How to quickly build wings

Well-developed latissimus dorsi muscles resemble the folded wings of a large bird, for which they are often called “wings”. They can be inflated both at home and in the gym. Nothing special is required to perform exercises for this muscle group. At home, it is enough to install the crossbar in the free aperture to start training. If there is a turnstile nearby on the site or in the yard, you can engage in it. Similar sports simple shells are in almost every yard.

Working on the latissimus is quite difficult. This requires a lot of perseverance, a lot of strength, as well as a considerable amount of time. It is especially difficult to overcome your own laziness and overcome yourself, since such a barrier to a greater or lesser extent occurs in front of every person. To build wings, you need to exercise regularly for several months. Visible results will be achieved after the first month of systematic training.

Zeal, self-control, discipline - not the only thing that allows you to pump up the volume of the broadest muscles, it is also necessary to increase the amount of food consumed. The daily caloric content of the diet of a person involved in sports is always higher than that of someone who does not exercise. Muscle increases in volume due to the intake of a sufficient amount of protein, which can provide a protein shake. Classes require a lot of energy, the source of which is carbohydrates. Both nutrients must be present on the menu, so you have to eat more and more often.


  • 1 A set of exercises to build wings in the room and at home
    • 1.1 Inclined draft
    • 1.2 One-handed dumbbell pull
    • 1.3 pull-ups on the horizontal bar
    • 1.4 Weight Training
  • 2 Summary

A set of exercises to build wings in the hall and at home

It is not necessary to go to the gym to have well-developed wings. The presence of basic equipment for strength training allows you to perform all the work on pumping the broadest muscles at home. The main thing is to master the technique and systematically perform:

  • tilt rod pull;
  • one-handed dumbbell pull;
  • various types of pull-ups;
  • push-ups on the supports;
  • lifting weights.

For classes it is necessary to have weights, dumbbells, a barbell, a desire to become the owner of outstanding wings, the correct diet, systematic training.

Inclined rod pull

Requires a rod and a set of loads with different weights. Sports equipment, if this is not possible, you can purchase or borrow for a while from one of your friends.

The correct position when performing this exercise assumes that the legs are placed at the same level with the shoulder girdle, slightly bent at the knee joints. The neck is taken from above, that is, with a usual grip - the hands are set a little wider than the shoulders. When the starting position is accepted, take the bar with straight hands and straighten.

Hands completely lowered. With an exhalation, the bar is pulled towards the stomach. Try to raise your elbows as high as possible. They should move in a straight path. They must not be allowed to diverge. The bar must be pulled solely due to the involvement of the shoulder and dorsal muscle groups. Hands should be used to a minimum, that is, to play a supporting role.

Lower the bar on the exhale. The shoulder blades are brought together during lifting, and in the opposite movement - lowering the projectile, on the contrary, they are bred. Weights are selected according to the principle that the body does not swing during all approaches.

To pull the bar correctly, you need to consider a number of important nuances:

  • sag in the lower back should be quite a bit, but not much;
  • torso forward tilt implies the formation of an angle that should not be less than 30 degrees;
  • the head should be kept straight, and the bar should be placed in front of the legs;
  • During each repetition, tension should be felt in the lower back.

Every moment necessarily requires strict control.

One-handed dumbbell pull

The dumbbell is grabbed with a neutral grip so that the palm of your hand is facing the thigh. Finding in relation to the bench depends on which hand holds the dumbbell. If on the right, then they stand on the left, and if on the left, then the athlete becomes on the right side of the bench. The housing is tilted until it forms a parallel with respect to the floor. The back is slightly bent in the lumbar. The working arm with the projectile must be absolutely relaxed.

Proper dumbbell traction involves:

  • upward movement of the dumbbell on the exhale;
  • the maximum possible projectile lift;
  • the inclusion of the (left / right) shoulder when the elbow reaches its level, with the maximum contraction of the wings;
  • a delay of several seconds at the topmost extreme point;
  • smooth lowering the dumbbell to the bottom point, slowly exhaling air.

The procedure is the same for both the left and the right hand. It is not necessary to use dumbbells, if there are none, you can make the load yourself. Sacks filled with sand, ordinary bricks wrapped in a medical bandage are often used as weights.

You can use absolutely any improvised material. The only thing to remember is that it is not recommended to make homemade shells with an overwhelming weight. This is fraught with injuries.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

A classic exercise that is performed by athletes training outside the walls of the gym. Fully mastered pull-up implies that the chest at the time of touching the horizontal bar. It is best to carry out a change of grip. For those who master the exercise, the first time to position their hands should be slightly wider than the shoulder girdle.

Performing regular pull-ups, each week should increase the distance between the hands until it becomes as possible. This is due to the fact that it is the wide grip that allows you to actively work out and pump up the broadest muscles, making the wings truly outstanding.

It is necessary to pull up on the crossbar without any sudden movements, but extremely smoothly. To make the exercise as easy as possible, you should start with a small stretch of the body. To do this, just hang a few seconds on the horizontal bar. Raising the body, in the upper position they are delayed for a couple of seconds, and only then they lower.

To achieve good results in the injection of the broadest spinal muscles, pull-ups with reverse grip also allow when the palms are no longer facing the body, but, on the contrary, towards it. Hands are recommended to be held as wide as possible. The bars in the highest position should be touched either by the shoulders or the back of the head. The head at this moment should start over the crossbar.

Increasing the load allows the use of various weights or the deviation of the body during lifting. The last option involves working with a partner who should help deflect the torso. The angle should not be more than 45 degrees. This technique helps to achieve an excellent result in increasing the volume of the broadest muscles much faster than with conventional pull-ups.

Lifting on the crossbar can also be done horizontally. This pull-up option involves slow execution, since most of the load falls on the shoulders. They rotate at an angle of more than 100 degrees. Beginners should not immediately set themselves a similar goal, since it is not possible to perfectly pull up. For starters, you can limit the elevation angle to 30 degrees. Performing the exercise, it is necessary to strictly control that the arms do not bend all the time, but remain straight.

Kettlebell Workout

A great alternative to exercises with dumbbells and barbells, if these shells are not available. Weights also allow you to work out the wings well and achieve an impressive volume. The basic exercise performed by this projectile resembles a draft of a dumbbell to a belt in an incline. It is made on the basis of a bench or some stable object. The main thing is that its upper surface is at the level of the belt or higher. It can be a curbstone, a table or other furniture.

It is recommended to start exercising with a kettlebell after a good warm-up of the hands and back, since the forearms are involved and tense in the exercises. The hand and weight are lowered and relaxed, and the hand begins to turn left and right. This should be done slowly. Otherwise, there is a high probability of injury or sprain.

The initial position is similar to that which is taken with one-hand tilt dumbbells. Gripping a kettlebell for those who are used to working with a dumbbell will seem completely unusual. Gradually, when the exercise is performed regularly, no difference will already be felt.

The main disadvantage of a weight is that it has a standard weight, that is, it will not work to increase the load per kilogram in the approaches. The most common shells are 8, 16, 32 and 64 kilograms.


Each wing-leveling exercise requires a high concentration, since for the most part it involves lifting large weights. It is necessary to feel your body and the broadest spinal muscles, to be able to recognize incoming signals. Systematic training on the wings will bring significant results in a few months.