Training programs for girls

You look at instagram - so women's training seems to be another planet. Instead of barbells and dumbbells, some rubber bands, instead of a squat, and traction with a bench press are strange movements in half-amplitudes. In fact - this is more marketing coaching services. Girls are used to believing that they are very different from boys, so it’s easier for them to sell all this strange activity. In reality, all the same strength exercises are effective, and you need to concentrate more on working on the technique, and less on the "female and male" versions of popular exercises.

There are some peculiarities - they consist in the difficulty of women mastering the press movements for the top of the body, and in the peculiarities of the proportions. The long legs and short body of most girls prevent them from putting on their own good squatting technique. Hence the mass of moral suffering over “leg growth and lack of progress in the buttocks”. And “special” is the mood - many still believe that women should train lightly, and do almost barbell dancing to get a beautiful body. In reality, everything is more prosaic.


  • 1 Differences in Women's Training Programs
    • 1.1 Weight Loss and Fat Loss
    • 1.2 Training program for gaining muscle mass
    • 1.3 Training for tone
  • 2 General rules for strength training
  • 3 Workout 1
    • 3.1 Twisting on the press
    • 3.2 Hyperextension
    • 3.3 Squat classic (barbell on the back)
    • 3.4 thrust block to chest
    • 3.5 Raises the pelvis with a barbell
    • 3.6 Bench Press
    • 3.7 Standing Dumbbell Breeding
  • 4 Workout 2
    • 4.1 Reverse twisting on a bench
    • 4.2 Hyperextension
    • 4.3 Lunges with dumbbells in hand
    • 4.4 Dumbbell Dumbbell
    • 4.5 Deadlift in the classic
    • 4.6 Breeding Dumbbell Lying
    • 4.7 Back push-ups on the bench
  • 5 Workout 3
    • 5.1 Twisting on the press
    • 5.2 Hyperextension
    • 5.3 Dumbbell Sumo Squats
    • 5.4 Tie rod to belt
    • 5.5 Army Bench
    • 5.6 Romanian deadlift
    • 5.7 Crossover
  • 6 Cardio Workouts
    • 6.1 Circular without weights

Differences of female training programs

Weight loss and fat reduction

Nonprofessionals love to talk about the fact that there are no fat-burning workouts, there is only a shortage of calories from food. In fact, “metabolic” or fat burning exercises exist. Simply, most visitors to gyms can withstand about two minutes of such training. The only "fat burning workout" is a circle, consisting of basic exercises with a barbell, the weight of which is about 70 percent of a single repetition maximum. Movements are performed in series of 30-40 seconds without rest, "circles" can be done only 4-5. Such training increases the oxygen consumption of the body at rest, and accelerates metabolism. And it is not practiced for beginners.

Ordinary visitors to the hall must first learn how to do basic exercises and control the position of the body, and only then can they manipulate oxygen consumption through circular training. At the start, the classic scheme of “2 cardio workouts per week and 3 power” is suitable. The plan may be this:

  1. Perform strength training for all muscle groups three times a week. Divide the exercises in planes, or work on the principle of "day of squat and bench press" and "day of traction and vertical bench press." Beginners can do the same set of exercises in simulators, the frequency and technique are important here, and not the “super-new” plan of exercises and their alternation;
  2. Do cardio 2 times a week. Nonprofessionals like to include here circular training with their own body weight, or work in cardiovascular equipment, but for a beginner, the first type of activity is more likely to be power than cardio. Therefore, those who have been practicing for less than six months should understand by cardio either walking, jogging, pedaling the bicycle, or all the same, only in simulators. The usual recommendation “to perform 20 minutes of cardio on free days” is also not enough for everyone. It’s worth focusing on the textbook half-hour of physical activity per day, which WHO recommends that we be healthy;
  3. Seto-repeated “slimming” schemes should provide a large amount of training activity. If it’s simpler - less weight. More approaches. Optimal - 4-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions of each exercise with good technique. Do you need circular "> Training program for gaining muscle mass

    “Wishlist” like “make a nut” or “tightened legs, and athletic shoulders” is nothing more than a set of muscle mass. It sounds scary for the average man, but the girl has little chance of becoming a Hulk. Even if you remove cardio training, and engage in weight training in the power mode, and there is protein, the result will be just a sporty fit body, and not the figure of a monster of mass.

    What to do:

    • Train in the gym every other day, not more often;
    • Revise the diet - at least 3-4 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, and 2 g of protein. If the digestive tract does not cope, take enzymes. But you have to, the muscles will not grow out of thin air;
    • Approaches and repetitions can be different. If a girl can’t gain muscle in any way, working in the usual “bodybuilding” mode for 8-12 reps, she is shown a power non-repetitive training, in the mode of 4-6 reps in 5-6 approaches. The rest are standard 5 approaches, of which two are warm-ups.

