How to build chest with dumbbells

In order to pump up the pectoralis major muscles, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive program, which includes a special nutrition system, the use of special tools, as well as regular weight training.


  • 1 What are the advantages and the need for training with dumbbells "> 2 Basic rules and regulations of training for building pectoral muscles
  • 3 Principles of pectoral muscle building
  • 4 Diet for building pectoral muscles
  • 5 Special Muscle Muscle Stimulation Drugs
    • 5.1 Riboxin
    • 5.2 Tamoxifen
    • 5.3 Asparkam
  • 6 Types of Exercises for Breast Training
    • 6.1 Raising the arms to the side in a prone position
    • 6.2 Lifting the dumbbells up in an inclined position
    • 6.3 Dumbbell Pullover
    • 6.4 Leaving the arms to the sides in the supine position
    • 6.5 Raising hands on a horizontal bench
    • 6.6 Lifting dumbbells while lying on a straight bench
  • 7 How to build pectoral muscles with dumbbells at home - Video

What are the benefits and need for dumbbell exercises?

Many dumbbells bribe with their accessibility: you can work out with them anywhere, and this does not require special monetary costs. In addition, dumbbells have a number of advantages:

  • Simplicity - it is much more difficult to deal with the barbell, since this method requires special performance techniques;
  • Lack of opportunity to engage in the gym or under the supervision of a coach;
  • Lack of effect from other workouts: in many muscles of the arms and shoulders are much stronger and more enduring than the pectoral muscles. Therefore, during classes with the barbell, they take the main load upon themselves, and the chest remains indifferent. Such training does not bring the desired effect and does not pump the chest. In this case, dumbbells can act as an alternative;
  • They give complete freedom of movement, which allows you to stretch and give a load to a specific part of the body;
  • Dumbbells make it possible to correct the asymmetry in the development of the pectoral muscles: very often the right one is more developed than the left one;
  • The ability to work with each pectoral muscle in turn for balance and balance;
  • Freedom of movement, which allows you to work with muscles in all directions.

The basic rules and regulations of training for building pectoral muscles

The chest is divided into major and minor muscle. However, exercises are grouped by exposure to the upper, middle and lower parts . Each of these groups needs to be given due attention.

Include a program of chest training for your usual activities, for this, three workouts per week, lasting about an hour, are enough.

After each workout, give your muscles time to rest and take breaks of at least one day.

Also, during the exercise, constantly change the order of their execution - so the muscles will not get used to, and adapt to the loads.

Keep in mind that the lower and middle muscles are easier to train, so work out the upper part especially carefully. It is recommended to set aside a separate training for this and perform approaches only to this part.

The best option: two workouts per week for the general group of pectoral muscles and one day a week to give to the upper part.

Principles of pectoral muscle building

The pectoral muscles are large muscles that are located above the diaphragm.

This is a large muscle, the training of which requires a large expenditure of energy and calories. Consists of two parts:

  • The main pectoralis, or large muscle, that attaches to the shoulder and extends to the sternum. This part of the chest provides the main volume and beautiful shape, and also ensures the functioning of the forearms, contributing to its rotation and flexion;
  • The small pectoralis, or smaller muscle of the chest, is much smaller than the large, and serves as an aid to the main one and has the shape of a triangle.

In order to pump this part of the body, various presses are used with the hands and forearms in different positions of the body: horizontally and with slopes.

When working on the pectoral muscles, be guided by the following principles:

  • Take a break between exercises at 50-65 hours. Rest in the structure of muscles plays an equally important role, so do not overload yourself with training. If you ignore this rule, and engage too often, the regeneration process will slow down, and muscle building will be very slow, or completely stop;
  • Engage in the scheme of one workout in 3-4 days;
  • Follow a special diet;
  • Take a break between sets in 4-5 minutes. It takes time to effectively build up and produce protein, as well as repair damaged tissue;
  • Perform all exercises slowly and thoughtfully, without making sudden movements;
  • When working on muscles, keep them in tension, so you will increase the load on them;
  • Do not concentrate on only one muscle group. Also work on your back and arms. Otherwise, you will have poor posture and a crooked back;
  • Do not straighten your arms during approaches - keep them bent. So you will maintain tension and muscle tone;
  • Lift the dumbbells with both hands at the same time and one level, evenly distributing the weight;
  • The muscles of the chest are quite large, so training should be intense, and the weight of the dumbbells large. Otherwise, the effect will be little noticeable;
  • Start a workout with a little weight to warm up the muscles and tone them. This will help to avoid injuries and sprains;
  • Perform exercises in several sets of 10-15 times;
  • Focus not on the number of repetitions, but on quality;
  • The higher you raise your arms, the better your muscles are worked out;
  • As weight weights increase, reduce the number of repetitions;
  • Pay special attention to exercise on the bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees - perform them several approaches more than other exercises;
  • Give preference to dumbbells that can be disassembled - so you can control the weight, constantly increasing it;
  • The weight of one dumbbell should be an average of 30-40 kg;
  • If you are a beginner, use the help of a partner that will bring you dumbbells;
  • If you don’t have a special bench or trainer in your arsenal, use stools on which to place pillows for convenience;
  • Keep your hands apart as slowly as possible;
  • Chest exercises should be preceded by exercises that strengthen the deltoid muscles and triceps.

