How to increase body stamina

Swimming and running, cycling and skiing require the ability to perform monotonous physical work for a long time. This quality is called muscle endurance. Raising it is a difficult task, requiring the involvement of not only training tools, but also special recovery techniques. In professional sports, the endurance period is approximately half a year cycle. At other times, athletes work on speed, strength, and technique. In the amateur figure can increase to 2/3, as beginners come with very weak rates. Endurance is useful not only in sports, but also in ordinary life - to walk several stops, climb the 8th floor without an elevator and walk with the child all day.


  • 1 Everything you need to know
  • 2 Action Plan for Guaranteed Endurance
  • 3 7 ways to increase stamina
    • 3.1 1. A competent combination of training for strength and endurance
    • 3.2 2. Perform strength exercises without rest
    • 3.3 3. Keep the pace
    • 3.4 4. Make a "base"
    • 3.5 5. Avoid adaptation
    • 3.6 6. Perform Hybrid Exercises
    • 3.7 7. Explosive exercises
  • 4 How to beginner to increase endurance in run
    • 4.1 Heart training without shock
    • 4.2 Consistency in training
    • 4.3 Run for a long time
    • 4.4 High Intensity Running
    • 4.5 Eat Right
    • 4.6 Rest properly
    • 4.7 Learn to save strength while running
    • 4.8 Mental concentration

All you need to know

Stamina depends on three parameters:

  • The ratio of muscle fibers in the athlete's body. Those athletes who have more “slow” fibers are more hardy by nature;
  • VO2 max or oxygen assimilation rate is a parameter that allows you to measure how quickly redox reactions occur in the body. This parameter is laid genetically, but it is trainable. High-intensity interval training, such as alternating sprints and long recovery segments, or even circular training, can increase this parameter;
  • The lactate or anaerobic threshold is a parameter that determines at what level of load the athlete’s body begins to accumulate lactate, and the muscles “clog” and do not allow to perform multi-repetitive work with the same intensity. Work can be performed with high intensity for a long time, and then the lactate threshold increases

All endurance parameters are laid genetically, but they are trainable. To increase endurance, training is used very close to what is practiced in fitness for weight loss. This is the ratio of circular training, jogging or other aerobic work with medium to high intensity, and recovery classes.

Is it possible to improve muscle readiness for endurance work ">

Action Plan for Guaranteed Endurance

It is possible to talk about the development of physical qualities only if training, nutrition and rest are brought together in a rational plan that allows you to use all the elements of the system. Usually, endurance problems arise in athletes who are trying to simultaneously gain or maintain muscle mass, or seriously lose weight.

If the goal is to develop athletic qualities, body recomposition, weight loss, and “pumping” of lagging muscle groups should be put in the background. Stamina loves quality recovery, good nutrition, and a moderately active lifestyle.

  • Full rest . This is not a workout for weight loss, when you want to move as much as possible every day. If the goal is to increase stamina and athleticism, you should rest on days when there is no training. Think of something like a sauna and massage, not long walks, hikes, and outdoor activities. Too much non-training load can lead to disruption of recovery processes.
  • Eat for recovery . If in normal fitness, “proper nutrition” means control over the consumption of carbohydrates, more than conventional food, the amount of protein and the active increase in the number of fruits and vegetables in the diet, then to increase endurance it will be necessary to increase the amount of carbohydrates. Usually, 50-60 g "above normal" is recommended for an hour of training. It's about pure carbohydrates. Because athletes who can no longer eat, use restorative drinks, and special gels. Under normal conditions, about 5-6 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight is residual to fully satisfy your recovery needs. Is there a way to not lose muscle too quickly ">

    7 ways to increase stamina

    Trail running, obstacle racing, marathons and short-distance road racing are becoming a popular attraction for mass athletes. People are gradually abandoning "club" fitness in favor of more athletic activities that allow them to develop athletic qualities and get higher loads.

    Participation in amateur cross-country competitions, and a triathlon require considerable endurance. Often beginners begin to run, swim or pedal to exhaustion, but this does not help to become sturdy. The reason is a banal lack of power indicators. Muscles do not work in the "endurance", but in the "power" mode. "Treating" is very simple - you need to combine different types of training in your program and do not forget about strength training.

