Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell is a universal projectile. With them, you can gain stamina and strength, while burning fat. They are very popular in the USA, and a little less - in their homeland, in Russia. We have a kettlebell - a standard sports and army equipment. Meanwhile, the fitness woman will get a lot from training with unusual equipment. Weights can be selected and less or more weight. Today there will be no difficulties with this - in almost any sports store there are 8 kg children's weights, and “weights” for crossfit in increments of one kilogram.


  • 1 Features of weight training
  • 2 Who needs weight training?
  • 3 Best kettlebell exercises
    • 3.1 Hand Press
    • 3.2 Machs in front of you
    • 3.3 Cup Squats
    • 3.4 Deadlift
    • 3.5 Lunges with lifting weights
    • 3.6 Triceps extension of the arm
    • 3.7 Waist pull
    • 3.8 Eight
    • 3.9 Squat push
    • 3.10 Twisting with a weight
  • 4 Training program

Features of weight training

The Western world fell in love with weights because they allow you to train your entire body in about half an hour. Each exercise involves the back and legs, these are the largest muscle groups that consume the maximum amount of energy, so exercises with weights help to lose weight better than any other types of activity.

The main features of kettlebell lifting:

  • Loads muscles and heart at the same time, combines the benefits of cardio and strength work;
  • Helps save time on a separate aerobic exercise;
  • Increases Stamina;
  • It serves as a good physical fitness area for runners, cyclists and swimmers;
  • In 30 minutes, burns as many calories as an hour of regular exercise in the gym;
  • It works on the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the arms, shoulders and back;
  • It can be universal. Some exercises with dumbbells can be adapted for weight training to additionally pump the chest, back, muscles of the front surface of the thighs;
  • Evenly develops all the muscles of the body, does not lead to severe muscular hypertrophy of any particular regions;
  • Promotes activation of the muscles of the “back chain”, prepares the body for more intense strength training;
  • Improves performance in running and regular cardio;
  • Helps to get rid of tightness in the hip joints, improves overall mobility.

Who is suitable for weight lifting

First you need to separate weight lifting and fitness. The first is endurance competition in a jerk of a kettlebell and a jerk of a kettlebell, it does not mean that the athlete will perform any other movements with the kettlebell. Usually professional weight-lifters do physical training in the gym with a barbell, dumbbells, and in simulators. To improve the overall stamina of the body, they run in the offseason cross-country or swim. Kettlebell lifting makes a person hardy and “dry”, but training requires a lot of time, and a competent approach. The year is divided into season and off-season, in the season training is done in kettlebell exercises for the most part, during the off-season you can pay more attention to pumping and endurance training. Kettlebell lifting attracts girls by the fact that it does not contribute to the buildup of large muscles, and allows you to increase calorie consumption so that nutrition in ordinary life can not be particularly limited.

Weight-lifting fitness attracts people with completely different parameters. Kettlebells help increase stamina, improve body shape, burn excess fat and at the same time are inexpensive and do not take up much space in the apartment. A pair of weights and a rubber expander will fit into any interior. While the barbell, dumbbells, and benches are found only among fans. Kettlebell fitness helps organize short, intense workouts, saves time and saves energy for other activities. It is enough to learn how to handle weights once, and you will not need to choose gyms, travel around the city, and spend time also on the road to the fitness center.

Of course, weights cannot be a universal projectile for any purpose. They are not suitable for those who want to build significant muscle mass, and seeks to increase muscle volumes so as to appear on the bodybuilding scene. Weights will not help to correct the figure, if the goal is to gain several kilograms of muscle, they will only strengthen the existing one and lead to slight hypertrophy.

Concerning weights and older customers, there are opposing points of view. Domestic specialists with a medical education are usually advised to go swimming or Pilates in order to preserve the joints and spine. But weights are still more suitable for age-related clients of sports clubs because they do not create a torsion load on the back, unlike swimming, and do not contribute to ligament overloads, unlike Pilates in the simulator. In the great business of mastering weights, a competent instructor is important.

