Zyzz - Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershyan

Aziz Sergeevich Shavershian (Aziz Sergeevich Shavershian or Zizz (born Zyzz; March 24, 1989 - August 5, 2011) is an Australian bodybuilder and fashion model of Armenian origin, better known by his pseudonym Zyzz . He became famous after publishing several videos about himself on YouTube, starting with 2007. At the end of July 2011, the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper published an article about the arrest of his older brother Said Shavershyan for the illegal possession of anabolic steroids.On August 5, 2011, while resting in Bangkok, Zyzz suffered a heart attack and died in age 22 years old.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Bodybuilding
  • 3 Steroids
  • 4 Death
  • 5 Zyzz Motivation


Zyzz, aka Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershyan was born on March 24, 1989 in Moscow. At the age of 5, he moved with his parents and older brother to Australia. His brother, by the way, was also an avid player in World of Warcraft. He started playing on the Magtheridon server in 2006 for a shaman with the nickname Bestbrah, at the end of 2006 his brother, Aziz also found his alter ego, creating a warrior under the nickname Zyzz. Joining the “Sons of Zeuz” guild, he was able to quickly achieve very good results, soon the whole server knew about his character, and a year and a half later his character was among the 500 “top” characters in Australia. However, it was the PvP aspect of the game that interested Zyzz most of all, he easily came out the winner from almost any duel. Zyzz was one of the few players to submit to the High Leader title in the classic Vanilla World of Warcraft. According to his brother, Aziz sat at various BGs for 5-7 hours a day.

His co-guildmen always spoke of him as a “cheerful and cheerful" person who maintained relations with them not only in Azeroth. Zyzz continued to play after the release of The Burning Crusade in the winter of 2007, having achieved serious success in the world of the apostate elf - Outland, the Guild in which he was at that time, they killed Illidan among the 100 first in the world. Of course, Zyzz did not leave PvP in this add-on, because now they gave decent rewards for PvP. At the end of the first and second season of the arena, he had 2 titles in the “piggy bank” and, accordingly, the Swift Nether Dragon and the Ruthless Nether Dragon. Although, according to his brother, Aziz got a little cooler for the game. Moreover, with the release of “The Burning Crusade, ” his brother also stopped playing, selling his account for an unknown amount). “Having lived” in Azeroth for another couple of months, Aziz made a fateful decision (otherwise it cannot be called fateful), he sold his character to an American gamer who had long been interested in his warrior for $ 1, 700.

With the money he earned, the young man bought an annual gym membership, bought some sports nutrition and started training, inspired by athletes like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane. The most interesting thing is that in sports he also began to achieve success. According to his trainer, he spent 5 hours a day in the gym, not sparing himself, as if driven by some motivation only driven by him. And the result was not long in coming, after some time, namely in the summer of 2010, Zyzz looked completely different.

His success in sports became so noticeable that in March 2009 he was invited to the position of a fitness instructor in the club where he bought a subscription 3 years ago. And already there, according to visitors and other employees of the sports club, he laid out 100%. However, Aziz did not stop there, and literally a couple of months later he won a prize in the Sydney Bodybuilding Championship among non-professionals. And already at this championship he was noticed by representatives of a modeling agency, offering him a job.


Before becoming a bodybuilder, Aziz was described by himself as "drisch" and ectomorph. After graduating from school and being inspired by his brother's bodybuilder, he began to go to the local gym and began to train. He began to study dietary regimes, training techniques along the way applying them in his quest to become a bodybuilder. His favorite bodybuilders are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane. In an interview for the bodybuilding site, Simplyshredded.com, Shavershyan said that he would initially like to become a bodybuilder in order to “impress girls”. He said that he constantly looked at photographs of famous bodybuilders, dreaming that one day he would become the same as them. After four years of preparation, Aziz said:

I can confidently say that my motivation has been achieved just to impress people, this comes from a sense of goals and their achievements. I really like going to the gym, it’s a sensation of pumping, when the skin is torn from the last repetition, this is what I can’t imagine without

Before his death, Shavershyan created his brand of sports nutrition “Protein of the Gods” (Eng. Protein of the Gods), a clothing line was also released in June 2011, and a book on bodybuilding “The Zizza Bible” (Eng. Zyzzs) was released on May 17, 2011. Bodybuilding Bible) it described his training and nutrition for 4 years. He claimed that the Internet helped him build his brand, and this ultimately became possible thanks to the use of social sites.


