Warm up before training

The key to a successful, effective and productive training is a competently and correctly performed warm-up . It has a direct impact not only on efficiency, but also on the safety of training, allowing you to distribute the load. In addition, thanks to the warm-up, the recovery process after classes is much faster. Training without a warm-up cannot be considered complete.


  • 1 Warm-up Value
  • 2 The right choice of workout
  • 3 Classic workout
    • 3.1 It is important to remember
    • 3.2 Procedure for stretching
  • 4 Warm up before running

The value of the workout

Many beginners and some experienced athletes often miss the warm-up, starting the lesson with basic exercises. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. The warm-up performed before training is not just an integral part of sports training, but its most important element. It prepares the body for the upcoming loads. Therefore, the workout will directly affect how effectively the lesson will be held.

Starting a good workout is only necessary with warm-up exercises. It is a mistake to consider their implementation a waste of time. Basically, this opinion is based on the belief that during the warm-up there is neither muscle buildup nor weight loss. Everything is a little different. If the workout is done correctly, it contributes to the accumulation of a large number of forces required to build muscle, or to perform weight loss exercises when a person wants to get rid of extra pounds.

A set of exercises included in the warm-up solves a wide range of tasks:

  • prepares both the muscular and skeletal systems, as well as all the organs involved in the training;
  • exerts aerobic exercise, saturates the muscles with oxygen and blood;
  • expands capillaries, strengthens the pulse, preparing vessels and heart muscle for stress;
  • prevents injuries while lifting a lot of weight or working on simulators;
  • provides an additional release of testosterone with adrenaline;
  • leads the nervous sympathetic system to tone;
  • accelerates cellular metabolism;
  • increases elasticity of muscles and ligaments;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Allows you to fully concentrate on the upcoming workout.

A high-quality warm-up before the training helps to achieve the goal set for the athlete. If this is strength training, then the correct mood and preparation of the body allows you to do exercises with maximum return, to lift a lot of weight. For fitness, the role of warm-up exercises is also great. They give confidence to every movement, make the body even more agile, increase flexibility.

The right choice of workout

It is not enough just to perform warm-up exercises, you still need to choose them correctly. There is no single, universal system that is suitable for a particular training. The athlete must independently find the ideal complex for himself, selecting exercises that maximize their potential, helping to achieve their sporting goals. It is necessary to consider not only a sport, but also physiological individual characteristics.

An important role is played by the physique, the degree of joint mobility, the condition of the ligaments, as well as other factors that affect which organs and muscles need more attention. A clear understanding of the expected result is required. A warm-up can be used to easily warm up the body or fill it with a specific muscle group, which will be involved in the training with blood.

Each athlete, of course, decides for himself what the workout will be. The main thing is to know both the theoretical and practical basis. This, first of all, concerns the idea of ​​various complexes of warm-up exercises.

Warm up happens:

  1. Common . It serves to warm up and prepare the body.
  2. Special . It is carried out, as a rule, before any particular exercise, has similar features with training movements.
  3. To stretch . Increases muscle extensibility, increases joint mobility.

The most universal, that is, suitable for almost everyone, is considered a general (classical) workout. It includes stretching.

Classic workout

It is a complex of the following exercises:

  • aerobic - running, jumping rope;
  • to warm up the muscles of the trunk, legs, arms;
  • to increase the degree of mobility and flexibility of the joints.

Important to remember

All dynamic warm-up exercises, including running with jumps, should be performed without muscle tension or any kind of forcing. The pace needs to be kept average. This does not mean that they should be slow and lethargic. This kind of warm-up is called "lethargic."

Along with jumping and running, a general warm-up involves performing:

  • squats
  • slopes;
  • rotations by the body;
  • lying exercises;
  • knee lift;
  • walk in place.

Stretch Procedure

The complex is a set of exercises, each of which is aimed at working out a specific muscle group:

  1. Shoulders . Lower your chin, press it against your chest, and tilt your head back. Also rotate the neck.
  2. Chest. Put your palm on the wall, lean forward and slightly to the side so that you feel tension, hold on a bit, and then do the same procedure in the other direction. It helps to cope with the task and pulling up the hands clasped into the lock behind the back.
  3. Back. Use a pole or pole. Grasp it with one hand, pull the case back, while straightening your legs, so that you can feel both tension and tension. Hold a little in the final position, repeat the same actions on the second half of the spinal muscles.
  4. Belly Put the arm bent at the elbow joint on the belt, and pull the free one up, bend to the side, while trying to extend the raised arm as far as possible. Change hands, do the same actions, but in the opposite direction.
  5. Shoulders . Raise your hands to the level of your shoulder girdle. Rotate the upper part of the casing to the stop, changing sides alternately.
  6. Legs . Lunge with your legs back, forward, sideways. While stepping back, bend the second leg in the knee joint. Lunges to the sides differ only in the direction of movement, forward - in stride length, which should be maximum.
  7. The front muscles of the thigh . Lift your leg back, grasp it with your hand in the ankle.

In this complex, exercises are perfectly balanced that allow you to conduct a high-quality warm-up and stretching of all major muscle groups. Its implementation before the training will affect the productivity of classes. They will become more productive, effective. The total recommended warm-up time is a quarter of an hour. If you spend more time, it is likely to cause premature fatigue.

Warm up before running

Warm up is required both during classes held in the gym, and when running. Warm up muscles become the main guarantee of success of a run. Both professionals and amateurs are engaged in jogging. Therefore, the question of what should be the right warm-up is quite relevant.

Warm up before jogging is best to start with a walk from a distance of 100 to 200 meters, gradually increasing the pace. To increase the speed of blood supply, you need to make hand swings, tilts back, forward, to the left and right sides. It is recommended to complete the warm-up with squats. An alternative would be a two- or three-minute run.

These fairly simple exercises do not cause any difficulties in execution, quickly become a habit for runners, allow you to increase the effectiveness and time of jogging, protect against the risk of injury.