Tendon exercises Zassa (Iron Samson)

You can often see this picture: a person with very thin legs is much stronger than an athlete whose legs are a mountain of muscles. A logical question arises - why is this happening ">


    • 0.1 There is no sense in volumetric muscles if they are not supplemented by strong tendons, because the very basis of strength is missing.
    • 0.2. Muscles are based on tendons, it is they that must be developed in the first place.
    • 0.3 Meanwhile, experts are trying to find white spots in the sun. What they just do not come up with ...
    • 0.4 And now it’s worth giving some explanations regarding various objections and discussions on this topic:
    • 0.5 However, the following facts are reliably known:
    • 0.6 Basic rules for performing exercises:
  • 1 Tendon Chain Exercises
    • 1.1 The first complex:
    • 1.2 The second set of exercises:
    • 1.3 Iron Samson - Video

There is no sense in volumetric muscles if they are not supplemented by strong tendons, because the very basis of strength is missing.

Many bodybuilders cannot use full force at the moment when it is really necessary. So the practical benefits of giant muscles alone are few.

Muscles grow in volume due to movement, and tendons are strengthened in a completely different way. The best option is to try to move some kind of stationary object, for example, push a wall. It is from resistance that the tendon strength increases.

Probably, any athlete knows a name like Alexander Zass, or they know this person as Iron Samson . It was he who created the system for the development of power, which is now used by people not only in our country, but also around the world.

Speech by Alexander Zass:

Alexander managed to develop a phenomenal strength through exercises that strengthen the tendons. He was not tall, weighing about 70 kg, and with such data he acted as an athlete in the circus. What he saw astounded and shocked the audience: a very weak-looking man easily defeated giant artists, tore chains and horseshoes, bent metal bars and could keep horses running in different directions. Some viewers suspected a fraud, so Alexander had to do exercises with dumbbells in order to gain mass. But, its weight never exceeded 80 kg.

In general, tendon training has been known since ancient times. The old men lifted animals, bent rods, even dragged trees ... And Roman gladiators climbed the platform in robes, all of which reached 400 kg.

However, it was Iron Samson who collected all this into the system and introduced it to the world in 1924.

Muscles are based on tendons, it is they that must be developed in the first place.

In the 60s of the last century, athletes from America made a “rediscovery” of this technique, and called these exercises isometric, or static. Since then, tendon strengthening has become a mandatory part of many training programs. But these trainings are just separate exercises, and Alexander Zass created the whole system!

Unfortunately, most sports trainers and scientists prefer to remain silent about this fact. But this system is unique in many respects: for its application you do not need any training equipment, just a little free space and time. And the effectiveness of these classes is simply excellent. Many modern circus athletes, for example, Gennady Ivanov and Ivan Shutov, developed their phenomenal strength using the Zass technique.

Meanwhile, experts are trying to find white spots in the sun. What they just do not come up with ...

They talk about how isometric is harmful to the cardiovascular system of unprepared people (is it worth saying that this is a blatant lie); they allegedly provide evidence that dynamic training is much more effective than static (that is, they convince everyone that complex training is better than simple); many say that maximum stress injures muscles and causes breaks in muscle tissue.

And recently, they have come up with yet another way of misleading people who do not understand all these training methods. The method is quite simple - mixing concepts. According to some of these “smart” people, isometry is essentially no different from Anokhin’s gymnastics. Or they come up with “safe” training systems, they say, the maximum voltage should be kept no more than 6 seconds, and after about a year you can increase the time to 8 seconds. And keeping tension for 12 seconds is extremely dangerous for health. If you have a headache, stop training immediately. And no more than 15 minutes a day!

As for spots, the present history of the development of isometry can be considered a real spot. In the 60s, Bob Hoffman established the production of special frames for static exercises. As proof of the real benefits of tendon exercises, he touted the accomplishments of Billy March and Louis Riquet, who in just 6 months had achieved an incredible increase in all-around results. Many then began to do isometric exercises, some achieved very good results, but no one could get closer to the achievements of March and Rike. And at one point this “static boom” came to naught when it turned out that their amazing progress had another reason - the use of steroids. A big scandal erupted, as a result of which the reputation of tendon training was spoiled for many years.

