Simple and complex carbohydrates, beneficial and harmful

In order to eat right and not to gain excess weight, you need to be able to distinguish between complex and simple carbohydrates, know the rate of daily intake, and also what relation the high glycemic index of these substances has to a set of excess body weight.


  • 1 The value of carbohydrates for humans
  • 2 Why are simple carbohydrates harmful?> 3 Complex carbohydrates
  • 4 Glycemic carbohydrate index
  • 5 Harmful and beneficial carbohydrates
  • 6 Daily intake of carbohydrates
  • 7 Carbohydrates and weight loss
  • 8 Conclusion
  • 9 Video Review

The value of carbohydrates for humans

Carbohydrates are the most important energy source for the human body. They can have a different number of structural units. The difference in structure leads to the division of carbohydrates into two types - simple and complex .

The first are easily digestible. This feature has led to the fact that they are also called “fast”. After ingestion with food, they increase the concentration of sugar in the blood. This mechanism of action entails a decrease in metabolic rate and an increase in body fat.

Unlike simple carbohydrates, complex ones are compounds of many saccharides, tens and hundreds of different elements. The energy contained in them is released gradually, provides a long and stable saturation. This makes complex carbohydrates healthy .

Why are simple carbohydrates harmful?

Fast carbohydrates with a high GI (glycemic index) pass the transformation path to sugar in a few minutes, increasing its concentration. High blood glucose is dangerous. This leads to the fact that the body is trying by any means to neutralize this surge.

The easiest way to dispose of excess sugar is by converting it into body fat. A sharp fluctuation between a spike and a drop in sugar leads to the fact that even after a snack, a feeling of hunger is felt sweet and again I want to eat. A person begins to get fat, but cannot refuse sweets.

Complex carbohydrates

They are substances consisting of starch, cellulose - dietary fiber, glycogen - the main source of energy for muscle tissue. The starch composition is represented by many simple carbohydrate molecules. This is the reason for the long process of splitting this substance, which requires a large amount of energy.

Fiber is not only a truly complex structure, but also very diverse. Different plants are characterized by a different type of fiber. Cellulose plays an important role in the normalization of digestion and the concentration of glucose in the blood, although it is only partially digested.

Gl carbohydrate index

The structure of carbohydrate directly affects the rate of digestion and the degree of influence on the concentration of glucose. The simpler it is, the faster is the absorption of the substance and the increase in sugar levels. Vegetable carbohydrates from a mixture of fiber and starch consist of hundreds of interconnected elements and are absorbed by the body for a long time.

The rate of energy release from carbohydrates is directly related to GI. The lower it is, the slower absorption is, and sugar rises smoothly. Carbohydrates with high GI, on the contrary, quickly give off energy, causing a sharp surge in glucose.

Harmful and healthy carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates of plant origin, which are subjected to moderate heat treatment, benefit the body. They are slightly inferior to whole grain cereals with an average GI and a high content of dietary fiber.

Uncoated grains, which include white flour with rice, as well as products from them are neutral, but in large quantities can lead to weight gain. The most harmful are simple carbohydrates, the amount of which should be limited.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

The misconception about minimizing carbohydrate intake is due to a lack of understanding of the difference between complex and simple carbohydrates. A person needs to consume from 250 to 400 grams of carbohydrates per day, that is, about 50-80 percent of the total number of calories.

Strength training requires increasing the rate of carbohydrates. If the training is moderate, 5 grams should fall for each kilogram of its own weight, and when it is aimed at building muscle - about 7-8 grams.

Carbohydrate and Weight Loss

Both protein and carbohydrate-free diets guarantee quick weight loss. The effect is achieved due to the complete rejection of carbohydrates. The result obtained from such nutrition is short-term and causes great harm to health.

The exclusion of foods with carbohydrates from the diet robs the body of a source of essential minerals and vitamins. This exacerbates the existing chronic and leads to the development of new diseases. Sitting on a protein diet, it is impossible to avoid health problems.


Carbohydrates are important to every living thing. The main thing, given the effect of fast carbohydrates on overweight, give preference to complex vegetable with a high fiber content, which positively affects digestion and health.

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