Exercise bike - how to do it right

It is believed that in order to maintain your body in shape, you need to work out in the gym. But the same results can be achieved at home, as they say, would be a desire. Moreover, today the market is full of new technical means, the use of which will make training as effective as possible. Such means include an exercise bike, the popularity of which does not need proof.

How to exercise on this simulator with the aim of reducing weight ">


  • 1 Benefits and Benefits
  • 2 General rules of employment
    • 2.1 Technique
    • 2.2 Loads
    • 2.3 Indicators: observation, control, assessment
    • 2.4 Clothing
    • 2.5 Rules
  • 3 Preparatory phase
  • 4 Bicycle training program
  • 5 Contraindications

Benefits and benefits

If initially only professionals in the world of sports could deal with tools like exercise bikes, in the 90s they became available to the masses. But then, not everyone could afford to buy such a simulator, but today it is available to everyone. On sale there are exercise bikes for the home and in almost every fitness club they are available, you just need to buy a subscription.

This is a cardio simulator, with the help of which it is possible to conduct aerobic training in an intensive mode to increase endurance, work out the heart muscle in the direction of its strengthening, and also with the aim of:

  • losing weight;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • development and strengthening of the muscles of the legs;
  • heart development;
  • make the figure fit and slim;
  • development of the respiratory system.

The results of classes on exercise bikes live up to expectations, since this device can not only efficiently burn calories, but also solve the problem with accumulated fat, transforming it into energy. Important is the fact that during such classes it is almost impossible to get injured. In addition, such training is not contraindicated for people experiencing problems with the joints and vertebral section.

If we compare classes on a cycle machine with training on a treadmill by the number of calories consumed, then there is practically no difference between these workouts on this indicator. According to the results of the study, about 500 kcal is burned in one hour of such classes. As a result, a person who regularly trains using this device has embossed calves formed, his waist, hips and buttocks become slimmer.

More on the benefits of home exercise on an exercise bike:

  • the opportunity to practice at any time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • No special shoes, helmet or other equipment for convenience and safety;
  • no risk of injury;
  • simulator compactness;
  • control over the state of the body and the effectiveness of training.

In modern models, computer equipment is provided, thanks to which it is possible to monitor indicators: calories burned, heart rate, kilometers traveled and others. Also, in the matter of competent load distribution, the possibility of choosing intensity modes helps. The device is designed so that any person can achieve a result, even if his sports training is at a minimum level.

The main rules of employment

At first glance, it seems obvious that to reduce weight and form a beautiful and slender figure, just pedaling is enough. However, the maximum benefit from classes will be achieved with a competent and serious approach, and not with unsystematic intensive loads.

The effectiveness of classes depends on the parameters:

  • compliance with technology, the provisions of the body;
  • optimal load limits;
  • monitoring indicators;
  • equipment;
  • compliance with the basic rules of fitness.

Each of the parameters needs to be considered in more detail.


A prerequisite for the effectiveness of a workout is compliance with the technique. Beginners most often make several mistakes when exercising on an exercise bike, including incorrect position of the back, namely its deflection in the lower back. It is important that the back is relaxed, in its natural position, possibly with a slight rounding of the shoulders.

It is also necessary to ensure that the main weight is not transferred to the hands. They must be relaxed. The position of the feet is parallel to the floor. And for an even distribution of the load on the muscles, the direction of the knees should be slightly inward or forward. Seat height must be adjusted! The position of the head is similar to the position when riding a regular bicycle - straight and forward.


In the process of training, you must rely on your feelings, monitor the pulse. It is important to remember that for the body these workouts will be most useful provided that their capabilities match the load range. To reduce weight, it is recommended to engage in medium-intensity mode, when you do not need to apply special effort to pedal. With an increase in loads, it is necessary to reduce the time of classes. In order for the fat burning process to start, the minimum training duration should be half an hour.

As for the pulse, its frequency is an important indicator. First of all, the upper limit of the heart rate is calculated, then its optimal zone is determined, which allows you to train as efficiently as possible with this device to reduce weight and form a slim figure. The pulse rate during warm-up is 60% of the upper limit, during the training - 65-75%.

Indicators: observation, control, assessment

It is recommended to keep a class journal, which will contain detailed information about the indicators: “distance traveled”, heart rate, and others. Thanks to these data, you can achieve the greatest productivity from training. You need to monitor not only indicators of calories burned, weight, but also your feelings. Thus, the results of classes will be clearly presented in the journal for their subsequent evaluation.


There are several simple requirements for clothing for classes: it should not hamper the movement, facilitate the fit. Cycling shorts and a tank top are the perfect solution. You can use special gloves to ensure better contact with the steering wheel. As for shoes, a model with a rigid sole is preferable, which provides better fixation with pedals. It can be sneakers, sneakers, but it is not recommended to practice in Czechs or slippers.


Despite the fact that almost everyone knows about these rules, many ignore them:

  • uniform breathing through the nose;
  • obligatory warm-up: exercises for warming up muscles, ligaments, joints;
  • at the end of the training, “hitch” - exercises for the gradual transition of the heart to the normal frequency of contractions;
  • you can not deal with weakness, any malaise, feeling unwell.

The training program, duration and load should be optimal for the physical capabilities and goals of the training person. To reduce weight, the minimum training duration should be 40 minutes. To cheer up during classes, you can use music.

Preparatory stage

When choosing a time for training, the main reference point should be the biorhythms of the body: for those who like to get up early - morning exercises, for “owls” - afternoon, evening. The main thing is that the time interval between training and the time before / after sleep is at least two hours.

Eating before classes is allowed at least 1.5 hours, and the use of drinks, medicines, smoking - for 1 hour. To eliminate the feeling of thirst, if one arose during training, you should rinse your mouth with water or take one small sip.

The warm-up program should include exercises involving those muscle groups that will be involved in the training. This can be tilts, squats, as well as exercises to warm the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle. Due to the fact that the main load is experienced by the knees, it is recommended to massage and rub their joints. Also, one should not forget about leg stretching exercises.

Bicycle Training Program

Regularity is the most important condition for the effectiveness of classes. At the initial stage, training can be carried out according to the schedule: 3-4 (minimum) 20-minute training weekly. In the future, the duration must be gradually increased to 45 minutes, then up to an hour.

As for the loads, you need to choose one of two existing types: uniform and interval. In the first case, the whole training is carried out at the same pace, in the second, the intense pace alternates with a moderate / calm. As experience shows, the interval view of the load is most effective in stabilizing the weight and correcting the figure, it also allows you to achieve a pronounced result in the shortest time.

Interval Training Program:

  1. Warming up - quiet pedaling while warming up your hands - 5-10 minutes.
  2. 30-second acceleration - at an average pace with mandatory breathing control.
  3. 30-second ultimate load - at the fastest pace.
  4. Several alternations of a quiet pace with a fast one.
  5. 10-15 minute hitch.


Before you start training on an exercise bike, even people who are confident in their health are advised to consult a doctor. During the first trainings, it is necessary to strictly monitor the sensations. In case of dizziness, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, nausea and other unpleasant sensations, classes should be stopped.

Also, such training is contraindicated if a person suffers from:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • asthma
  • hypertension of the II and III stages;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris, ischemic disease;
  • diabetes in the acute phase;
  • thrombophlebitis.

In addition, it is not recommended to train during colds, with infectious diseases, the occurrence of weakness or pain in the spine, joints. If the injuries received earlier were not completely cured, including bruises and sprains, use fixing means - special bandages and ribbons.