Shoulder weight training

Regular deltoid training increases the width of the shoulder girdle. This has a positive effect on the appearance of the athlete. Triceps, biceps, a narrow waist against the background of well-developed shoulders look the most advantageous.

Shoulder weight training is considered the most difficult. The shoulders consist of three beams, and exercises that uniformly and simultaneously work through all of them at once do not exist. This requires special attention to the choice of a training program for the shoulders, especially for those whose deltas constitute a lagging muscle group.

The increase in weight of the shoulders is carried out by performing isolating and basic exercises. The latter are of paramount importance. They are aimed at working out several, not a separate beam delta, working out triceps. However, unfortunately, the implementation of basic exercises does not allow to achieve uniform loads.

Beginning bodybuilders are recommended to include only basic exercises in training first. Isolation should be added later. They become necessary when some of the bundles begin to lag behind in development in order to “pull up” them.


  • 1 Weight training in the gym
  • 2 What safety measures should be observed during training "> 3 How to" pull up "deltas that are lagging behind in development?
  • 4 Shocking training on deltas with drop sets and supernets
    • 4.1 Block one
    • 4.2 Block two
    • 4.3 Block three
  • 5 General recommendations

Weight training at the gym

For beginners, relatively recently arrived at the gym, it is enough to perform a couple of basic exercises. Sometimes even one is enough. Athletes with experience require much greater loads. To pump each beam, they must perform 2-4 isolating and 2-3 basic exercises.

The number of approaches, according to the advice of specialists, should be 3-4 times, and repetitions in each 8-12. This intensity is suitable for those athletes who train to increase weight. When an athlete works to improve strength indicators, repetitions in approaches are reduced to a minimum of 4-6 times.

The program includes:

  1. Army bench press.
  2. Dumbbell bench press done while sitting.
  3. The barbell pull towards the chin, the bar is held wide grip.
  4. Three options for swinging with dumbbells, lifting weights while standing, in a slope, in front of you.

All exercises are performed 3-4x8-12. This applies to every variation of the Mach.

This training program is not suitable for beginners. It is designed for athletes who have been training for more than one year. Less experienced athletes should remove isolating exercises, which are swings, from it.

So that the muscles could not adapt and continue to progress, experienced athletes periodically make changes to the training process. The greatest effect is brought by forced replays, drop- and supersets.

What safety measures should be observed during training?

The risks of injury during a delta workout are high. This is due to the structure of the shoulder joint, consisting of three bundles, its direct involvement in the performance of bench presses and traction, as well as 180 degrees rotation. And if an athlete does not know or ignores safety rules, then any delta exercise becomes a potentially dangerous threat.

Strict compliance with all recommendations to reduce the risk of injury allows you to protect yourself:

  • every session on the delta always needs to start with a high-quality and good workout;
  • starting a working approach, it is necessary to do a warm-up set;
  • Do not take maximum scales and work with a reliable safety net - a partner in the latest approaches;

It is not recommended to do exercises involving unnatural movement for the shoulder joint. A striking example is the bench press from behind the head. If there is a need for such exercises, you should work only with a limited range of motion.

How to "pull up" the deltas lagging behind in development

Most athletes are predisposed to lagging deltoid muscles. And if earlier this problem was practically insoluble, then at the modern stage of bodybuilding development, a huge number of high-volume methods have been developed that allow us to work out deltas with maximum impact. With the help of forced repetitions, super- and dropset athletes can literally shock the deltoid muscles, that is, make the shoulders grow.

If an athlete resorts to high-volume training methods, he should consider the fact that they greatly deplete the body. Consequently, working on this principle in every lesson is by no means impossible. Neglect of this recommendation does not allow you to get any incredible effect, but overtraining guarantees. The program below is best repeated twice a month, but not more often.

Shock delta training with drop sets and super sets

Requires a preliminary warm-up that takes at least ten minutes. It consists of working with small weights, rotations by the bodies and hands, as well as other movements to warm up.

When the warm-up part is over, go to the main:

Block one

  • Standing barbell press (2 warm-ups + 3 working sets of 10 reps);
  • Wide grip barbell pull (2 warm-ups + 3 working sets of 10 reps each).

After completing these exercises, they move on to supernets aimed at working out the back and front deltas.

Second block

  • Bench press dumbbells + swings dumbbells in an incline (3 super series of 8-10 repetitions in each approach) - rest between supersets no more than two minutes, and a pause between sets no more than 20 seconds. Also add a few minutes to relax in front of the drop sets.

These exercises pretty exhaust the back and front deltas. To fully complete the work on the shoulders, it remains only to work out the middle ones, which allows you to make drop sets.

Third block

  • Breeding dumbbells on both sides of the standing (3 conventional dropset with dropping weights by 50% in the second approach, in each series of dropset for 10 repetitions).

Drop sets are made according to the following scheme: first, they take the dumbbells of the worker's usual weight for the athlete, and after 10 repetitions, they immediately switch to weights, which are 2 times lighter in weight, performing the same number of repetitions.

With this training program, it is guaranteed that the deltoid muscles will receive a powerful impetus for further growth. Shock training should not be performed in conjunction with exercises for other muscle groups, since the load on the nervous system is already very high. If the lesson is not exhausting completely, then it is permissible to add 2 repetitions or to make several approaches to one of the exercises.

General recommendations

To get the maximum result, but not to deplete the body, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

  • Training on the described program should not be done until the state of failure. Selected working weights must be such that the athlete is able to perform another 1-2 repetitions to the optimal amount within the training.
  • Both supersets and drop sets are a high-intensity way to train. They greatly deplete energy reserves. Therefore, in the classroom should take energy and isotonic.

After exhausting training, a quick recovery is required. You can eat after a few hours, but taking a protein shake to replenish nutrients in the body is preferable immediately.