Diet for building pectoral muscles

The most important role in building muscle mass is played by the diet, namely the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The basis of the daily menu should be low-fat meats, fish, eggs, vegetables and dairy products.

Drink plenty of clean water daily. To calculate your daily rate, multiply your weight by 400 ml. So, a person weighing 80 kg needs to drink 3.2 liters of liquid. Maintaining water balance makes it easier to tolerate workouts, promotes better absorption of nutrients and normalizes body temperature.

The main building material for muscle mass and energy source is animal protein. It should be consumed daily - in small portions throughout the day. It is necessary to calculate the daily rate based on your weight - 3 grams of protein per kilogram . Protein-containing foods must be of high quality and natural. Introduce the following foods into your diet:

  • Soya
  • Nuts
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Turkey, chicken and rabbit;
  • Cottage cheese and cheeses;
  • Gelatin;
  • Eggs
  • Milk, kefir and yogurt;
  • Beans and Beans.

During cooking, minimize the amount of fat, sugar and salt. Prefer baked, steamed or grilled dishes. When calculating what was eaten per day, keep in mind that these foods are not 100% pure protein. For example, hard cheese and egg yolk contain a lot of fat.

No less important carbohydrates. They provide energy and a surge of strength, which makes it easy to endure long workouts. Most carbohydrates eaten per day should be consumed before dinner. So you get a feeling of satiety and stamina for the whole day. It is not recommended to dine with a large amount of carbohydrates - this threatens a set of body fat. "Fast carbohydrates", which are also called "fattening", are banned - pastries, starchy foods, sweets and soda.

Give preference to slow carbohydrates, which are gradually burned throughout the day:

  • Whole grain bread and bread rolls;
  • Buri rice;
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal and peas;
  • Fruits (except grapes, persimmons, watermelon and bananas);
  • Vegetables and greens;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Bran;
  • Pasta of their wholemeal flour;
  • Pumpkin.

The best breakfast during intense workouts is oatmeal. Prefer oatmeal over cereal.

Do not forget about fats: they provide energy and contain acids, which help maintain the strength and elasticity of the skin. It is very important for a bodybuilder to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated fats.

The former are filled with hydrogen and pose a danger to the body. These are fatty sauces, margarine, crumbly cookies, fatty sausage, lard, fried, fast food and cakes. In addition to high calorie content, these products increase blood cholesterol, provoke diabetes and obesity.

Unsaturated fats are indispensable for the functioning of the body. Their lack leads to a loss of strength, problems with skin and hair, loss of muscle mass and fragility of the joints.

Sources of quality fats:

  • Fatty fish
  • Olive, sesame and linseed oils;
  • Seeds and nuts (Greek, peanuts, cashews and almonds);
  • Fish fat;
  • Corn oil;
  • Sunflower.

For consumption, it is enough to drink a spoonful of linseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach and season salads with any vegetable oil. You can also drink fish oil, which is sold in a pharmacy.

Special drugs for stimulating muscle gain

Sometimes a protein diet is not enough for effective training and good results. In this case, you can resort to the use of special tools that are freely available in pharmacies and are safe for the body.


The main functions of this substance are the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body, an increase in endurance and a surge of energy, which can significantly increase endurance.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and is taken according to the instructions. On average, the course lasts 3-4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 2-3 months.

Riboxin has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

If side effects are detected (itching, irritation, dizziness or pain in the stomach), you must stop taking the drug.


Another popular drug among bodybuilders that stands out from the crowd by the fact that it does not contribute to the secretion of female hormones. Many people believe that tamoxifen is the most effective tool for building muscle mass.

Tamoxifen lowers blood cholesterol levels, helps withstand prolonged workouts, produces the right amount of protein, and keeps body fat low.

Among the disadvantages of the drug is its slow action, and the advantages are a reduction in the threat of a disease of the cardiovascular system.

Side effects - nausea, rash, exhaustion.


Affordable pharmacy drug, which contributes to the assimilation of potassium and magnesium by cells, and also triggers metabolic processes.

Bodybuilders use this drug during weight loss before performances and during drying, to reduce body fat and give the body a beautiful texture and muscle shape.

Asparkam helps increase athlete's stamina, and also neutralizes cramps, which allows you to increase muscle loads and increase the range of motion.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, and the dose and intake line are set by the doctor.

When choosing additional means of stimulating muscle growth, it is important to consult a doctor and strictly observe the dosage.

Types of Exercises for Breast Training

This system of exercises allows you to train the pectoral muscles both in the gym and independently at home.

Detailed implementation instructions and schematic diagrams are provided below.

The spread of the arms to the side in a prone position

In this position, the upper chest and the upper deltoid muscle are worked out.