Children and women can also engage in both weight-lifting fitness and sports. Training does not create a load on the spine and does not impede the growth of children. And for the safe development of technology, there are printed or rubber weights, so that children do not injure their forearms while they learn to lift them.

Best kettlebell exercises

Pavel Tsatsulin, the author of the kettlebell lifting technique, claims that it is enough for a beginner to learn max or swing with a kettlebell, and he will already have a full-fledged training tool that can be used for literally several months. Then - proceed to the development of a jerk, push, push along a long cycle and other exercises.

In strength training with weights, there are features that allow you to look at ordinary bench presses and traction in a special way. Training with weights is a great way to strengthen additional joints and ligaments, and not just work out muscles.

Complex exercises with weights can be very different. The simplest consists of alternating 30 seconds of swinging the kettlebell in front of you at the waist level and rest minutes for 15-20 minutes. More complex ones will be given below.

Training with weights can be done every other day, or 2-3 times a week, or even more often if you are an experienced athlete. Some athletes arrange the exercises in such a way as to alternate work on strength and endurance by day, for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, working out bench presses, push-ups with weights as weights, pull-ups, lunges and squats, and on Tuesday and Thursday they only perform swing with intervals for rest. The plan depends on the goal. Losing weight requires more workouts, a higher frequency, and just 2-3 workouts a week are enough to strengthen muscles.

Hand press


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, socks slightly deployed to the sides;
  2. The weight is located in the middle of the palm of the hand;
  3. The projectile is taken from the floor with a straight back due to a sharp extension in the knee and hip joints;
  4. Forearm pressed to body;
  5. Due to extension in the elbow and shoulder joints, squeeze the projectile up;
  6. Gently lower it back to its original position

The same number of repetitions is performed with each hand. If an athlete helps himself with his feet when performing a movement, this is not a bench press, but a push.

Mahi in front of you

This movement is considered basic in kettlebell lifting, it replaces many cardio, those who wave with a heavy weight of 24 or 32 kg - deadlift. Movement can be considered coordination complex. This is a rather rare explosive exercise in modern fitness.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to stand up straight and, due to extension in the knee and hip joints, remove the projectile from the floor. Hands are on the handle, the grip is closed, but not in the lock;
  2. “Insert the pelvis” to fully expand the joints, the weight will inertia go up to the waist level;
  3. Lower the projectile due to bending at the knees and hips between the legs in the hips;
  4. Push it forward again without raising it with your hands;
  5. Perform the number of swings required by the plan, and with the straight back lower the weight on the floor.

Swings can be complete, that is, with a swing up behind the head, this requires good flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint and is not accessible to everyone.

Cup squats

A goblet or cup squat with a kettlebell can be used as an exercise for the development of the entire lower half of the body. A heavier weight will come in handy. Experienced can perform the exercise with two weights, or weights and a rubber shock absorber under the feet and in the hands

The technique is as follows:

  • The weight is taken from the floor by the handles with the hands on the side, and displayed on the chest level. It is allowed to touch the side of the chest with a barrel;
  • The feet are with the feet deployed at a comfortable width to the side, it is not necessary to put the legs as wide as possible wider than the shoulders;
  • The main thing is to move so that the knees go in the same direction as the socks, and the pelvis drops below the knees, while the spine remains straight. It is necessary to fully sit down and stand up, while maintaining the amplitude of movement;
  • The back during the exercise is straight, the press is hard, you need to perform efficiently


The exercise is performed with one weight or two in the technique of "suitcases", that is, on opposite sides of the hips.

With one weight, the technique is as follows:

  1. Exercise begins with a kettlebell on the floor. Hands grab the handle, grip closed. It is necessary to tighten the stomach and tighten it, as well as collect the shoulder blades so that they do not "spread" on the back;
  2. The movement continues due to extension in the knee and hip joints, it is necessary to fully straighten;
  3. Next, you should bring the weight in front of you, and how to “insert” the knees;
  4. After - the movement is performed in the reverse order
  5. It is sometimes recommended to complicate traction by taking a weight in one arm and performing an exercise on one leg so that the opposite leg goes up and the weight touches the floor, but does not rest on it

You can do the exercise with two heavy weights, then they fall on the sides along the hips, and not in front of you.