And yet, it was these events that became the first experiment of their kind. All equipment created in those years was later used for research. The result of one of these studies speaks for itself: 175 athletes engaged in isometric exercises over a period of time. Each week, their strength indicators improved by about 5%! As they say, comments are superfluous.

Immediately after these studies, interest in this type of training increased sharply, and static exercises firmly entered the world sports practice. However, new difficulties arose, now they were connected with the athletes themselves ... Many athletes were just bored to perform these monotonous exercises, which are also narrowly targeted. What can we say about ordinary amateurs who recognized only dynamic training and did not consider it necessary to spend their time on this nonsense, and they almost did not believe in the effectiveness of such training.

Here in such a difficult way was the development of what was once created by our hero Zass. But everything could be much simpler, it would be possible to simply republish 2 books of Iron Samson and in practice show how effective the Sass technique is, that is, training with iron chains.

And now it’s worth giving some explanations regarding various objections and discussions on this topic:

  • The system was based on exercises with a chain, but it also included dynamic exercises with heavy bags. Nowadays, bodybuilding is slowly but surely approaching this system. And athletes try not only to get closer to her, but also to improve her;
  • To develop the strength of tendons only by isometry is wrong, they must be pumped, the entire volume of the joint must be strained. Thus, tendons should develop in several directions at once, from the development of a tendon spring to the spread of force density over the entire range of motion. Several types of training should be used: stops, work with “iron”, raising and lowering with the support of the body, etc. There are a lot of ways to train.
  • There is a direct correlation between the danger of straining for health and violation of physiology and energy. The main danger lies in improper breathing during the exercise. Another danger is a violation of the recovery process. And, finally, narrow-profile training, which can lead to distortions in the exchange of energy. These factors are applicable not only to static exercises, they can be found in any kind of activity, most often in sports.
  • It has already been said that many consider isometry a regular copy of Anokhin's gymnastics. Indeed, some exercises from this gymnastics can be a good complement to tendon training. But, this gymnastics refers to muscle training, and not to tendon.
  • There is a type of gymnastics that can be called a close relative of isometry. This is a gymnastics of self-resistance Vladimir Fokhtin. With statics, this gymnastics is related at least to what it also gets from the so-called “experts”. It is equated with Anokhin’s gymnastics, attempts are made to convince the townsfolk that all the benefits of training are only in toning the muscles, and it is only suitable for keeping fit during business trips or business trips, and some argue that it is no less dangerous than isometry. The next sign of kinship is the orientation of the training: in addition to muscles and joints, gymnastics also has a very effective effect on tendons. And again, training requires only a little free time and a minimum of equipment. The most important thing here is not to try to do as many exercises as possible, if you perform 80 exercises in one course, then this will not end in anything good. We can assume that Fokhtin made the next and very important step in the development of tendon training.
  • As for the widespread opinion that each exercise should last no more than 6 seconds, and the maximum effort not more than 3 seconds, it is difficult to give a definite answer. Alexander Zass himself did not say anything about the duration of the training.

However, the following facts are reliably known:

1) While in prison, Iron Samson performed exercises with a 20-second voltage. It can be assumed that in ordinary life this time reached a minute.

2) In the first 8 seconds, the ATP supply is burned, then glycogen is burned, and after 40 seconds, fat also burns. But, the dynamic way of spending and restoring energy is completely different, and may come into conflict with the isometric way. If you don’t have a desire to radically change something, it is best to choose one type of training. If isometry is selected, then 4 temporary voltage types can be defined: 6-12 seconds, 15-20 seconds, minute, 3-6 minutes. Each of them must first be awakened, and then developed. Otherwise, the only result of training will be a state of overtraining, leading to stress.

The technique of working with iron chains is not forgotten today. And this is not surprising, because it simultaneously develops strength, strengthens ligaments and tendons, and forms the basis for natural development. How many pleasures in one bottle!

If women decided to do the Zass technique, then there are a few comments. Muscles practically do not increase in volume from classes, just as veins do not increase. During training, subcutaneous fat is included in the process of general energy exchange, which leads to its absorption and improvement of the skin condition.

