Strength Training Program

Any strength training program is designed to increase strength performance in one movement. In other words, the athlete seeks to increase his ability to lift a lot of weight in one approach. In parallel with this, other indicators also increase, although the most noticeable increase is the weight on the bar in one repetition.

What is the purpose of such a training ">

The strength training program doesn’t pump the slow muscle fibers that make up their bulk, but nevertheless, you’ll add weight. Without increasing mass, it is impossible to increase strength. By developing fast muscle fibers, you can not only increase your potential, but also by increasing strength indicators, you can progress further by following a training program that leads to weight gain.

When training strength indicators, you have to work a lot with very large weights, so you need to observe some periodicity of the load. The essence of this approach is to move forward not constantly, but periodically, as if in waves. In other words, the alternation of heavy, light and medium workouts is necessary. If this is neglected, then overtraining will begin to appear, and the athlete will cease to progress, and sometimes even strength indicators will begin to degrade.

The need for alternating loads due to the fact that otherwise the body will not have time to recover. You can also squat with half as much weight as your own, then you can not alternate loads, but only do heavy workouts all the time. But this option is possible only for those who sleep well and in everyday life are not too tired.

A strength training program not only requires dedication, but you also have to give up alcohol. The course of creatine will greatly contribute to the process, since this supplement gives exactly the effect that is required for this program.

Before starting the training program, it is necessary to perform the so-called "penetration", the essence of which is that after a preliminary warm-up, a certain weight is put on the bar, which would allow you to do 2-3 approaches. But you need to do this with only one approach, and then with each approach you should increase the weight of the bar until the approach becomes unbearable. The last weight that you have achieved during this exercise is the maximum weight from which the calculations will be made.

Strength Training Program

  • The first day - legs, chest
    • Squats with a barbell 90% - 7 approaches: 3x5, 4, 3, 2, 1;
    • Bench press 70% - 5 sets x 5 reps;
    • Pullover - 3 sets x 12 reps.
  • Second day - shoulders, triceps, back
    • Narrow Grip Press - 5 sets x 8 reps;
    • Army bench press - 4 sets x 8 reps;
    • Inclined rod pull - 4 sets x 8 reps;
    • Shrugs - 3 sets x 20 reps.
  • The third day - chest, back
    • Barbell Squats 55% - 5 sets x 5 reps;
    • Bench press 90% - 5 sets: 5x2, 4, 3, 2;
    • Deadlift 90% - 5 sets x 5 reps.

Between training 1-2 days of rest, which depends on the speed of recovery of the body. The training program is designed for 30 workouts that fit in the interval of 12 weeks.

5 Principles of Strength Training