    Workouts for tone

    All sports practice denies this direction. Trainers say that you can’t just “tighten your muscles” without performing strength. This category of women is parasitized by the entire marketing industry - sales of 20-minute training without weights, some strange pants, and fitness classes, similar to the kindergarten’s entertainment program. Strength training is usually called strength training for those who are overweight but not overweight. The so-called “skinny fet” should do both cardio and power:

    • 3 strength training per week will help to pump muscles, and relieve sagging;
    • 15-20 minutes at the end of the cardiostasis will increase calorie expenditure;
    • About 1.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight and 3 g of carbohydrates will be enough. Do not forget about fats - at least 1 g per day must be eaten for the sake of female hormonal health.

    Any health problems are a reason to consult a doctor, and the presence of curvature of the spine, injuries, joint pains - to find a qualified trainer. Lack of sports experience is also an occasion to turn to a coach. A few personal trainings will be useful if the last exercise was held at school, but there are more than enough strength and enthusiasm.

    General rules for strength training

    Power should be ordered. You can’t just come to the gym and run randomly around the simulators, calling it “circular”.

    1. Strength training does not begin with a joint warm-up, but with a light generalized cardio. We translate - from walking in a stepper, ellipse or pedaling of an exercise bike. It takes only 5 minutes to get sweating, then go to the joint workout.
    2. The joints are flexed in the anatomical plane - that is, the elbows and knees are bent and unbent, the wrists and ankles, as well as the shoulders and hips - gently rotate. Enough 9 flexion-extension or rotation in each joint. The head also needs to be gently rotated without throwing it up.

    You need to start performing strength exercises with a warm-up weight. This is a mandatory rule - they usually start with 40-50 percent of the planned working weight, and add 5-10 kg in leg exercises, and 2.5 kg in “top” exercises.

    Warm-up is required not only in movements with the barbell, but also in exercises on the back, arms, and even the press. You need to start downloading it from a lower amplitude, gradually increasing it.

    It is important to rest between timer exercises, losing weight do not rest for more than a minute, all the rest - 90-120 seconds. If the goal of the training is to develop strength, you can rest for a greater amount of time, according to well-being. The program below is suitable for any purpose, it is optimal to use those working weights that a girl can lift in good technique. Remember that for most, the success of the training program will be determined not so much by what the program itself gives, but by observing the rules of nutrition.

    Workout 1

    Twisting on the press

    Exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle

    The exercise is performed from the starting position lying on the floor, the heels are separated from the buttocks at a distance of 10-12 cm, the feet are literally pressed into the floor. It is necessary to exhale bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones, and return to their original position.

    Do 3 sets of 15-20 times. Over time, weights can be added - a dumbbell behind the head.


    Long back muscles, thigh biceps, buttocks

    The initial position is taken face down in the simulator for hyperextension. The body goes down, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. With exhalation - full extension of the body, with inhalation - lowering down.

    Perform 10-20 repetitions in three approaches, over time, you can increase the load by picking up a pancake from the bar and removing it behind the head.

    Classic Squat (barbell on the back)

    Buttocks, thigh muscles and body center work

    The bar is taken from racks located at the level of the athlete's clavicle. The vulture lies just below the upper bundles of the trapezius muscles so that the back can remain tense. The grip on the neck is stiff, you do not need to bend your wrists back. On exhalation, the bar is removed from the racks by means of extension in the knee joints, a step is made backward and the legs are placed to the sides. Next, the pelvis falls down with an exhale, and the knees are bent to the sides and bent. The optimal depth of lowering the pelvis is the one at which the straight back is maintained, and there is no rounding in the lumbar region. You need to get up with an exhale, resting on the floor with your whole foot.

    If the heels come off during the squat, you need to pay attention to the width of the feet, select the weights on the platform, and deal with stretching the ankle joints. If the main problem is to bring the knees in, it is worth working in a narrower stance.

    Squat training begins with the extension of the lower leg in the simulator, then - squat without weights, goblet squat with a shell on the chest, work in the Smith simulator, and, finally, the barbell. The goal of mastering this chain is to develop mobility of the knee, ankle and hip joints, as well as muscle strengthening.

    Chest pull

    Back muscles work

    Starting position - sed on the simulator bench with full stop on the floor. Then, on exhalation, it is necessary to begin to tighten the shoulder blades to each other, and to the spine, and by reducing the muscles of the back, bring the simulator handle to the chest, and then return it to its original position.

    It is important not to start with “biceps, ” due to bending the arms at the elbow.

    Pelvic Rises With Barbell

    Buttocks and hips biceps work

    You need to sit next to the bench, place the shoulder blades on it, and rest your feet on the floor. Then you should tear the buttocks from the floor, and go to the position "the spine is parallel to the floor." At the same time, the blades should not "go" along the bench forward. You can hold the burden with your hands. Beginners sometimes learn this movement without a bar, and only then begin to use it. If putting the bar on your hips is not comfortable, you need to wrap it with a special lining, or use fitness mats.

    Bench press

    An assistant delivers the barbell from the racks to prevent injury. Even if it's 20 kg of the neck, insurance is still needed. The movement begins with the scapula of the shoulder blades and the “pressing” of the pelvis into the bench, then the assistant feeds the bar to straight outstretched arms, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Lower the bar to the chest, in the area of ​​the solar plexus, until touching the body and neck. The forearms are located at an angle of 45 degrees to the body. The bar is squeezed in one powerful motion.