In addition to iron chains, the following shells can be used to perform tendon exercises: metal rods, thick cord, wooden sticks, etc. Walls, cabinets, heavy furniture, doorways are perfect as stationary objects that you can try to move, with maximum effort. We must try to bend the metal bars, lift the door jamb, break the chains, squeeze the sticks ... In general, do everything that is possible with these things. During any such exercise, the muscles, ligaments and tendons tighten, all the strength gradually goes into a state of maximum density. And then the whole body calms down again. Several exercises performed in one training approach develop and consolidate the strength of our entire body. Perform each exercise once, or you can do it 2-3 times a day "> Basic rules for performing exercises:

1) The subject you are training is your body. When working with chains, it is necessary to create a dense wave of the body, then the chain will break itself.

2) Throughout the exercise, breathing should be calm.

3) The wave of power should take possession of the whole body, while the whole body must be pressed in an effort, this will strengthen the connection between the tendons, muscles and joints.

4) It is necessary to achieve a good power wave, the input is smooth, amplification to the maximum occurs without discontinuities, then the same smooth output.

5) A positive attitude before training, a mood is much more important than the exercise itself.

6) The action on the principle of tension-relaxation, together with the force you will feel a certain energy, it is impossible to realize.

7) The interval between exercises is 30-60 seconds, if a more powerful effort is required, then you can increase the break to several minutes, with this you can experiment.

8) If you feel discomfort, a frantic rhythm of the heartbeat and breathe with difficulty - stop and calm down, and when you return to training, do not exert maximum effort first.

9) You do not need to immediately try to keep the voltage for 15-20 seconds, by this time you need to come gradually, for a start it will be enough 5 seconds, and then a smooth transition to a longer voltage will take place.

10) Perform from 5 to 8 exercises daily, in each exercise do 3 sets in a row, first at 60% tension, then at 90, and the third 75%.

11) A full workout should not be carried out more than 2 times a week and take more than an hour.

12) And once again - the main mood, without it you can train as much as you like, and this will not bring results.

After strength training, you can conduct a small test: try to stretch the chain or towel, hands down, make 95% of the effort. When you are done, listen to the sensations of your hands, if everything is in order with the muscles, then you can raise your hands first to the sides, then up. This test can only be done once a week, it will be an indicator of the progress of your strength and its quality over the week. Lack of progress means that you are doing something wrong, think what it may be. Perhaps you didn’t get enough sleep, overeat, didn’t fully recover from the previous workout, or did some exercises on this one. And you also need to determine the goal that you set yourself before testing, if you can not stretch the projectile for more than a minute, then be very careful with overvoltages. And if you are able to do this for more than 90 seconds, then this is just fine, your power progress is evident.

Tendon Chain Exercises

The original Zassa technique is a set of exercises with chains. If you attach handles with hooks to the chains, then the chain can be extended or shortened if desired. To fix the legs, it is tedious to attach to the ends of the chain, which, like belts, will hold the legs. Thus, to start training on this system, you will need 2 chains, the length of which is the distance from the floor to your arm extended upwards. In addition, 2 handles and 2 foot loops will be needed.

Chains are sold at any hardware store. Handles can be made as follows: thread a wire or cable bent at the connection into a hook into 2 pieces of pipe of approximately the same thickness. As for the foot loops, tarpaulins, materials for trunks and even a woman’s handbag can come up here. First you need to conduct an experiment with the fabric: take the ends of the fabric in both hands, step on it with your foot and pull up. So you can evaluate the thickness, width and usability of the loop.

Well, finally, it's time to move on to the exercises themselves. Below will be described 2 sets of exercises, they were collected from articles by Alexander Zass’s nephew, Yuri Shaposhnikov. The chain is always tensioned in its original position.

The first complex:

1) Take the ends of the chain in your hands. Bend your right hand and stretch the chain with it, hold the other end in a straight left hand. Then change hands and repeat the exercise.

2) Hands in the initial position are kept shoulder width or slightly wider than the shoulders. Stretch the chain, but at the same time strain not only the muscles of the hands, but also the muscles of the chest and the latissimus dorsi.

3) Stretch your bent arms in front of your chest and stretch the chain. The muscles of the arms and chest work in this exercise.

4) The chain stretches behind the back. The primary effect is on the triceps.

5) As in the previous exercise, stretch the chain behind your back. But this time, in addition to triceps, tighten the muscles of the abdomen and chest.

6) Before you start the exercise you need to exhale. After exhaling, wrap your chest with a chain and secure it. Then take a deep breath, tighten the pectoral muscles and the broadest muscles of the back, and stretch the chain.

