Gluten free diet

Many people who want to get rid of extra pounds are interested in the question of how healthy and effective a gluten- free diet is, what foods are acceptable for those who decide to stick to such a diet for weight loss.


  • 1 What is gluten "> 2 Gluten-free diet and weight loss
  • 3 Foods Allowed
    • 3.1 Fish and meat
    • 3.2 Dairy products and eggs
    • 3.3 Vegetable oil and animal fat
    • 3.4 Vegetables and fruits
    • 3.5 Root crops of plants from the nightshade family
    • 3.6 Legumes
    • 3.7 Pseudo-cereal
    • 3.8 Rice
    • 3.9 Corn
    • 3.10 Oat groats
  • 4 Effectiveness of a gluten-free diet
  • 5 Video Review

What is gluten?

It is a complex protein present in almost all cereals. Its main source is barley, rye, wheat. In the latter, the amount of gluten is about eighty percent of the total mass. It is the presence of gluten in the composition of flour obtained from cereals that allows the dough to be kneaded with the addition of liquid.

Celiac disease - individual gluten intolerance occurs in one percent of people. Thus, when using the usual food, one out of 100-150 people harms their health. Suffering from such a pathology, refusing gluten will help to significantly improve well-being.

Gluten free diet and weight loss

There is no scientifically based evidence that the exclusion of gluten from the daily menu contributes to weight loss. However, there are arguments proven by time and experience in favor of such nutrition, namely that the rejection of flour products and sweets helps to lose weight.

The growing popularity of paleo-diet is similar to gluten-free. Compliant people, you can’t eat convenience foods, fast food and other ready-made or fast-cooking products of the modern food industry. Given that over the past hundred years, wheat has undergone significant modification, it is the first to fall into the category of prohibited foods.

Approved Foods

To follow a gluten-free diet, you need to clearly know what food is recommended and can be included in the menu:

Fish and meat

Gluten is a plant protein that is not present in the muscle tissue of animals. Therefore, following a gluten-free diet, you can eat fish, pork, chicken, beef and lamb.

Dairy products and eggs

They are of animal origin, do not contain vegetable complex protein. Forbidden include products for the preparation of which wheat flour was used as a thickener. However, kefir, cheese, milk with cream, eggs are acceptable.

Vegetable Oil and Animal Fat

Gluten-free are pork ghee and oils such as sunflower, coconut, cream, olive. Their composition is represented by fatty acids, and not gluten.

Vegetables and fruits

They are the main source of fiber in the body, a deficiency of which can occur against the background of the rejection of cereal crops. You can eat absolutely all kinds of nuts, fruits and vegetables. This is not only the usual carrots, cabbage, apples, but also exotic ones, for example, mangoes.

Root crops of plants from the nightshade family

Eggplant, tomato, and potato do not contain gluten, which is especially important for people suffering from celiac disease. Sweet potato does not belong to nightshade, but it is also allowed for use by those who keep a gluten-free diet.


Peas, all types of beans and lentils, chickpeas and other seeds of legumes are allowed to be consumed by those who follow a gluten-free diet. Along with fruits and vegetables, they become another source of fiber replenishment.


They are only in appearance similar to cereals, but they are herbaceous crops. The most accessible and well-known representative of pseudo-cereal is buckwheat. It lacks gluten. To diversify the menu, it is permissible to introduce into it such less common cereals as sorghum, amaranth and quinoa.


Also applies to approved products. This applies not only to white, but also to black and brown. However, trying to lose weight, do not get involved in white rice. It has a high glycemic index, which makes it not the best choice for those who keep a diet.


Refers to cereal crops, but, unlike others, does not contain gluten. Corn flour, as well as buckwheat, can be used in the preparation of baking, replacing bread.

Oat groats

There is no gluten in oat grains. Oatmeal can be produced on equipment that is used to process wheat. This should be taken into account, since there is a possibility that a small amount of gluten may enter this product.

Gluten Free Diet

A truly significant result is achieved by people who have gluten intolerance. This does not mean that the diet should be considered ineffective. If you exclude the so-called empty calories from the diet, that is, white bread, pastries, pizza and so on, this will help to stabilize the weight.

Video review