    A runner trainer preparing for Hero Racing, Will Torres, notes that overall physical performance is important, not just pure endurance. If your legs are strong, running any adventure race can be much easier than when strength indicators do not train. Torres has developed 7 principles, knowledge and a combination of which will improve results in running, swimming, cycling and adventure racing.

    1. A competent combination of strength and endurance training

    Torres argues that racing enthusiasts are better suited to crossfit-style training rather than classic muscle pumping in the gym. He proposes to combine heavy presses, traction, pull-ups in the regime of about 70-80% of the one-repetitive maximum and strength endurance exercises, for example, running at maximum speed over a distance of about a kilometer. It is necessary to select several complexes that would allow recovery for running training the next day. Usually strength training is not a priority in the plan, because of which they perform no more than 2-3 times a week, and try to make it as short as possible. Complexes can be taken even from the main page of, at least come up with yourself. Torres offers to alternate a minute of pull-ups, a minute of bench press and 1 km run, or a minute of exercises with a skipping rope, and squats, army bench press, as well as twisting to the press.

    2. Perform strength exercises without rest

    Endurance training differs from purely strength training in that the intervals for relaxation become as short as possible. If in normal training we rest for 30-90 seconds, or until full recovery, then these complexes should be done until complete muscle failure, when breathing is lost, and the muscles burn so that there is no way to continue. Torres suggests repeating a set of 10 bench presses, squats, pull-ups and twists on the press as much as there is a physical opportunity.

    3. Keep the pace

    High speed performance of strength exercises is a good way to not only improve endurance, but also to support muscles. This allows you to actively progress both in running and in adventure racing. The pace is easiest to keep track of or performing exercises with peppy and active music.

    4. Make a "base"

    Basic exercises allow you to use more muscles, contribute to the development of strength, and do not allow you to lose muscle mass too quickly. Of course, isolating movements are easier to do if the muscles are loaded or there is trauma, but regional training is not very useful for developing general stamina. He has another goal - injury prevention and movement correction.

    5. Avoid adaptation

    The body adapts to typical endurance exercises the fastest. If for the growth of strength indicators we need 12 weeks on a fairly uniform plan of basic exercises with minimal inclusion of isolation training, then for endurance we will have to alternate movements. Torres recommends cyclists start running ladders, runners swim, and so on. If you include 1-2 workouts in the cross-training style in your plan, the body will not have time to adapt and the results will be higher.

    6. Perform hybrid exercises

    The simplest hybrid exercises are lunges with simultaneous lifting of dumbbells for biceps and front squats with a bar press up. These movements involve a lot of muscles, and well allow you to improve endurance, if you include them in the training program in a multi-repetitive mode.

    7. Explosive exercises

    In the professional training of athletes-athletes, plyometric or explosive exercises occupy a large place. They contribute not only to the development of speed qualities, but also allow you to maintain muscle mass, have a more beneficial body composition and develop endurance. Plyometrics start with simple jumping out of a squat, and you can progress to jumping onto a pedestal. Plyometrics can be performed in push-ups and other movements.

    How a beginner can increase endurance while running

    Beginners have two problems - poor results due to lack of experience, and a high risk of injury. Both stem from a short training experience, and modest muscle development. In this regard, it is much easier for those runners who came from other sports or fitness. Often, beginners try to conduct a large amount of training without proper recovery, and “drive” themselves with a high rate of training, and too long classes. All this leads to overloads and injuries, and not to high sports results. Beginners should do the opposite thing - gradually increase endurance, develop technical skills, and strengthen muscles to avoid injuries.

    Heart training without shock

    The big problem of running work is the increased load on the musculoskeletal system and joints. Novice runners often perform too much and receive cumulative injuries at an early stage in their careers. This can be avoided if you use in your training methods to increase aerobic endurance without shock work.

    It is possible to reduce the shock load on the musculoskeletal system if you exercise on an elliptical trainer, run in the water, or pedal the bicycle or the trellis. The elliptical machine is used both in the rehabilitation of injured triathletes and in fitness training, but novice runners ignore it. In fact, they keep enough speed above 90 steps per minute, and aerobic load will be significant. One cross-training on an elliptical machine per week will not only save joints and ligaments, but also strengthen the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle.

