Training after 50 years

Bodybuilding is of interest not only to young people, but also to those who celebrated a significant half-century anniversary. Of course, it’s useful for everyone to visit the gym, but with age you need to pay much more attention to your health.

To preserve and maintain themselves in great physical shape, strengthen the body, improve tone, but at the same time not harm health, people after fifty years need a special technique . If you follow the tips and recommendations below, listen to the needs of your own body, making certain adjustments to the program of sports, each visit to the gym will deliver maximum benefit.


  • 1 Basic principles of a training program after 50 years
    • 1.1 Frequency of loads - heavy training should be replaced by unloading
    • 1.2 Load control - the level should be selected as optimal as possible
    • 1.3 Restoring the body - rationally organized periods of rest
    • 1.4 Nutrition - Properly Selected and Balanced Diet
  • 2 Cardio loads and strength training for adult athletes
    • 2.1 Cardio load
    • 2.2 General recommendations
    • 2.3 Cardio Workout Program
  • 3 Strength training
    • 3.1 General recommendations
    • 3.2 Strength training program
  • 4 What supplements should be taken after 50 years "> 5 List of recommended supplements
    • 5.1 Microelements
    • 5.2 Fish oil
    • 5.3 Improving the work of the joint and ligamentous apparatus
    • 5.4 Proteins and amines
  • 6 Instead of a conclusion
  • 7 Sports after 50 years - Video

Basic principles of a training program after 50 years

Age is not a hindrance to either sports or bodybuilding. Despite this fact, one should not forget that processes begin in the body that affect the state of a person far from in a positive way. Unfortunately, these changes cannot be stopped. They must be taken for granted, taking into account when drawing up a training program.

In the tissues of the joints degenerative changes begin to occur, the speed of all regenerative processes decreases, the function of the endocrine system is disrupted, the metabolism slows down, and so on. The body as a whole begins to work much worse than before. And you should not forget about it in any case.

If the decision to engage in bodybuilding was made already in old age, then the training program should be developed taking into account all the fundamental principles for building the training process:

Frequency of loads - heavy trainings should be replaced by unloading

The concept of "heavy training" for an age athlete is very different from a similar complex for young athletes. The number of repetitions when working with heavy weight should vary from 5 to 12, and with light - from 12 to 20. This load is enough to stop the catabolic reactions occurring in the musculature, gaining a small amount of mass. In old age, there can be no talk of increasing muscle mass.

Load control - the level should be selected as optimal as possible

Training will bring maximum benefit only if each exercise is performed competently from a technical point of view, and the weight is selected correctly. In old age, the mobility of the joints is significantly reduced, so the amplitude of movements should be slightly different. Close attention deserves breathing.

Restoring the body - rationally organized periods of rest

The metabolic rate decreases with age. This also applies to the production of hormones. Recovery processes are much slower, and therefore, rest needs to be given more time. If there is no increased fatigue and malaise, a two-day break between training days is enough.

Nutrition - the right and balanced diet

This item is equally important. Do not neglect your own health for the sake of athletic performance. The diet should fully comply not only with the basics of proper sports nutrition, but also be selected in full accordance with the age and needs of the body.

Cardio load and strength training for adult athletes

A guide to bodybuilding after 50 years cannot be considered complete if it does not contain any practical recommendations. In order to have a clear idea of ​​which direction to move, you need to know everything about the organization of cardio and strength training.

Cardio load

Older athletes need to take special care of the state of the vascular system and heart muscle, with which most of the problems and ailments that appear with age are most often associated. A kind of "lifeline" that allows you to maintain the function of the cardiovascular system at a fairly good level, and are cardio workouts.

General recommendations

Moderate-weight cardio workouts should be done four times a week. The recommended duration of the lesson is at least thirty minutes, and the load should not be too high.

The main thing, first of all, is to determine the intensity of classes. This can be done by a small test, consisting in an attempt to speak. If during the training an athlete can continue to communicate without any difficulties, you can safely continue to train in this mode.

Cardio Workout Program

You can run, swim, ride a bike. There are no restrictions. The only recommendation is that you should not be limited to one type of cardio load. It is better to give preference to a variety of workouts, that is, to alternate, for example, running with swimming and so on. It’s even more interesting and exciting not to do it alone, but with friends or relatives.

Strength training

Athletes at any age very often neglect workout. Every strength training should begin with it, which must be performed twice a week. The total duration of each lesson can vary from twenty to forty minutes. Intensity should be selected moderate. The main thing is that the training meets the age of the athlete.

General recommendations

Strength training for athletes over 50 years old pursue slightly different tasks than similar classes for young bodybuilders. Increasing physical parameters and weight gain are no longer a priority. The main goal is to maintain muscle tone and promote health. There is no need to put emphasis on working with free weight.

Strength training program

It is recommended to work on safe simulators, and not with weighting materials. The intensity is assumed to be such that for each muscle group two to three sets of 8-12 repetitions are performed. In the training should include functional movements that mimic committed in everyday life.

What supplements should be taken after 50 years "> List of recommended supplements

Trace elements

The body needs minerals and vitamins always. The only difference is that with age, a person begins to consume much less nutrients. And if mineral supplements may be enough for everyday life, then against the background of bodybuilding, the likelihood of developing a deficiency of minerals and vitamins required for the normal functioning of the body increases. To compensate for this drawback, you should take good and high-quality multivitamin complexes.

Fish fat

Fatty unsaturated acids are of great importance to the elderly. They are an integral part of metabolic processes, increase the efficiency of the joint-ligamentous apparatus. Deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids can trigger the development of many diseases, especially in the elderly. Avoid this allows the intake of fish oil.

Improving the work of the joint-ligamentous apparatus

The risk of impaired joints and ligaments is manifested to a greater extent with age. Maintain their normal function allows the intake of appropriate sports supplements.

Proteins and Amines

Catabolic processes leading to the destruction of muscles occur when a person is not involved in sports. This phenomenon is characteristic of absolutely any age, but manifests itself much brighter after 50. Maintaining an active lifestyle is opposed to these processes, but without the use of protein and amino acid supplements is not so effective.

Instead of a conclusion

Following the above recommendations, having passed a preliminary consultation with your doctor, you can safely go to the gym to start playing sports in order to maintain yourself in great shape.

Sports after 50 years - Video