    After all repetitions are completed, the assistant helps return the bar to the racks. To avoid injury to the shoulders, one should not press on the “flat” back, the shoulder blades should be pressed, and not the lower back.

    Standing Dumbbell Breeding

    This is an exercise on the shoulders. You need to stand up straight, bend your elbows slightly, lean forward slightly, and pull your forearms to the side. As soon as the forearm reaches the level of parallel with the floor, the movement stops, and the dumbbells smoothly return to their original position.

    Workout 2

    Reverse twisting on the bench

    Muscle bark

    Lie down on the bench, or take an emphasis lying down, fixing your hands behind your head (you can grab some support), on the exhale, with the help of the muscles of the press, bring your legs to the waist line, and twist the pelvis slightly to the lower ribs. On inspiration - lower back. The movement should not be performed due to inertia, should not swing legs.

    3 sets of 10-20 repetitions are performed.


    Completely repeats what was performed in the first training session.

    Lunges with dumbbells in hands

    Hips and buttocks

    Stand straight, feet under your shoulders, dumbbells in your hands. A step is taken back, keeping the distance between the hips, and lowering the body down due to bending at the knees. At the lower point, the thigh of the “front” leg is parallel to the floor.

    You need to perform the same number of repetitions on each leg.

    Dumbbell dumbbell pull

    The body is tilted, the free hand rests on the bench, the worker is on the side with the dumbbell. Due to bringing the scapula to the spine, the dumbbell stretches to the belt, on the exhale. On inspiration, it goes down.

    The movement begins with the work of the blade, and not with the turn of the body.

    Deadlift in the classic

    The barbell is mounted on the floor, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders so that the arms are outside the hips. The grip is strong, straight, straps can be used. The neck at the start touches the ankle, Then the pelvis - slightly lowers, the weight is transferred to the heels, and, resting her feet on the platform, the athlete removes the bar from the floor, without relaxing her back. Due to the extension in the hip joint, the bar rises to the level of “trouser pockets”, and then - gradually lowers back.

    Breeding Dumbbell Lying

    You can use a straight or inclined bench. First, screed the blades to the spine, and lowering them to the pelvis, then lowering the arms slightly bent at the elbows to the parallel of the forearm with the floor, lowering to the sides. Then - flattening hands in front of the chest.

    Back push-ups on the bench

    Exercise can be replaced by push-ups on the bars, if there is enough strength training for this. First you need to sit on the bench, lower the buttocks below the edges, and perform bending at the elbows. The forearms are parallel to each other. Then - push out to the starting position. Legs may be straight (difficult) or slightly bent at the knees.

    Workout 3

    Twisting on the press

    As in the first workout, 15 reps in 3 sets.


    As in training 1 and 2.

    Dumbbell Sumo Squats

    Hips, buttocks, and long back muscles

    The movement is mistakenly considered a squat, in fact it is a craving. You need to take the dumbbell in straight outstretched arms, place your feet on the most comfortable wide rack, and lower the pelvis below the knees, touching the dumbbell of the floor, from this position the back is positioned slightly at an angle so that the arms are straight and perpendicular to the floor. Due to the extension of the knees and hips, you need to fully straighten, returning the spine to a vertical position.

    Tilt barbell to the belt

    Back muscles work

    The bar is taken from the racks, the height is at the mid-thigh level. It steps back and tilts forward so that the angle is approximately 45 degrees. Further, the movement resembles the work in all exercises on the back - the shoulder blades are pulled to the spine, the bar is brought to the lower abdomen, and then the reverse movement.

    Army bench press

    The bar is taken from the racks to the chest, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. The forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The bench press is performed for the head up, and its lowering to its original position.

    Romanian deadlift

    The movement is also called "Romanian traction." The bar is taken from the racks, as in a draft in a slope, but the movement itself resembles a deadlift. Due to bending in the hip joint, the bar lowers to a comfortable depth, and then returns.

    Leverage in the crossover

    Effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

    Turn to face the simulator, put on a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your foot back and bring it back.

    Cardio training

    The greater the body weight, the less should be the shock load on the joints. Those who are overweight should not perform explosive-style exercises; they are better off turning the pedals of an exercise bike, walking on an elliptical machine, or using a rowing machine.

    Can run those who are not overweight, and pretty good preparation, the rest is enough quick walk.

    Circular without weights

    These workouts can replace a regular activity when there is no access to the gym.

    Do 5 laps without rest:

    • 20 squats without weight;
    • 10 push ups from the floor;
    • 20 lunges;
    • 10 pull-ups on a parallel low bar;
    • 20 burpee

    The second version of the circular involves 1 minute of work in the exercise, and repeat the circle 4-5 times

    • Strap
    • Direct twisting on a press
    • Squat Jumping
    • Pushups
    • Gluteal bridge without weight
    • Lunges

    Perform exercises regularly, eat, in accordance with the needs of your body, and you will certainly achieve success.