    The use of running in water in training programs allows you to combine speed and power work. They start running from shallow water, at the level of the knee, and then they dive deeper and use a more “power” run. The advantage is that the water supports the body and the spine is weightless, and the shock load on the knees and ankles is also reduced. When running in water, it’s important to keep pace on the order of 150 steps per minute so that the workout is not too easy.

    Using an exercise bike or a regular bike is a classic endurance training. When a person pedals, his hips and quadriceps work actively, but the spine and joints are not overloaded.

    Cross-training is intended not to replace running training, but to supplement it so that a person can receive more aerobic exercise without the risk of overtraining and overloading the joints.

    Training sequence

    Consistent training should meet the goals of combining adequate exercise and recovery. Training for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week is enough volume for a beginner. How to progress ">

    The basis of endurance growth is a plan that combines cross-training, running training and strength work, balanced enough and suitable for a particular athlete in terms of load.

    You need to understand that the growth of stamina does not occur overnight. Popular fitness sources say it takes about 10 days for a run to work. But it will only be vigor, and a good mood. Prepare for the marathon in 10 days will not work. The nature of long distances is such that they will always feel difficult to cover. But fortunately, they will become easier if you regularly practice endurance training.

    How long does it take to run a long distance from scratch? Weeks and months will pass for endurance to work out. Most people will spend about 10 months running a half marathon or marathon. What matters was what kind of lifestyle was before training, and what a person did in parallel with his sports career. The level of stress in everyday life is important, but it is underestimated. Many cannot run efficiently precisely because of the presence of multidirectional tasks at work and in life.

    Before you begin regular training, you need to honestly assess your level. Who are you, a person who has started running to increase his level of activity, and who is not yet able to run 5 km, or a quite experienced athlete who has switched to running from another sport? Keep this in mind when creating your plan.

    Run for a long time

    The distance cannot be overcome if there are no long run skills. Most experts believe that too active an increase in the duration of the run can lead to overtraining and injury, but there are adequate parameters. For example, if you increase the training duration by 10 minutes every week, and run 1-2 km during this time, you can prepare for a marathon in a year. Of course, some weeks will fall out of the process, because progress cannot be linear. But trying to improve your performance is still necessary.

    High intensity running

    High-intensity running is the passage of the same distance as usual, but at a higher speed. Beginners can shorten the distance, but not at the expense of speed. This run option eliminates problems with ligaments and joints, stiffness, and low pace. Techniques for increasing the intensity of running include not only the inclusion of high-speed segments, or a faster pace at a familiar distance. The athlete can concentrate on running on an unusual surface, for example, on sand or soil, and do it not too often, for example, 1-2 times a week. Many people prefer to run up and down stairs to increase the intensity of the workout. In sports, running uphill is also often used.

    Eat right

    For good progress in running, it is necessary that carbohydrates account for more than 55 and up to 60% of the daily energy value. It is preferable to get it from sources such as brown rice, pasta from durum wheat, buckwheat, oats, and millet. Carbohydrate energy is fuel for the muscles, it should not be enough. Is it possible to eat sweets, fruits and simple carbohydrates "> Rest properly

    Within half an hour after training, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates. This will help recovery. But healthy sleep is more important, it allows you to recover after a workout, and have a normal hormonal level, despite serious training. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep, a cool shower, and stretching help restore recovery.

    Learn to save strength while running

    Running technique is not an empty phrase. It serves not only as a means of preventing injuries, but also as a way to more effectively cover any distance. It is worth learning to maintain correct posture, a neutral and vertical back, and a pace of the order of 120-180 steps per minute. If your own weight is too large, training can be too hard, even with moderate volume. Most jogging trainers recommend losing weight before a person begins serious workouts.

    Mental concentration

    It’s enough just to fool yourself to run not only longer, but also further. Our brains are so structured that every new number can cause him too violent reactions. But just start to imagine the same 13 km as just a regular run of 10 plus another 3 km of hitch at a free pace, and you will run the distance more confidently.

    So work on mental concentration, establish rest, sleep recovery, and your workouts will certainly be effective.