Gluteal bridge - the right technique

Unfortunately, not every girl, including those who go in for sports on a regular basis, can boast of tightened and elastic buttocks. There are women who do not need to make any special efforts due to good heredity, but there are very few such lucky ones. This means that in order to correct the shape, most people need to include in their training routine a special exercise called the gluteal bridge.


  • 1 Glute bridge technique
    • 1.1 What is the result of exercise "> 1.2 Features of the gluteal bridge
  • 2 Benefits of the gluteal bridge
    • 2.1 How is the gluteal bridge different from other exercises?
  • 3 Why is the gluteal bridge an ideal exercise for volume growth and strength of the gluteal muscles?
  • 4 Different variations of the gluteal bridge
    • 4.1 Gluteal bridge with its own weight
    • 4.2 Gluteal bridge with a barbell
    • 4.3 Gluteal bridge with raising one leg
  • 5 General recommendations
  • 6 Summary

Glute bridge technique

Thanks to the gluteal bridge, not only the shape and size changes, but also the strength of the gluteal muscles. And if you include it in your regular training, you can not only achieve an increase of as much as 50 percent, but also discover many opportunities for further development of the achieved results in sports. The disadvantage that girls who have achieved the treasured buttock enlargement will have to face is the problem of finding jeans that match the size of the silhouette.

What is the result of exercise "> Features of the gluteal bridge

The gluteal bridge differs from the standard pelvic elevation, performed from a prone position, the location of the shoulders. When the shoulder joint is on a bench, box, or any other small hill, these are the classic elevations of the pelvic joint. If the shoulders are pressed to the floor during the ascent, a gluteal bridge is obtained.

The benefits of the gluteal bridge

This exercise should not be regarded solely from the point of view of aesthetic correction of the shape and size of the buttocks. It brings much more benefits, which is as follows:

  • distribution and obtaining the correct and uniform load on the lumbar;
  • the development of strength indicators and endurance of the gluteal muscles affects walking and running, which begin to be given much easier;
  • being part of the center, since the muscles of the buttocks are located exactly in the middle of the body and partially responsible for motor functions, they need training and study to strengthen the lower back, stabilize the muscles of the central part and prevent the occurrence of back pain.

Given all of the above, the gluteal bridge should be performed not only to give the “fifth point” a beautiful shape and roundness, but also to improve athletic performance, as well as the health of the lumbar.

How the gluteal bridge differs from other exercises ">

Well-trained buttocks are important for powerlifters, crossfitters, weightlifters and allow you to develop standing strength, achieve the desired aesthetic component in various sports, for example, in bodybuilding. And the stronger the gluteal muscles become, the better the results in sports, as well as health.

Why is the gluteal bridge an ideal exercise for volume growth and increase in gluteal muscle strength?

Buttocks when performing the gluteal bridge are involved directly, and not as secondary auxiliary, which is typical for most other exercises.

And deadlift, and squats relate to them. Both of these exercises, like many complex ones, include the gluteal muscles as assistants, and not as primary workers. The muscles of the back of the thigh and quadriceps get the greatest load, and the extensors of the hips are not involved to the maximum. Therefore, these exercises are performed in order to strengthen the muscles of the legs, and the gluteal muscles are studied to a lesser extent.

This does not mean that you need to exclude the deadlift with squats from training. It is only necessary for the balance of development to include the gluteal bridge in the familiar complex. It can be performed not only with its own weight, but also with the use of additional load.

The benefit of the gluteal bridge is not only to obtain beautiful and toned buttocks, but also to “awaken” power, which was not even suspected before. The result is a general improvement in physical performance, higher jumps and faster running.

Different variations of the gluteal bridge

There are several options for performing the gluteal bridge, which allows you to diversify the training process, increase the complexity of the execution, and not get tired of the constant repetition of the same "bridge".

Those who are embarrassed or think that they will look at him sideways can do it at home until they have to use additional weights. This is especially true for men.

Glute bridge with dead weight

To make the gluteal bridge, you need to lie with your back to the floor, put your hands on the sides, and bend your knees so that both feet, located across the width of the shoulders, are steadily on the floor. The back should be in a neutral position.