Execution order

  • We accept a lying position on a bench with an inclination of 45 degrees;
  • We take the dumbbells in our hands so that our palms look at each other and understand in front of us;
  • We bend our arms at the elbows and smoothly spread our arms to the sides. The end point is at chest level;
  • We are fixed for a second and raise our hands in the first position.

Safety precautions: it is not recommended to increase the amplitude of movements and fall below - this threatens with muscle strain and trauma. For best effect, do not set the bench above the specified value.

The palms of the hands should look directly or at each other.

Lifting dumbbells up in an inclined position

As in the previous exercise, the upper muscles and deltoid bundles are involved here. In addition, triceps enters the work.

Execution order

  • Lie on a bench at an angle not lower than 45 degrees;
    Take dumbbells in your hands so that your palms look down;
  • Lock the dumbbells in the arms bent at the elbows at chest level, pressing them to the shoulders;
  • Straighten your arms, lift dumbbells over your head. Then take the starting position and repeat again.


  • Lower yourself to chest level - not higher and not lower;
  • The optimum angle of inclination is not higher than 45 degrees;
  • When tilted higher, the main load is on the deltoid muscles, and not on the chest;
  • To increase the load, while lowering your hands, slightly spread your elbows to the sides;
  • In this exercise, the greatest load on the chest is during lowering the arms. If you take the dumbbells with your palms inward, the peak will drop out at the time of straightening the arms;
  • For a constant muscle tone, do not fixate at points, and do not complete the exercise.

Dumbbell Pullover

This option provides a load on the entire pectoral muscle, and also involves the front dentate muscles.


  • Take a lying position on a horizontal bench;
  • Bend your arms at your elbows and pull back behind your head so that your elbows look up;
  • Pick up a dumbbell with a neutral grip and lift it up above your chest. Hands remain in a bent position;
  • Slowly lower back.

Tip: Instead of a dumbbell, you can also use the barbell. For convenience, do not take the dumbbell by the handle, but by the pancake.

Leading the arms to the sides in the supine position

To stretch the middle pectoral muscle, you will need a bench with a slope of 20-30 degrees. In addition to the muscles of the chest, you work out triceps and deltoid muscles.

Execution order

  • Lie on the bench head down;
  • Take the dumbbells in your hands with your palms inward and raise them to chest level;
  • Bend your arms at your elbows and lift them up above your chest;
  • From this position, lower your arms down to your chest.

In this exercise, it is recommended to take weighting materials with palms inward, however, the method with palms to the floor is also allowed.

Alternatively, you can change the position of the palms during the exercise: while fixing the upper point, turn the hands inward, and during the spread of the arms - parallel to the body.

The optimal angle of inclination of the bench in this case should not exceed 3-40 degrees.

Hands-up on a horizontal bench

The main effect of this exercise is to give the breast a beautiful and smooth shape, as well as increase its volume. In addition, deltoid muscles are included in the work.

Exercise order

  • Lie on a flat horizontal bench and pick up dumbbells;
  • Raise your arms in front of you without bending your elbows;
  • Make sure that the hands are not too close - in this case, the main emphasis will not be on the chest, but on the hands;
  • The optimal distance between the hands is at least 20 cm;
  • Gently spread your arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows, in the final position the dumbbells should be parallel to the floor.


  • For greater load at fixation points, contract the pectoral muscles;
  • Watch the position of the elbows: they should always be slightly bent when lowering the arms;
  • Do not straighten your hands; this will result in personal injury;
  • At fixed points, the arms should be at right angles to the body;
  • To develop only the upper chest, use the bench at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Watch the position of the forearms: while lowering the arms they should not fall below 45 degrees in relation to the body.

Lifting dumbbells while lying on a straight bench

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest and pump up its outer part. As in many other similar exercises, the load also goes to the deltoid muscles and hands.

The advantage of doing this exercise with dumbbells has the advantage of freedom of movement, which allows you to better stretch your chest muscles.

Execution order

  • Lie on a horizontal bench and pick up the dumbbells, bending them at the elbows;
  • Lower your elbows down to the floor;
  • Raise your arms up above your chest, fully straightening them.

Implementation Recommendations

  • When lowering your hands down, take your elbows in different directions;
  • Do not lower your hands too low;
  • Чтобы удерживать напряжение в груди, не выполняйте упражнения до конца;
  • Следите за положением туловища на скамье – оно должно быть ровным;
  • Выбирайте для этого упражнения большие веса;
  • Гантели дают возможность увеличивать радиус выполнения упражнения;
  • Вместо гантелей можно использовать штангу;
  • Берите гантели нейтральным хватом;
  • Можно экспериментировать с высотой скамьи, чтобы задействовать максимальную группу мышц;
  • При поднятии рук гантели должны быть на среднем уровне над грудью.

Как видите, накачать грудные мышцы с помощью гантелей возможно. Главное – соблюдать технику и правила выполнения упражнений и правильно питаться.

Как накачать грудные мышцы с гантелями дома — Видео