7) Here we need two chains. It is necessary to attach leather loops to one end of each chain, and thread the feet into these loops. The chain is stretched, while the trapezius muscles and muscles of the arms are strained.

8) When stretching the chain, change your hands in their original position. Triceps and deltoid muscles are strained.

9) As in the previous exercise, change the starting position. In addition to the hands, change the position of the legs.

10) При растягивании цепи используйте сначала правое бедро, затем левое бедро.

11) На сей раз, меняйте положение рук, ног и туловища при растягивании. Надо сделать 2 наклона, к левой и правой ноге.

12) Цепь растягивается в упоре лежа на полу, напрягаются мышцы плечевого пояса и трицепсы. Тело должно находиться в постоянном напряжении.

13) Теперь необходимо растягивать цепь в стойке на руках, используя мышцы рук, спины и шеи. При поиске баланса в стойке, постарайтесь всю нагрузку перенести на пальцы.

14) Для выполнения этого упражнения понадобится использование двух петель. При растягивании цепи должны напрягаться шейные мышцы и спинные мышцы.

15) Когда вы выполняете упражнение, развивающее мышцы рук и четырехглавые бедра, меняйте положение рук и ног.

16) Как и в упражнении 14, здесь понадобятся две петли. Основное воздействие оказывается на мышцы задней поверхности бедра, их и надо напрягать во время растягивания цепи. Можно немного разнообразить упражнение, и отвести ногу в сторону при растягивании. Поменяйте исходное положение ног и повторите упражнение.

Второй комплекс упражнений:

1) Возьмите цепь в руки, согните их и вытяните перед грудью, локти должны находиться примерно на уровне плеч. Приложите усилие и попытайтесь растянуть цепь.

2) Занесите согнутые руки за голову. Во время растягивания цепи меняйте ее рабочий отрезок.

3) В этом упражнении нам понадобятся две цепи, к их концам прикрепляются ручки. Проденьте ступни рук в одни ручки, другие возьмите в руки, согните их и поднимите к плечам. Растягивайте цепи строго вверх. Далее расположите ручки на уровне головы, а затем выше головы.

4) И вновь буду использоваться две ручки. В одну проденьте ступню правой ноги, другую возьмите в правую руку и поднимите вверх. Допускается небольшое сгибание руки в локте. При выпрямлении руки цепь должны растягиваться вверх. Потом нужно повторить упражнений с левой рукой.

5) На вдохе обмотайте свою грудь цепью и закрепите ее. Затем сделайте еще один глубокий вдох и попытайтесь разорвать цепь, для этого надо напрячь мышцы груди и широчайшие мышцы спины.

6) В исходном положении поставьте ноги шире плеч. В прямую левую руку возьмите одну ручку и держите ее у левого колена, другую ручка находится в согнутой правой руке у пояса. В этом положении растягивается цепь, затем руки меняются.

7) Один конец цепи возьмите в руки, а другой надо закрепить. Если у вас в стене есть крюк на уровне пояса, то закрепите конец за него. Ноги поставьте шире плеч и потяните за цепь. Постарайтесь вырвать ее из крюка.

8) Теперь один конец нужно закрепить за крюк в полу, а к другому концу прикрепить ручку. Затем надо взяться обеими руками за эту ручку на уровне колен, и попытаться оторвать крюк от пола. При этом напрягаются мышцы спины, рук и ног. Потом можно повторить упражнение, взявшись руками за ручку на уровне пояса или за спиной.

Евгений Сандов был кумиром Железного Самсона с детства. Он вел с ним заочное соперничество и преуспел в этом, сделав следующий шаг в развитии силовых методик.

Кроме упражнений с цепями, Засс использовал тяжелые мешки в своих тренировках. Это было необходимо для развития мышечной массы, которая была нужна не для выполнения номеров, а для солидного вида на арене цирка. Каждая его тренировка заканчивалась упражнениями с мешками. Чаще всего использовался мешок весом 7 кг, наполненный опилками. Засс отсыпал из него опилки и засыпал вместо них немного песка. Затем он стал засыпать дробь, а потом и вовсе свинец. В итоге, через несколько лет тренировок, мешок весил почти 70 кг!

Железный Самсон — Видео