Leg reduction in the simulator

Information and breeding hips give beginners to strengthen adductors, abducers and glutes. Mixing involves the leading and strengthens the muscles so that the beginner is ready to perform squats. The simulator can be adjusted so that the range of motion is available to anyone involved. Exercise is undeservedly considered "female." Meanwhile, it is also used in men's training, especially in cases when it is necessary to improve blood circulation for the prevention of prostatitis. The movement is performed after a short warm-up, usually after multi-joint exercises.


  • 1 Technique
  • 2 Recommendations
  • 3 Options
  • 4 Analysis of exercises
    • 4.1 Anatomy - which muscles work
    • 4.2 Preparing for exercise
    • 4.3 Correct execution
    • 4.4 Errors
    • 4.5 Performance Tips
  • 5 Inclusion in the program
  • 6 Contraindications

Execution technique

Starting position

  1. Unlike the breeding that can be performed while standing, this exercise is always done from the starting position while sitting on the simulator, the back is pressed to the back of the machine;
  2. If there is only a machine for mixing and breeding in the hall, you should rearrange the cushion of the simulator so that they look one at the other, and spread the “pedals” to the width that is available to you, and then fix them with the clips;
  3. After that, you need to place the push leg on the pedal of the simulator so that the bend of the knee joint touches the pillow, sit on a bench, and throw the second leg;
  4. Now it’s enough to start bringing your legs together


  1. The back touches the back of the bench so that the position is stable;
  2. Due to the work of the adductor muscles of the thigh, the legs are reduced in front of themselves;
  3. Work goes to touch, in full amplitude;
  4. With exhalation, the legs return to their original position;
  5. The required number of repetitions is performed, it is better to leave the simulator for the rest period to avoid overstretching of muscles and ligaments


  • Thrusts of hips with hands;
  • Fast low-amplitude operation;
  • Not enough complete mixing;
  • Curvature of the back in the chest;
  • Too much deflection in the lumbar;
  • Pelvic displacement forward on a pillow of the exercise machine


  • To give universal advice on the tilt of the back of the simulator does not work. Many people cannot get their legs wide enough if they slightly tilt the body back. The simulators for this exercise have several angles of inclination of the back, so you just need to experiment and find your own;
  • Sharp leg movements in the exercise provoke overloading of ligaments and joints. They can contribute to injury even at minimal weights. It should work smoothly;
  • The exercise is not intended for "power work", the weight should be such that it moves due to the work of the lead. Many customers are confused by the presence of a large number of tiles in the simulator. So, if they are, this does not mean that we must use all of them. Large "results" obtained due to jerking work are fraught with sprain;
  • The position of the back is easiest to fix, resting your back on the back of the simulator, and bringing the shoulder blades;
  • The reduced amplitude can be used only as a methodological technique for experienced athletes, or for those who are injured by the full amplitude of the injury. If we are talking about a person who is simply not enough to spread his legs, he should think about the fact that the movement is more effective in full amplitude. Shortened work after basic repetitions and approaches are completed in full;
  • The extreme point of concentric contraction here is the position with the knees flattened, and not the stretched position, as many mistakenly think because of the slight discomfort in the stretched muscles. Therefore, you need to stay with your knees down, and not with your divorced.

Execution Options

There are only two full-fledged variations:

  • Mixing legs in a crossover while lying on your back . Cables with the help of cuffs are fixed on the legs, from the position of the legs are brought together and parted to a comfortable depth. But unlike the work in the simulator, the press and the sole sole are included here a little more;
  • Mixing the legs while sitting with weights and feet, laid on a slippery support . This option is sometimes practiced with fixing the knees with rubber shock absorbers and stretching in different directions. The option is intended for those who practice rehabilitation training.

The reduction in the simulator for reduced amplitude is used after completing the main approach in full amplitude for the so-called finishing, but not as a full-fledged alternative to the exercise.

