to pull up immediately, you may be injured. A signal to stop further movement are pain in the back or in the shoulder joints. You can’t stop moving abruptly. It is necessary to slowly descend to the initial (initial position). This will prevent injury or minimize damage.

Narrow grip on top

Unlike previous variations, grasping is done with narrowly spaced hands. This exercise is great for those people whose joints in the wrists have little mobility. When the bar is taken from below, pull-ups allow you to work out the dentate, lower latissimus muscles well. To some extent, the shoulder muscles are also involved.

The palms on the crossbar should be as close to each other as possible. Thumbs practically touch each other. Pulling is performed with a deflection in the back. You should try to touch the lower chest with the crossbar.

Narrow grip from the bottom

This kind of pull-ups is easier than the previous one. It is performed either when it is difficult to do an exercise with an upper narrow grip, or to stretch the broadest spinal muscles. Along with this group of muscles, biceps are also being worked out.

Similarly to the previous version, this exercise also involves the closest possible arrangement of hands to each other. The difference is that the palms are facing you. When they weigh on straight arms, they bend in the back and look at the hands. It is necessary to focus on the fact that the shoulder blades are brought together, and the shoulders are retracted. Pulling themselves to the extreme point, they try to bend more strongly in the back and touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the chest.

Neutral grip along the crossbar

It is a fairly specific kind of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This pull-up is aimed at working out the broadest lower dentate muscles and, to some extent, the shoulder muscles. They take the crossbar so that one palm is in front of the other. During pulling up, they bend in the back and try to touch the crossbar with the chest (lower part). The head is turned away from the projectile, changing side with each pull-up. Hands change with a new approach. To make the execution more comfortable, a V-shaped handle is often hung on the horizontal bar.

Partial lower grip pull-ups

Such pull-ups are aimed at working out the biceps. They allow you to concentrate the load. The horizontal bar is taken over the horizontal grip when a right angle is formed between the forearm and the shoulder. Having taken a starting position, they are pulled exactly to the middle. The case should be fixed vertically, and then begin to move up, trying to touch the crossbar with the collarbones. Lack of stretching and small amplitude allow to get the maximum load.

Training program on the horizontal bar

Performing pull-ups, like any other exercise, requires training. Proceed to them only after determining your maximum. Then, having decided on the group, they begin to train at least twice a week, and after a month they repeat the test. If the indicators have increased, go to the next level of difficulty.

Category One - One or Two Pullups

People who manage to catch up no more than twice in one approach have the weakest level. They should begin to work with passive pull-ups, when the load of its own weight is minimized. This implies the use of the bench, that is, lifting with the use of legs. Lowering is carried out already under the force of its own weight. The first 14 days should be trained for 3 sets, in each of which they do up to 5 repetitions, when lowering takes at least 5-6 seconds. Then it is increased to 8 or 10 seconds, but no more than two approaches are made.

Category two - from two to four attempts

Those who manage to perform from two or more successful pull-ups should do more approaches, but with fewer repetitions. The first repetitions must be performed intensive to load as much muscle fibers as possible, maximizing neuromuscular communication. The first two weeks of training do eight approaches, each of which should have exactly half the repetitions of the best indicator when first testing your ability. Between separate rest cycles for 1-1.5 minutes. The further training schedule already implies the completion in each set of the full number of pull-ups that were made during the first attempt.

Category three - from 5 to 7 pull-ups

People who are able to pull themselves up 5 or even 7 times are strong, but still not very hardy. They can perform the exercise without any counting sets. Rest between the individual approaches can be anything. The main task is to make at least three or four sets.

Category Four - 8 to 12 times

Those who are able to pull themselves at least eight times from one approach are already too hardy and strong to work with their own weight. To improve their results, it is necessary to use weights, which should be no more than 10% of their own weight. The additional load will reduce the number of repetitions by three or four times, but will allow you to get the maximum effect.


Pull-ups only at first glance do not seem to be the most effective exercise for training. They allow you to keep fit when there is no time for full classes. If you want to develop not only the spinal muscles and biceps, you should perform exercises to work out the legs and abs.