Spider Arm Curls

For many boys and girls, biceps is a problem muscle. He does not want to grow big, show a peak, and even more so engage in exercises requiring bending of the arms. Yes, many are still doing cheating raises. But spider biceps flexions are designed to fix this. Before us is one of the isolating exercises, in which physically it will not work to work so that the muscles of the back, legs and body are turned on. The maximum of the “side job” is the movement with the forearms, but it is also minimized, because the athlete lies face down on an inclined bench. An exercise from the arsenal of bodybuilding, but it will be useful to everyone who is seriously passionate about fitness and wants to build biceps.


  • 1 Technique
  • 2 Recommendations
  • 3 exercise options
  • 4 Analysis of exercises
    • 4.1 Who is it for
    • 4.2 Common mistakes
    • 4.3 Recommendations
    • 4.4 Nuances
    • 4.5 Improving Efficiency
  • 5 Inclusion in the program
  • 6 Interesting fact

Execution technique

Starting position

  • We lift the Scott bench support to the maximum height;
  • Place the bar on the seat;
  • We get up so that you can lie on your stomach with your stomach;
  • We stretch out our arms;
  • The assistant feeds the bar into straight outstretched arms;
  • The athlete grabs the bar so that one palm looks at the other


  1. Start of movement - from soft slightly bent (not inserted) elbows;
  2. Due to the reduction of biceps, the athlete leads the barbell to his forearms, bending his arms in the elbow joints;
  3. Lowering is slow and controlled;
  4. The number of repetitions is determined by the training plan.


  1. Inhale during flexion of the elbows, in the phase of effort;
  2. Exhale during extension of the arms;
  3. Breath holding;
  4. Back movements, allowing you to deviate along the trajectory back;
  5. "Part-time" legs;
  6. "Insertion" of the elbows at the lower point, excessive extension of the elbows;
  7. Gliding belly and legs;
  8. Changing the position of the neck - nodding your head;
  9. Elbow Offset


  • Inhale to do, lowering the barbell. This is a little unusual, but consistent with the concept of exhalation on effort. You should breathe slowly through your nose, while performing movements with support on your stomach you should not take in or out breaths;
  • Beginners are advised to study this movement only with a curved fingerboard. A straight line may be a good choice for those who want to engage more in brachyalis and perform a reverse grip exercise, but not for beginners. A curved neck relieves part of the load from the ligaments and makes the exercise less traumatic;
  • A variant with dumbbells is also possible, when the exercise is performed with a grip “hammer”, it is suitable for those beginners who feel pain in the shoulder during the exercise;
  • The movement should be smooth, you can consider yourself in three counts, lowering the projectile, and just as slowly return it back;
  • This movement is to isolate the biceps, and not to demonstrate remarkable strength potential. Beginners should start with the minimum weight that they can lift, those who continue can increase the weight, but within reasonable limits, choosing a bar so that its weight does not interfere with the exercise technically;
  • If Scott's bench is absent, or it is impossible to perform on it due to the anthropometric features (growth) of the athlete, it is worth doing an exercise on an ordinary inclined bench, sitting on it a little higher than for pulling to the belt with support on the bench;
  • The legs should rest firmly on the floor, but you can bend them slightly at the knees;
  • Spider flexion is an amplitude-free movement. Do not fully extend your arms, and perform it so that you get a swing body or hands;
  • The body must be fixed and its movement from right to left on the bench is excluded;
  • Hands should be held steady, without changing the position of the elbows while moving. If the elbows are “riding” - this is a sign that the weight is chosen too large

Exercise options

  • Spider bends on a regular incline bench, as described above;
  • Bendings on the special Spider Curl bench, it is not in all halls, in most cases you have to do with ordinary equipment;
  • Bending with a bar with a curved neck in a slope without stopping by the stomach. It can be practiced by experienced athletes who have minimalistic gyms and have the ability to keep their back motionless in tilting;
  • Straight bends. Anatomically, they are not a natural movement; they are used to develop the muscles of the forearm to a greater extent;
  • Reverse grip flexion. Another version of the not very natural movement that is used in bodybuilding for the sake of large and powerful forearms

Parsing exercise

The movement refers to a single-joint insulating, is used to study the internal bundle of brachialis and the biceps brachii, that is, the biceps. It is believed that the movement is more intended for brazialis, and to a lesser extent for biceps.

Working muscles can be divided into two large groups:

  • Movers - biceps and brachialis;
  • Auxiliary muscles - front deltoids, triceps as stabilizers, “grip muscles”, that is, palms;

Exercise is reminiscent of classic lifts, but to a greater extent isolates the biceps, so it is used only for the purpose of pumping it.

Who is it for

Spider bends are intended for those who, by nature, do not have bicep peaks. If an athlete attaches more importance to aesthetics than to strength, then he should pay attention to this movement and such an exercise as flexing his biceps on Scott's bench.

Spider flexions are not a force movement, they only affect the strength of the biceps and then quite indirectly. They are used in the training of armwrestling athletes, as well as those who speak in the discipline of “strict lifting for biceps”. In the training of these groups of athletes are performed at the end of the lesson.

Exercise can be performed by women, it works especially well for those whose hands are disproportionately thin. The movement usually does not make the arms huge, just emphasizes the biceps that is given by nature. This helps to “tighten the skin”, especially for those who can’t achieve elastic hands with just one triceps study.

Common mistakes

  1. Excessive bending of the hands, it is the lifting of the bar "all the way", it is better to perform without extreme;
  2. Excessive extension of the arms, "insertion of the elbows";
  3. Body reading;
  4. Excessive fixation of the projectile at the top point leads to a sprain of the elbow joint;
  5. Dangling Elbows


  • The weight of the bar should not interfere with the exercise. If an athlete cannot start in any way, as with cheating, he should take a smaller barbell;
  • At the same time, the exercise should not be performed in the "aerobic" mode, you need to use muscle strength, and not just inertia;
  • The movement should be done at the end of the training, and not as the first power, so there is less risk of injury;
  • The exercise is best performed with a warm-up approach, this will allow you to soberly assess your strengths and avoid injury due to insufficient warming up.


Grip plays a big role. Reverse or pronated grip allows you to shift the emphasis on brachialis, direct or supinated - on the biceps. In any case, it is recommended to hold the bar tight and use magnesia if necessary so that the shell does not slip out of hand.

Increase efficiency

You can increase the contractile activity of the biceps if you do not fully extend your arms and insert your elbows, or completely bend your arms, and bring your palms to your shoulders, thereby relieving part of the load from the biceps.

The technique of exercise is a campaign for what you need to do with the barbell if you do not want to remove the load from the target muscle.

Program Inclusion

  • The movement is performed either on the day when the athlete trains his hands separately, or when he trains them with his back.
  • In bodybuilding with a fairly high level of training, you can do the exercise:
  • At the beginning of the lesson for preliminary fatigue;
  • In the end, for a more detailed study

Interesting fact

The movement was introduced into everyday life by Larry Scott, a man who, according to legend, did not have bicep peaks by nature, but was able to pump them up by regularly performing this exercise and the like.

But the “spider” bends became because they were originally performed on a special “octopus” simulator.