What you need to eat for muscle growth

The two main factors that influence muscle mass gain are systematic strength loads and thoughtful nutrition. Moreover, it is often nutrition that plays a decisive role in achieving goals. And the use of a large amount of protein is far from the most important key to success. You need to carefully count calories, BZHU, and also eat according to the regime.

Planning your menu is not an easy job, which many athletes are simply too lazy to do. However, if you ignore this factor, training may not bring the desired result. It is important to understand why proper nutrition allows you to quickly build muscle mass, and follow certain recommendations that sports nutritionists give.

These 10 rules will help you quickly build muscle.


  • 1 №1 Increasing calorie intake
  • 2 №2 Eat at the same time
  • 3 №3 Weight gainers and protein shakes
  • 4 №4 Protein food
  • 5 №5 Without fat it is impossible to gain muscle mass
  • 6 ı6 Eat before and after exercise
  • 7 №7 Food on the eve of sleep
  • 8 №8 Constitution
  • 9 №9 Carbohydrate intake
  • 10 No. 10 Diet Planning

No. 1 Increasing calorie intake

If you consume 100-200 kilocalories per day more than usual, you will not be able to quickly increase muscle volume. With an increase in the calorie content of the diet, the metabolic rate also increases, which means that a small amount of “additional” calories will simply burn, without turning into muscle mass. As a result, the muscles will grow almost imperceptibly for you. Well, if for a long time there is no visible progress, the motivation to give all the best in training gradually disappears.

In order to quickly increase muscle volume, you need to consume 10-20% more calories than usual. For people of asthenic physique, 2000 kilocalories per day is too little. Such a diet will not lead to muscle growth, but to weight loss, as the body will simply get rid of muscle fibers due to lack of energy. Of course, in each case, the surplus of calories is calculated separately. However, as a rule, this figure is about 500 kilocalories.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to gain mass only at the expense of muscles: the amount of fat in the body will also grow. To limit your body fat intake, consume as few fast carbohydrates as possible. In addition, try to devote time to cardio several times a week.

# 2 Eat Food At The Same Time

Do not skip meals: you should not be hungry during the day. It’s not very important how many times a day you eat: the total amount of kilocalories consumed is much more important. It is not always possible to consume 100 kilocalories at a time, so experienced athletes advise eating 4-5 times a day. Design your own meal schedule to suit your needs. The most important thing is not to be hungry and monitor the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. You should not plan six meals a day if you do not have the opportunity to follow such a schedule.

No. 3 Weight gainers and protein shakes

If you can’t get the right amount of calories, you should use special gainers and cocktails.

A gainer is a mixture of easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. Gainers should be chosen, which include high-quality protein (concentrate or isolate). Calorie gainer should not be too high, otherwise the excess calories will turn into fatty tissue.

A gainer can be made at home by mixing cottage cheese, whey protein, oatmeal, as well as fruits and berries. All ingredients need to be crushed and mixed with a blender. Such a cocktail can replace a full meal.

No. 4 Protein food

For muscle growth, it’s important to consume a lot of protein. About 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight should be eaten per day. There are no sausages, sausages and fast food are not needed: this food contains low-quality proteins and carbohydrates, as well as all kinds of dyes and preservatives. Chicken meat, fatty fish, veal and beef deserve attention. Chicken eggs are a good source of carbohydrates, however, eating more than two yolks a day is not recommended. Buy dairy products that are low in fat. Supplement your diet with plant-based proteins (nuts, legumes, etc.).

No. 5 Without fat it is impossible to gain muscle mass

Most inexperienced athletes, planning their diet, pay attention to proteins and carbohydrates, while trying to avoid the use of fatty foods. However, this is a mistake: the less fat you eat, the lower the level of testosterone. Namely, the rate of muscle mass gain depends on this hormone. Testosterone is also responsible for bone strength, hemoglobin level and sex drive.

Healthy fats (Omega-6 and Omega-3) are found in nuts, vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed), fish. All this must be included in your daily diet.

No. 6 It is necessary to eat food before and after physical exertion

To get the maximum result, you need to take food both before and after going to the gym. The food that you eat at this time directly affects the rate of muscle mass gain, as well as how your body will recover after exercise.

About an hour before the training and an hour after it, it is very important for the athlete to provide the body with everything necessary. Carbohydrates will act as a source of energy, and proteins will become “bricks” for muscle growth. In this case, before and after training, you need to eat as little fat as possible: fat is digested for a long time, and also makes it difficult to absorb carbohydrates and proteins.

№7 Food on the eve of sleep

At night, the muscles grow and recover. The protein that was consumed during the day, at this time, is broken down into amino acids and used to build new muscle fibers. Therefore, the protein that you eat before you go to bed will protect you from catabolism, that is, the breakdown of muscle mass, during an eight-hour rest period.

At night, it is advisable to eat proteins that are absorbed quite slowly. It can be cottage cheese or casein protein.

If you have certain difficulties with gaining muscle mass, you can drink a protein shake at night, when you wake up. True, it is important to wake up not by the alarm clock, but by yourself: just drink a glass of water before going to bed.

No. 8 Constitution

The diet should depend on your body type.

If you are an ectomorphic type, you need a lot of kilocalories, carbohydrates and fats. Endomorphs, on the other hand, should be very careful about caloric intake: they run the risk of gaining too much fat. But the mesomorphs were luckier than anyone: they can easily gain muscle mass, increasing the calorie content of their daily diet by only 15-20%.

No. 9 Carbohydrate Intake

To gain lean muscle mass, so-called fast carbohydrates should not be avoided. However, it is advisable to consume them in the morning and immediately after exercise, when the body needs energy. Slow carbohydrates will be ideal for breakfast or for eating two hours before going to the gym: this will provide the body with the necessary energy.

No. 10 Diet Planning

Try to plan your diet for the day: decide in advance what and when you will eat. Such a plan will allow you to quickly achieve success. Indeed, for the growth of muscle mass it will not be enough just to eat as much as possible. In the same way, during drying, in order to achieve the set goal, it is necessary not only to reduce the calorie intake, but also to decide which products are best suited.

At first it will seem that to think through your diet is too difficult. However, over time, planning a menu for tomorrow will not take more than a quarter of an hour. And you will quickly see that training has become more effective: they will not only take less power, but will also begin to bring noticeable results.

Diet is very important for an athlete. A balanced menu, the required number of calories and planning will help you achieve success quickly!