Lunges with lifting weights

This exercise develops balance and coordination, as well as the strength of the legs and buttocks:

Get up straight, take a weight on your shoulder from the floor:

  • Take a step back, fall into a lunge until the knee touches the floor and simultaneously squeeze the weight up;
  • Perform a reverse movement - stand up and lower your hand;
  • You can complicate the movement if you squeeze the weight while moving the pelvis up.

Triceps extension of the arm

This exercise resembles a French bench press with one dumbbell:

  1. The weight is taken by the handles, then displayed up, by the head, and lowered to the neck;
  2. After this, complete extension in the elbow joint is performed;
  3. And again, the projectile drops behind.

Tilt to waist

It is carried out standing or with support with a free hand on a bench:

  • The athlete pulls the weight to his belt due to the reduction of the latitudinal, and flexion in the elbow joint;
  • Then - gently lowers the hand to its original position;
  • The exercise is performed so that the body does not warp to the side;
  • The movement is performed alternately on the right and left, or at the same time with both hands with the body tilted


This is a dynamic exercise that involves core:

  • It is necessary to stand upright, legs are shoulder-width apart, the kettlebell is lowered into a hang;
  • Then you need to bring the shell in one hand, and carry it between the legs, and then shift it into the other hand in front of you so that the trajectory resembles an eight;
  • The lying “figure eight” is drawn between the legs of the weight, but the weight is not transferred from foot to foot, due to this, the load on the press is provided

Squat push

The shells are installed on the floor, the athlete grabs the handles with a direct grip, then performs:

  1. Disruption of weights from the floor due to extension in the knees and pelvis, and throwing weights on the shoulders;
  2. The athlete performs a squat, that is, slightly bends the legs at the knees;
  3. Then the push of two weights from the shoulders is performed simultaneously, due to extension in the knee joints, and straightening of the elbows;
  4. After that, the athlete slightly bends the legs at the knees, and lowers the weights to the shoulders;
  5. There are two options for the exercise - either all repetitions are performed “from the shoulders”, or the athlete does the exercise again completely, after lowering the weights to the ground

Twisting with a weight

This exercise develops obliques and rectus abdominis muscle:

  1. You need to sit on the floor on the buttocks, and hold the weight in front of you by the handles;
  2. Then turn the body from side to side, retracting the stomach so that the back does not lean back

Training program

You can make a round-robin program from these exercises. Movements are performed one after another, on a timer or at the expense of. If a timer is selected, it should be set to 40 seconds, the approximate number of repetitions will be indicated below. The athlete rests at the end of the circle for 1-2 minutes, and then moves from one exercise to another.

Squat Kettlebell Push12
Mahi kettlebell in front of youfifteen
Deadlift with Kettlebellfifteen
EightWithin 30 seconds
Hand weight12
Twisting with a weighttwenty

The second training is a continuous movement. The timer option is preferable, as it helps to keep pace better.

Kettlebell lifting workouts can be of a purely aerobic format - for example, for 20 seconds the swing of the kettlebell is performed, 10- rest, 8 cycles, then in the same mode - shocks, pulls to the belt, push-ups from the floor, deadlifts, swinging weights and simple twisting. This cycle is suitable for fat burning. It is not necessary to perform it with a heavy weight, you can choose lighter ones, the main thing is to move dynamically.

Training begins with a light aerobic warm-up, for example, walking around the room for 10-12 minutes, and then the joint warm-up is performed. It is necessary to perform circular rotation with arms and legs, flexion and extension in all key joints, and then one circle of squats without weight, push-ups from the floor, and twisting to the press. This will allow you to warm up qualitatively and conduct a workout without injuries.