On July 14, 2011, Aziz’s brother Said was arrested for possession of anabolic steroids and pleaded guilty after Aziz’s death. Sydney Morning Herald Magazine publishes an article on the use of steroids by Shavershyan. After this publication, Aziz objected and demanded the removal of the article, allegedly he never used steroids. Answering a question from The Daily Telegraph, Zyzz denied using steroids and claimed that he achieved such a figure thanks to hard work in the gym and a strict diet. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the company Zyzz worked as a stripper claimed to be a great guy and never used steroids. According to The Daily Telegraph, Shavershyan often used various phrases related to steroid courses.


On August 5, 2011, Aziz Shavershyan suffered a heart attack in a sauna while relaxing in Bangkok, Thailand. He was taken to a hospital where doctors could not bring him back to life. His family and friends learned about his death from the social network Facebook. His death was confirmed on Tuesday, August 9, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. An autopsy revealed that Aziz had a congenital heart disease. His family stated that he had several minor symptoms several months before August, including high blood pressure and shortness of breath. The Shavershian family had a family history of heart disease.

Before his death, Shavershyan posted a video about himself on social networks, which later appeared on Nine News as the "Best Video of the Year" in 2011. Over the past 12 months (May 2011 - May 2012), Google Insight statistics showed that he was searched on Google for as many times as Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and three times as many as opposition leader Tony Abbott.

In 2012, at the Sydney festival, people dressed like Aziz, thereby paying tribute.

Said Shavershyan created a 19-minute video for his brother Aziz, entitled "Zyzz - The Legacy", which later became very popular

Before his death, Aziz had 60, 000 fans on his fan page. In April 2012, The Daily Telegraph noted that its fan page, which now has over 400, 000 fans, continues to attract a large number of people.

Zyzz led a hectic two-faced life. Perhaps this affected his health. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco are those things that are not compatible with sports. In any case, you have to choose between two options. On August 9, the funeral of Aziz Sergeyevich Shirsharyan took place.

His family and friends learned about his death from the social network Facebook. His death was confirmed on Tuesday, August 9, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. An autopsy revealed that Aziz had a congenital heart disease. His family stated that he had several minor symptoms several months before August, including high blood pressure and shortness of breath. The Shavershian family had a family history of heart disease.

Initially, he wanted to become an athlete in order to “impress girls”. He said that he looked at the photos of bodybuilders and promised himself that one day he would be like them. After 4 years of intensive training, he stated:

“I can confidently say that my motivation for training is much wider than just to impress people, it comes from the desire to surpass myself in the gym.”

In 2011, after his death, Foxmults, in memory of Zyzz "resurrected" him in the animated series "Island of Desperate Heroes."

Everyone who knew Aziz said that he would have liked to look at himself from that angle. In the end, “as long as we remember him, he is alive, ” said those who knew him in the world of World of Warcraft.

Zyzz lived a short but very bright life, becoming, perhaps, the first person who has been a hardcore gamer, athlete, and model in his life.

Instead of listening to the crowd, Zyzz simply scored at them, saying that: " If you pay attention to all the comments that the crowd tells you, you can generally not leave the house ." He constantly improved and paid special attention to the study of nutrition schemes, diets, the principles of building training programs. This distinguished him from most of the "rolls". Zyzz whose growth was 190 cm, and he weighed 95 kg with 8% body fat, proved that ectomorphs can look decent, despite the fact that they are not predisposed to build muscle.

“I'm not training for girls. I train to create an aura. When I enter a room and introduce myself to someone, when I go to an interview for work, I like to look dominant, to be in the spotlight. I love to pass by and hear conversations about me. I like the fact that if I go somewhere where thousands of people, almost everyone will remember who I am when I leave. I don’t even have to say a word. ”

Zyzz motivation