Fish oil: benefits and harm to the body

The usefulness of fat obtained from fish lies in its unique composition. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. With regular use of fish oil, the risk of developing resistance to insulin, the formation of blood clots, low density lipoproteins is reduced.


  • 1 Biological value
  • 2 Benefits for the body
  • 3 Daily Intake
  • 4 Instructions for use
  • 5 Contraindications and side effects

Biological value

Fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the most important of which are alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids for the body. They are responsible for the efficiency of transfer of biogenic amines to the central nervous system, improve blood supply to the brain. These processes directly affect the increase in cognitive performance. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) has anti-inflammatory properties.

The beneficial effect of PUFA precursors, neuroprotectins, is to protect neurons from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. The latter is the result of excessive physical activity, including during training. This is due to the high need of athletes in the constant intake of these substances into the body.

The usefulness of omega-3 PUFAs is not limited to exposure to the brain. The results of studies conducted in the seventies of the last century showed that people taking omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are much less likely to suffer from diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), limb atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Benefits for the body

This animal fat is actively used in the treatment of night blindness, anemia, rickets, tuberculosis and other disorders. Its high vitamin A content helps maintain excellent vision. Fish oil allows you to restore clarity of thinking and raise your mood with organic depressions that develop against the background of degenerative and vascular processes, epilepsy, neuroinfection, chronic intoxication, and injuries.

The high content of vitamin D in fish oil makes it an effective prophylactic against bone disorders. Group D vitamins are directly involved in the production of tryptophan serotonin from the amino acid, which is also called the “hormone of joy”. The function of serotonin is to regulate appetite, motor activity and mood. This all has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and the well-being of a person.

Fish oil burns saturated fats, helps to achieve significant results faster when losing weight. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 is able to prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. This fact finds both supporters and opponents. Discussions on this subject are still ongoing. Suppression of oxidative stress by fish oil leads to a decrease in sensitivity to adrenal hormones.

The composition of fish oil includes:

  • arachidonic, oleic, palmitic acid;
  • omega-3 and omega-6;
  • cholesterol;
  • phosphorus and iodine.

Daily intake

It is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. The acceptable amount of fish oil, which does not harm the body, is considered to be from 1.0 to 1.5 grams per day. For weightlifters, this figure doubles and amounts to 2-3 grams. With a decrease in mass, it is necessary to consume even more fat, bringing its amount to 4 grams per day.

Breaks between receptions can be omitted. Keep in mind the fact that obtaining pure omega-3 due to improper storage is quite difficult. If storage rules are violated, more metabolites are converted to free radicals. The latter do not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, cause severe damage to the body.

Instructions for use

Fish oil is indicated for hypovitaminosis (deficiency) of vitamins A and D, depression, neurosis, such a violation of the nervous system as neurocirculatory dysfunction - vegetovascular dystonia (VVD), as well as to improve the conductivity of the central nervous system (CNS). For athletes, this animal fat is indispensable. It accelerates the metabolic processes occurring in tissues, contributes to the improvement of physical indicators.

They release omega-3 capsules. They are taken only after eating. If you drink capsules on an empty stomach or before eating, this is fraught with various gastrointestinal disorders. The daily intake of capsules can be seen on the back of the package. When fatty unsaturated acids are taken in the form of tincture, it is drunk three times a day with meals, but not more than 15 ml.

You can get PUFA from fresh fish. The main thing is that the product is stored properly. In this case, it will be enough to eat 150 grams of fish per day.

Capsules - the most convenient form of administration

The ban on this drug during the Soviet Union was due to origin. Fish oil, obtained from the remains of cod liver or fish residues, contains many substances harmful to the body, including heavy metals. Today, the drug from these sources is found in the free market, but is not recommended for use.

Useful for the body fish oil on the package should be marked "fish", and not "from the cod liver." "Fish" fat is obtained from meat, and not from leftovers or liver. The more expensive a variety of fish is used, the better the fat received from it. This is due to the fact that too cheap fish oil capsules should not be purchased.

Contraindications and side effects

Gastrointestinal upsets are a major side effect due to improper intake of fish oil on an empty stomach. Omega-3 has a number of contraindications. It can not be used for kidney stones, hyperthyroidism - increased thyroid function, exceeding the normal level of calcium in the blood.

Taking polyunsaturated fatty acids is contraindicated in disorders associated with decompensation of systems, including febrile syndrome, as well as during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. When a substance leads to allergic manifestations, this is fraught with the development of anaphylactic shock.

Fish oil, like any drug or product, has its contraindications for use. In the absence of individual intolerance, manifested in the form of allergic reactions that impede his intake of diseases, it brings invaluable and multifaceted benefits to the body, allows you to maintain good shape and maintain good health.