Mens Physicist (beach bodybuilding)

Men's Physique or Beach Bodybuilding is a bodybuilder nomination introduced by the International Federation of Bodybuilding in 2012. This direction of bodybuilding was singled out in a separate category, bodybuilders in which do not strive to build up huge muscle volumes, but have an aesthetically beautiful developed body with moderate muscular relief. Being a completely new branch, this discipline has its own rules and the procedure for conducting competitions, which are not yet known to everyone. In addition, the attitude of bodybuilders to beach people is also completely different.


  • 1 What categories are there in Mens Physicist "> 2 How to become a participant in Men's Physique competitions?
  • 3 What clothes do Men's Physique wear?
  • 4 Attitude to beach bodybuilding among other athletes

What categories are there in Mens Physicist?

Beach bodybuilding at the international level and in Russia have some differences in the competitive program. International class contests are held in six different categories. The classification is based on the growth of athletes: up to 168, up to 171, up to 174, up to 178, up to 181 and above 184 centimeters. The domestic competition program divides speakers not only by height, but also by weight.

Russian Men's Physique competitions include the following categories based on growth and body weight:

  • up to 170 centimeters with a maximum weight of up to 70 kg, that is, "height" - "weight";
  • up to 174 centimeters with a maximum weight of up to 76 kg, that is, "height" - "weight" + "2 kg";
  • up to 178 centimeters with a maximum weight of up to 81 kg, that is, "growth" - "weight" + "3 kg";
  • from 178 centimeters with a maximum weight of 83, that is, "height" - "weight" + "4 kg";
  • from 190 centimeters with a maximum weight of 97, that is, "height" - "weight" + "5 kg".

The weight calculated by the formula is considered the maximum. Speakers can also be those whose weight is less than the maximum.

How to Join Men's Physique ">

To get to the beach bodybuilding contest, you need to know when and in what place it will be held. The next step is registration, the passage time of which depends on the level of competition:

  • For a regional one, taking place in a small city or at the regional level, you can register on the same day when it starts.
  • In the oblast, if we are talking about a large populated center, you should go through the registration procedure a day before the start.
  • In the championship, the cup of the country and above, you can participate only with qualifications.

To qualify, you must successfully compete in a tournament at the regional or regional level. She, as a rule, is assigned by the president of the federation or the chief judge.

The competition is held in several stages. First, a presentation takes place, during which athletes go one at a time to the judges. Then the competition begins, when athletes in groups of five show four different poses. The winners ceremony takes place after the end of the performance of all bodybuilders.

What clothes do Men's Physique wear>

Athletes perform without shoes and in shorts up to the middle of the knee, called board shorts. Makeup is allowed exclusively special, that is, only one that is officially authorized. There are no restrictions on wearing jewelry and accessories.

Attitude to beach bodybuilding among other athletes

The opinions of professional bodybuilders and amateur bodybuilders are quite diverse. Some believe that this new category does not deserve absolutely no attention, while others, on the contrary, support mens physicist. Considering this discipline, one cannot deny the fact that it has a right to exist. Not all athletes strive to gain impressive mass and muscle. There are those who care about balance and aesthetics.

The fact that this category is less hazardous to health cannot be denied. Classical bodybuilding, which involves building huge muscles, negatively affects the body and the cardiovascular system. With the advent of Mens, the physicist of bodybuilding has become attractive to those who were scared of athletes — participants in the Mr. Olympia competitions, weighing 120 kilograms or more. This, of course, allows us to expand the usual boundaries of bodybuilding, to make it more attractive to many.

Beach bodybuilding, which appeared relatively recently, is still on the path of its development. It can be assumed that after some time it will be on a par with classic bodybuilding and international competitions in mens physicist will be held at the appropriate level.