Soy - benefit or harm?

Some foods contain soy. Considering soybean is more useful than meat, many try to replace it with food that is familiar to us, without thinking about whether soya is good for our body ">


  • 1 Origin of soy
  • 2 Soybean composition
  • 3 Benefits of Soy
  • 4 Soybean Harm
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 6 Soya, Soya Products - Video

The origin of soy

Soybean, this is one of the oldest annual plants, which belongs to the legume family. It is also called the "miracle plant." Soybeans were first grown in China. Then soybeans moved to Korea, to Japan, and this culture came to Europe in 1740. The French were the first to eat it.

After researching soybeans by the Americans in 1804, a mass and targeted cultivation of this plant began. The expedition of V. Poyarkov in 1643 - 1646. visited the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where they saw soybean crops from the Manchu-Tungus people. But the Russian people did not show much interest in this culture. Only after the World Exhibition was held in Vienna in 1873, soybeans became interesting for practitioners.

Soybean composition

Soybeans are rich in substances that are useful for human life. They are not only very nutritious, but also healing. For example, soy contains isoflavonoids that prevent the formation and development of certain forms of cancer. And genestein stops the disease of the cardiovascular system in the early stages. Also, soy is rich in lecithin, choline and other substances that play a role in the treatment of many serious diseases, fiber, vitamins of the group B, C and E, omega - 3. The composition of soy contains the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

The benefits of soy

Soy is rich in vegetable protein, which is more in it than in eggs, fish and meat. Soy protein is very important for the proper functioning of the body. Plant proteins are absorbed by 90%. Soy products contain substances that positively affect the balance of microelements in the body. Lecithin is the most beneficial in soy. It is very important for the brain, for its work. Lecithin helps cells recover, monitors blood cholesterol levels, and fights Parkinson’s disease, atherosclerosis, and other human diseases. Also, the presence of lecithin slows down aging, so soy is very famous among the elderly.

Soya lecithin helps to generate energy, nourishes a growing body, and this is especially important in childhood.

The composition of soybeans includes the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Recently, Americans have increasingly begun to add soy to their diet. Studies have shown that eating soy products has a positive effect on human health. You need to know that only soy in its pure form is beneficial. In no way does this apply to products in which soy is only an additive.

American researchers are unanimous in that if you include from 25 to 50 grams of soy protein in the diet during the day, you can reduce the level of "bad cholesterol." And, as you know, such cholesterol clogs blood vessels, which leads to heart disease.

Positive dynamics in the use of soybeans were noticed in women during menopause. With age, the process of estrogen production in women slows down, and soy can make up for their lack.

Soybean harm

In documentary studies conducted with the participation of 3, 734 elderly men, it was found that those who 50% of their lives ate soy had a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Other studies by Asian researchers have shown that men who use soy in their diets twice a week are more prone to mental disturbance than those who never eat it at all.

Some people think that eating soy leads to infertility and obesity.

Also, soy is useful to people of all ages. The isoflavones present in soybeans are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen, and frequent consumption of soy can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body. And this can be dangerous for women who are preparing for conception, are planning a pregnancy, but especially for pregnant women.

Scientists - pediatricians at Cornell University are confident that a deficiency of thyroid hormones can occur precisely from the frequent use of soy products. Overweight appears, constipation, overwork torment. All this leads to general apathy.

The presence of soy, according to some researchers, leads to brain volume and weight loss.

As numerous studies have shown, soybeans contain both nutrients that are beneficial to the body and anti-nutrients that can harm health. Anticoagulant properties, pronounced in raw soy, neutralize the vitamin K group, which provides a level of coagulation, and also participates in the process of calcium absorption. Unlimited use of soy can lead to mineral deficiency, pancreatic hypertrophy.

Soybeans contain lectins that stick together blood cells, which inhibits their growth. And this is fraught with consequences for the body.


Until today, in the world of science, they can not come to a consensus on the issue of the benefits and harms of soybeans.

If soy is not included in the category of a genetically modified product, but grown in a natural way, then its beneficial properties significantly exceed the harmful ones.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that whether or not to eat soy products should be decided by each person independently, regardless of the opinion of the other.

Soya, Soya Products - Video