Raising the pelvis is carried out with the transfer of all the emphasis on the heels. When lifting, you need to rest as much as heels on the surface of the floor and squeeze the buttocks. You can stop while moving up only after the formation of the bridge, when the body from the knees to the shoulders does not form one line. At this point, you should linger for a couple of seconds, continuing to squeeze the buttocks.

It is necessary to lower yourself slowly and accurately. If you are going to take another approach, you can not relax the muscles. To achieve a truly significant effect in a shorter period of time, make sure that the amplitude of the movement remains the same, and not decreases with each new approach. In total, you need to try to make at least three "bridges", fully giving all the best to failure.

Buttock bridge with a barbell

You can raise the bar not only from the chest, but also when lifting the pelvis. Of course, this design requires appropriate training, since the maximum load is taken. Women bodybuilders are advised to take 113, and men - up to 182 kilograms. Such severity instantly deprives the gluteal bridge of the status "for wimps."

If the level of training does not allow lifting such a burden, and the weights are taken less than 60 kilograms, then the bar is used with the Olympic bar. It has a wide girth, but weighs 10 or 15 kilograms. Olympic type disks require a high uplift. Otherwise, the bar will be difficult to place comfortably on the hips.

The projectile must be placed closer to the perineum. To relieve excessive stress allows the lining or towel, which is used for squats with a barbell and other similar exercises. Due to this, there will be no residue on the skin. Both shoulders and shoulder blades should be pressed against the bench, the emphasis on lifting falls on the heels.

The correctness of the performance is indicated by the location on one straight of the knee joints, hips and shoulder girdle. As with a conventional bridge, at the top point they are delayed for two seconds, keeping the gluteal muscles clenched. While lowering the bar, make sure that it does not touch the floor until it starts to perform a second repeat. In total, it is recommended to do at least 3 approaches with 10-12 pelvic elevations in each.

Gluteal bridge with raising one leg

It is carried out with a shock absorber or a rod, and without a weighting agent. If using a barbell, the projectile is lightened.

To take their initial position, they lie on the floor, bend their knees, feet rest on the floor. The leg is lifted up, the knee is pushed closer to the chest.

Make a bridge, starting from the floor, while the sock can come off. The thigh should stretch and the pelvis to rise. When descending, you need to completely relax, and only then do a repeat.

If some aspects of the performance technique are not entirely clear, it is better to watch the video, and only then proceed with the execution. Visual aid will make the gluteal bridge without errors.

There is another variation of this exercise called the back gluteal bridge, performed on a raised platform. It requires the use of a bench or other stand. Here you can use a shock absorber.

They take the starting position, but only the feet are placed on the bench, and the pelvis is close to the hill. Rising, they move closer to the bench, and the right leg is raised diagonally.

All the emphasis falls on the left heel. The right leg should be raised so that the diagonal line runs through the thigh, that is, from the ankle to the shoulder. The top point is held for a couple of seconds, dropping down does not touch the floor, and immediately do a repeat, the number of which should be maximum.

General recommendations

To achieve balanced development, the gluteal bridge must become an integral part of the training process. It, like squats, is surely done in various variations.

Diversity allows you to achieve periodic heavy weight gain or an increase in the number of repetitions, as well as the use of shock absorbers. The variability of the exercise allows you not to get tired of the same monotonous execution of the gluteal bridge, resulting in beautiful and strong buttocks.


Immediately after the start of the execution of the gluteal bridge, you can notice an improvement not only in terms of resizing and acquiring a more attractive shape in the buttocks, but also in terms of overall well-being. Jogging, simple and athletic walking will be much more productive, and the classes themselves will no longer bring difficulties, if any, before.

Do not underestimate this exercise. It, of course, is aimed at improving the appearance of the buttocks, but brings much greater benefit. From the development and strength of this muscle group depends on the impact power, the height of the jump. And to achieve good results in any discipline requiring extension in the hip joint, the gluteal bridge cannot be neglected.

It should be done not only for women professionally or amateurly involved in sports, but also for men, using weighting agents.