How to run in winter? 10 tips

Jogging is a great way to stay fit, feel good, and feel good. Many beginners, starting to run regularly, stop training when it gets cold outside, referring to changes in weather conditions. This is just an excuse or ignorance that winter jogging is more useful than jogging on hot and warm days.


  • 1 Benefits of Running in Winter
  • 2 Ten Rules for Winter Running
    • 2.1 Choose the right shoes
    • 2.2 Focus on running only
    • 2.3 Warm up before jogging
    • 2.4 Choose clothes correctly
    • 2.5 Forget about records
    • 2.6 Breathe through your nose
    • 2.7 Choose the right headphones
    • 2.8 Be sure to warm up after each run
    • 2.9 Do not run for health problems
    • 2.10 Do not go for a run in extreme frost
  • 3 Video review

The benefits of running in winter

Most people stop running in the winter for fear of catching a cold. The body passes acclimatization quite quickly, which reduces the risk of getting sick by inhaling cold air to a minimum.

Continuing to run in the winter, a person gets the opportunity:

  • keep yourself in good shape all year, and not only in “favorable” weather;
  • temper the body, which is manifested in a lesser exposure to colds.

Winter runs are certainly useful, but they require certain safety precautions.

Ten rules for winter running

Choose the right shoes

The probability of getting injured in winter increases dramatically. The stability of the body becomes lower than in warm weather. It is recommended to wear exclusively high-quality sneakers for a run, the sole of which does not "zadeubite" and does not crack from frost. It is important to pay attention to the depreciation of the acquired pair of shoes.

Sneakers should not sit tight on the leg, but be one and a half or even two sizes larger. This ensures that there is a layer of air that fills the free space. She will keep warm, not let her feet freeze. If the shoes are bought exactly in size, the feet may freeze.

Focus only on the run

Running for many becomes an occasion to fall into thought. And if in the summer, in the spring or in the fall such detachment does not affect safety in any way, then in the winter the lack of attention to the movement process becomes dangerous.

Thinking, the runner may slip and fall, get sprained or injured. On ascents, turns, descents you need to be extremely careful. These are especially dangerous areas, overcoming which you can lose balance.

Warm up before jogging

You need to start running only after a good warm-up for all muscle groups, but before going out, that is, while still at home or in another warm room. If this is not done, the risk of injury or sprains increases. Warm up before running is as simple as possible. You can just do the usual stretching. This is quite enough. No sweat, just warming up the muscles.

Choose clothes correctly

If in the warm season there are no problems with what to wear for a run, in winter it is much more difficult. In order not to freeze, it is necessary to warm up. This is where the problem arises. Running around putting on a large number of things is not only uncomfortable, but also hot. The principle of layering allows this to be avoided.

The first layer is put on thermal underwear, and the second is warm clothing that protects from the cold. For the top, a dense, but not too insulated jacket is suitable that does not allow moisture (snow) and protects from the wind. Such equipment must be supplemented with a hat and gloves.

Forget the highscores

Winter is not the best time to set goals to increase stamina or speed. These tasks should be left until warm weather. Jogging in the cold season is aimed at improving the body, maintaining overall tone and shape. There is no need to pay special attention to speed and pace. It’s better to focus on the process itself. Slippery coating and an abundance of clothing in one way or another will not help to improve results.

The usual training frequency is replaced by a more moderate one. There are good reasons for this. Winter running loads the body much more, requires increased energy costs. Fatigue and fatigue occur faster than it does in warm weather. Do not arrange long marathons. Prolonged exposure to frost negatively affects health and can be dangerous.

Breathe your nose

It is quite difficult, but necessary. It is impossible to breathe only through the nose constantly, therefore it is allowed to breathe in periodically with your mouth. However, this should be done as rarely as possible. The ideal "respiratory system" is one when the runner inhales with his nose and exhales through his mouth. Otherwise, you can simply congeal the bronchi or lungs. To prevent this, air through the mouth should be extremely rare.

Choose the right headphones

Vacuum headphones are great for jogging in the warmer months, but not in the cold. Rubber products are tanning at sub-zero temperatures, which negatively affects the ears, and may cause problems in the future. Of course, there are headphones that do not put pressure on the ears, become additional protection from the cold. Similar products should be preferred.

Be sure to warm up after every run

Compliance with this condition allows proper route planning. It should end near the house or cafe. The main thing is that after a run, you can warm up in a warm and comfortable room by drinking a cup of hot tea or coffee.

Do not run for health problems

The slightest suspicion of a flu or a cold should be the reason for refusing another run. Winter running is contraindicated for people with some chronic diseases. Therefore, you can play sports in the cold only for those who do not have health problems.

Do not go jogging in extreme frost

The optimum temperature recommended for jogging is at least minus twenty degrees. It is not recommended to go running with snowstorms and snow. When there is a real frost outside or a blizzard breaks out, it is better to sit out at home.

If you follow these rules, winter runs will only benefit.

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