How to pull yourself on the horizontal bar

Most athletes who like to engage in such a sports equipment as a horizontal bar are interested in the question of how not to get injured when doing pull-ups. In order to gain confidence, training on the horizontal bar, you need to familiarize yourself with some information on how to correctly and correctly perform pull-ups, without any pain.


  • 1 Classes on the horizontal bar: general rules and recommendations
  • 2 What is considered the best grip for pull-ups "> 3 Are pull-ups necessary at all?
    • 3.1 Example of a six-month pull-up program
    • 3.2 Training structure
  • 4 How many pull-ups do?

Classes on the horizontal bar: general rules and recommendations

A warning about pulling up the head is absolutely justified. This design has a huge load on the shoulder girdle. The humerus is in the position of the outer maximum rotation. From the point of view of the anatomical structure of the body, such a pull-up is a "bomb" that sooner or later will "explode", making itself felt sad consequences.

Movements made while pulling the head are not natural. This is easily explained by the fact that in everyday life there is no need to pull any heavy objects by the head. This applies not only to humans, but also to animals. Even monkeys do not make such movements. Such an explanation may seem a little exaggerated, but it makes sense.

Of course, speaking of pull-backs for working out the biceps, that is, supination, we can also say that the movements made in this case are not natural. However, for this particular case, this does not become a reason for a complete rejection of this exercise. If performed correctly, it will not be traumatic.

What is the best grip for pull-ups?

To understand which grip is most rational to perform pull-ups, you can conduct a small test. It consists in raising your arms above your head, and then pay attention to whether your palms are facing forward or to each other. Hands will definitely not be turned back, since even on purpose it will be very difficult to do.

You should not be limited only to this example. The athlete should remember how many times he did the army bench press reverse grip. Athletes performing the Arnold bench press hold the dumbbell at the lower point and the upper grip at the top (extreme), that is, from above. Most likely, the supine grip was also used in the bench press. Looking into the training diary, you can find many options for bench press and arm settings when doing bench presses. Besides neutral and pronounced, it can be found that no other variation was used.

This once again confirms the fact that pull-ups do not have the so-called antagonist exercise. The draft of the bar in a slope with a lower grip is complemented by a bench press with a lower grip, and lifting a dumbbell to biceps with a lower grip is an extension of the arms, performed in a crossover, with a similar grip. However, unlike these exercises, pulling up does not have such an “antagonist”. If it is performed in one variation, then an imbalance in the development of muscles occurs.

Pull-ups, of course, are an integral part of the training process, but require a careful approach. Pull-ups with large weights can cause damage to the biceps and other injuries. Therefore, to show excessive effort and try to take maximum burden should not be.

Are pull-ups necessary at all ">

However, comparing the disadvantages and advantages of this exercise, the advantages undoubtedly prevail over the minuses. Pull-ups are highly effective in building muscle. Find a replacement for them from this point of view is quite difficult. They are aimed at working out the rear and widest deltas, biceps, and cortex.

Excluding pull-ups from training is not advisable. However, this exercise should be carried out according to a well-planned plan so that after classes you do not feel pain in the joints.

Half-year sample pull-up program

First month . To chest level with pronounced grip.

Second month . To chest level with a neutral grip.

Third month . To the chin with supinated grip.

Fourth month . To the chest with a pronated grip.

Fifth month . To the chest with a neutral grip.

Sixth month . Rest from pull-ups.

Workout structure

Training can be organized in various ways, the choice of which depends on the ultimate goal the athlete pursues. When an athlete sets himself the task of increasing muscle mass and strength indicators, then it is necessary to perform from 5 or more approaches, but with a low number of repetitions, that is, up to 6, but involving weights. Those wishing to do up to twenty pure repetitions one after another need to stop at higher ranges.

The sixth month, completely free of pull-ups, becomes a break, after which the cycle is repeated again for five months, and then rest, completing the training year. This allows you to do supination, but no more than 60 days in one year. The rest of the pull-ups are performed with neutral and pronounced grips.

This approach allows you to maintain a balance in the development of muscles around the joints. Especially this technique is relevant for age-specific athletes.

How many pull-ups do ">

However, taking into account the fact that the constant execution of exclusively that which does not cause any pain will not affect negatively in the future, it is better to take a course towards finding a balance between the execution of rods, bench press, and grip variations in order to progress without injuries.

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