Parsing exercise

Anatomy - which muscles work

Only the adductor thigh muscle works here. This movement is intended to strengthen it. We are so arranged that when walking, household squats and standing up we use it minimally. Therefore, after skating, bicycling, or running, it hurts many people to have a leading one. Its adequate development is the key to the health of the knee and hip joints. Many people can’t even do squats without weight without bringing their knees in, “X”. This indicates both low mobility of the hip, and the fact that adductors are not developed.

Often this movement is considered an “exercise for thin legs” and they try to do some wild number of repetitions in the simulator “burning through thick legs”. It doesn’t work like that, any movement just strengthens the muscle, but doesn’t “burn fat” and does not “make legs thinner”. Yes, in a novice woman, the volume of her hips may decrease due to the fact that the muscles become toned, but this does not make the movement an "exercise for losing weight."

For this reason, all kinds of variations on the topic of reducing legs in a slider as cardio, or performing a lot of information lying on your back “for weight loss” do not make much sense.

The most part of the load is assumed by the comb, long, large and thin muscles of the thigh, which are commonly called “adducing hips”. For stabilization, abdominal muscles are used.

Exercise Preparation

It is commonly believed that it is necessary to statically stretch before this movement, since the work efficiency depends on the amplitude of the movement. In fact, significant problems with amplitude are experienced by those whose anatomical structure of the hip joint does not allow to spread their legs wide.

Therefore, preparation for the exercise should include not so much static stretching as the joint warm-up with an emphasis on hip joints. This exercise rarely comes first in leg training, so the main complex of joint exercises is performed at the beginning of the workout, and not before the information.

In any case, 1 or even 2 approaches with a small weight are needed in order to adapt to the amplitude of movement and begin to perform the exercise qualitatively.

Correct execution

  • Body position monitoring is advisable to begin with the position of the back. The shoulder blades should not go to the armpits, the trapezoid should not go up;
  • Then you should check the pelvis - both buttocks are pressed to the bench, you should not tear them from the working surface or change the angle, as if "leaning" on one side;
  • The external sides of the bends of the knee joints are pressed to the pillows of the simulator;
  • The heels are fully supported by the supports, “hang” only if the legs are rigidly fixed, but the design of the simulator does not allow you to stand on a full foot;
  • It is important to work smoothly, making a slow exhale on the reduction of the legs, and then return to its original position;
  • During training, this exercise should not take the place of the main one, if the person is not injured, and performed in the "cardio" mode for many repetitions in any case, since both of these options will not allow the athlete to recover sufficiently.


  • The use of inertia;
  • Jerks across the entire amplitude;
  • Too fast work;
  • Breath holding;
  • Breeding the hips to the widest amplitude through pain;
  • Any back movements during exercise

Performance Tips

  • Hip development will be better if you perform the movement exclusively with target muscles, and not due to inertia;
  • In a training session with information, you can include traction in the style of "sumo" or squats with a wide enough breeding of the knees to engage leading in the format of multi-joint exercises;
  • Exercise should start with minimal weights, as for most people, the musculoskeletal system does not work much in everyday life and sports;
  • If the goal is to correct technical errors in the squat, you should perform the exercise immediately after a ride, without waiting for the end of the training

Program Inclusion

This is a one-joint movement, even though we are sitting with bent knees. For an uninjured person, it is included in the program after multi-joint work on the legs, for example, in a squat or bench press with legs. You should be careful about the load, and do not set such a weight that the athlete can not lift more than 10-12 times.

Exercise can be performed several times a week, and meet the plan every day with a squat, if the goal is to strengthen the muscles leading to the thigh to correct technical imperfections in the squat.


It is not recommended for injuries to the hip joints, including inflammation, which are pursuing athletes who have recently switched to a wider setting of feet in squats and traction. It is not recommended for injuries leading up to the onset of the phase of the rehabilitation period in which it is already possible to perform strength exercises.

With osteochondrosis and hernias of the lumbar spine should be performed with caution. Any “twisting the back” efforts should be excluded.