How to quickly gain weight girl

Not all women dream of losing weight. There are many girls who want to become more feminine, and to achieve this goal they must gain weight. Excessive thinness can cause self-doubt and is even fraught with poor health. And if those who want to become slimmer, gain a couple of kilograms and no longer have problems, which becomes the main cause of excess weight, then this “luxury” is often unavailable for those suffering from excessive thinness. In order to get mouth-watering forms, they must try no less than losing weight.


  • 1 How to gain body weight for a girl: action plan
  • 2 What lifestyle promotes weight gain "> 3 Strength training
  • 4 Nutrition - the basis for weight gain
  • 5 How many calories are required for weight gain?
  • 6 What should be the diet?
    • 6.1 Principles of weight gain - the ratio of BJU
    • 6.2 Proteins
    • 6.3 Fats
    • 6.4 Carbohydrates
    • 6.5 Approximate daily diet
  • 7 General nutritional guidelines
  • 8 Summary

How to gain body weight for a girl: action plan

Achieving this goal implies the development of a clear action plan that will quickly gain the desired weight. It boils down to three fundamental points:

  • changes in eating habits;
  • regular strength training;
  • lifestyle revision.

Each requires a detailed consideration, clear perception, application to everyday routine. Otherwise, the weight will either remain unchanged, or, conversely, will begin to decline.

What Lifestyle Promotes Weight Gain> Strength Training

The kilograms gained represent both adipose and muscle tissue. And if you don’t get rid of the former, the result will be not rounded feminine outlines, but folds that will in no way add to the figure of attractiveness. Strength training aimed at ensuring that the increase in mass occurs mainly due to muscles allows this to be avoided.

Energy costs per hour for performing strength exercises range from 350 to 450 kilocalories, which will not allow weight to decrease, but will give a significant impetus to the growth of muscle tissue. It is precisely the part of the body being worked out that will increase in volumes. Thus, you can easily adjust your silhouette and the most problem areas by pumping your buttocks, abs, calves and so on. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.

Nutrition - The Basis for Weight Gain

Without a change in diet, no progress in weight gain is possible. Weight gain occurs in the body when nutrients are in excess. Surplus is spent on:

  • building muscle tissue during strength training;
  • support for glycogen and fat depots, which are energy reserves.

Fat deposits, that is, unwanted folds, appear only when food is uncontrolled, and vigorous activity is minimized. This makes it necessary to perform strength exercises.

You need to consume more calories than spend during the day. If they are smaller, it is simply impossible to achieve any progress in gaining mass - neither muscle nor fat will increase.

How many calories are needed to increase weight ">

The answer to this question allows finding the point of equilibrium - this is an indicator of when the weight remains stable, that is, a person does not recover, and does not lose weight. To do this, you need to weigh yourself and eat in normal mode for a week, counting the daily calorie content.

Sudden jumps should not be allowed. You need to eat every day within the same number of calories. Do not deny yourself anything. You just need to strictly count calories, including both main meals and snacks.

After seven days, you must repeat the repeated weighing. Better at the same time as the first. If the weight has not changed, then the average calorie content per week is the equilibrium point at which body weight remains unchanged.

Girls are recommended to gain 500 g per week, that is, approximately 2 kg per month. Someone’s figure, depending on individual characteristics, will be a slightly lower indicator. However, the total increase in 30 days should be from 1 to 2 kg. And if you adhere to this course, then over time, the desired weight will be gained.

A gain of half a kilo provides an increase in calorie intake. There are no exact recommendations here. It is enough for some girls to enter 400 kilocalories into the diet, while for others, even 500 kilocalories is not enough. You can find the exact number only empirically.

The first week of the start of the "weight gain program" calorie should be increased from the equilibrium point to a minimum of 300 kilocalories. If there is no increase or it is less than 500 g, you should slightly increase the daily calorie content and so on until the necessary increase is achieved.

What should be the diet ">

Calories are the energy spent by the body both on maintaining vital functions and systems, and on the implementation of any physical activity that a person carries out. It comes exclusively from food consumed. The source of energy can be any main nutrient - protein, fat, carbohydrate.

For 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates, 4 kcal, and fat - 9 kcal. Therefore, for weight gain it does not matter what kind of food is consumed. The main thing is how many calories the body receives with it. This allows you to eat as balanced as possible and not deny yourself various tasty things, which are mostly carbohydrates.

Weight gain principles - BJU ratio

A girl who wants to recover, but gain kilograms mainly due to muscle tissue, and not fat deposits, should properly distribute nutrients in the diet.


Training increases the need for protein, but the amount per kilogram of body weight varies from 1 to 2 g per day. The recommendations of sports food manufacturers are slightly higher, but they are often due to the desire to sell a rather expensive nutrient, which is protein.

Its excess is converted into glucose when energy is needed, or excreted if it is not needed. Girls should take an average of 1.5 g per 1 kg of their own body weight. This amount is enough not only to replenish energy costs, but also to build muscle fibers. And if the weight is 50 kg, 75 g of protein should be consumed per day.


The body needs essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. If they are excluded from the diet, this leads to health problems. Fears about fats are largely groundless. A lot of calories are contained in fats, which quickly and well saturates. The main thing is to adhere to the daily norm of 20-30% of the total diet. If the daily caloric value is 1500 kcal, then fats should account for approximately 375 kcal (25%), that is, 42 g (375/9).


They represent the most “clean” source of energy. By counting the amount of protein and fat, the rest of the diet can be safely filled with both slow and fast carbohydrates. The main thing is to adhere to the framework of calories.

Approximate daily diet

If 1500 kcal is consumed per day, and the initial weight is 50 kg, then the following ratio may be used for nutrients:

  • Protein: 75 g per day x4 = 300 kcal
  • Fats: 44 g per day x9 = 400 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1600 - 700 = 900 kcal / 4 = 225 g per day

Based on this calculation, you can easily calculate the daily calorie value.

General nutrition guidelines

Distribution of nutrients is not the only principle that should be followed when creating a menu for weight gain. It is necessary to drink a large amount of liquid, but not only water, but tea, compote, juice and so on. The liquid is directly involved in all processes occurring in the body. The main indicator of sufficient moisture is the lack of thirst.

Be sure to drink vitamins. It is better to give preference to sports. If this is not possible, pharmacy will do. The cost for them is different, but is not formed due to the difference in quality, if the composition is similar, but due to the brand. You should carefully study the list and dosages of minerals and vitamins that make up the complex.

Vegetables should be present in the diet. They are a valuable source of minerals, vitamins and fiber. Their number from the daily menu should not exceed 30%. They may not be included in the total heating. The main thing is not to replace vegetables with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins necessary for weight gain.

The number of meals should be determined by their own feelings of hunger. You can eat from three to six times a day, and miss a meal to compensate for large portions. Weight increases not due to frequent snacking, but due to increased calorie content.


If you eat right and do strength training, then the body will soon acquire beautiful feminine outlines.