How many times a day you need to eat

A person’s body weight directly depends on how much food in caloric equivalent enters the body and how much of the energy received is expended during the day. Both of these aspects affect whether a person loses weight or, conversely, gets better.


  • 1 How many times a day you need to eat "> 2 Is it possible to lose weight by refusing three meals a day?
  • 3 What time do you need to eat?
  • 4 hunger control
  • 5 Why do more frequent meals help you lose weight?
  • 6 How many times a day do you need to eat to gain mass?
  • 7 How many calories do you need to consume per day?
  • 8 Summary

How many times a day do you need to eat?

Most articles on weight loss are advised to take food 4-5 times a day, assuring that without observing this rule it is impossible to lose weight. At the same time, the diet of "ordinary" people - eating 3 times a day - is automatically recognized as erroneous.

The second important point, which is mentioned almost everywhere, is when exactly to eat. Often you can read or hear that in the morning hours, calories entering the body are burned, and in the evening (most often it is a meal after 18.00), on the contrary, are deposited in body fat.

In other words, in the morning you can eat tightly and not worry about an increase in body fat, and in the evening even a light salad turns into excess weight. It is believed that the rejection of breakfast becomes the main enemy for those who wish to stay or, conversely, to acquire the coveted harmony.

Is it possible to lose weight by refusing three meals a day?

Many studies have been conducted on this subject, which have proved that the total number of calories consumed, and not the frequency of meals, is crucial. People prone to overeating, it should be understood that with three or five meals a day, they will eat a lot. Another important thing is which foods are consumed.

Foods rich in fast carbohydrates cause blood sugar to rise, and after a short period of time to fall again, that is, a feeling of hunger to return. Therefore, eating sweets and flour products (not from whole grains), a person quickly wants to have a snack again.

What time do I need to eat ">

Hunger control

People suffering from an excess of weight, usually can not cope with a feeling of hunger. Such behavior in nutrition is produced as a result of systematic disorders. The body gets used to getting many simple calories and requires a new portion every few hours. The result of this is a hormonal imbalance.

A complete rejection of food can not give an instant effect. Metabolism begins to change only after three days, and such starvation is also not good. To adjust your diet in favor of the right one, you need to follow your own hunger. If it comes within 2-3 hours after the meal, then a person eats too much sweet and bread, that is, empty calories, and not enough fiber, that is, vegetables.

Why do more frequent meals help you lose weight?

There is no scientific justification regarding the specific number of meals during the day that will help to lose weight, but certain recommendations exist. If an increase in the number of meals implies a reduction in calories due to small portions, this approach works. This is due to the fact that a person begins to monitor what he eats.

If you eat fast food containing 700-900 empty calories, then five meals a day will not bring any results. This also applies to pizza snacks, half a cake for a cup of tea after an evening meal. Therefore, when calories can be controlled only when the number of meals is increased, it is better to follow this path.

How many times a day do you need to eat for weight gain "> How many calories do you need to consume per day?

The answer to this question depends on the goal pursued. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat no more than 1800-200 calories per day. This can be achieved with three meals a day, if in one portion there will be from 600 to 700 kcal. It should contain 70-80 grams of the correct (complex) carbohydrates, 30 grams of protein and from 20 to 25 grams of fat.

To gain muscle mass, a man needs at least 2700-2900 kcal per day. This amount of calories can be achieved when they are eaten five or six times a day, and most of it should be consumed at breakfast and lunch. The rest of the carbohydrates must be left for a meal after strength training.


The number of meals has no effect on metabolic rate. You can lose weight with three meals a day. Frequent snacks during the day, if you do not monitor calories, on the contrary, increase weight. It is much more important to monitor what is eaten.